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Tattoo Infections

Top Rated Tattoo Infection Injury Attorneys

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and is Dedicated to Representing Individuals Who Have Sustained Tattoo Infection Injuries.

Tattoo Infection InjuryAccording to a report published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 10-20% of adults around the world have tattoos. With more and more adults looking to ink their skin with meaningful or dramatic images, instances of bacterial infection have also increased. Over a 30 year period, there were more than 60 reported instances of infection as a result of the tattooing process. Tattoo infections can range from moderate to severe, but if left untreated, the health risks are potentially life-altering.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has been operating throughout Buffalo, New York, for over a decade. In that period, it has represented countless personal injury victims. If you seek a team of dedicated, hardworking, and skilled lawyers to represent you, the Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., is your top choice. For more information on how we might best represent you, call us today at 716-839-3939 or visit us online.

A Brief History of Tattoos

It has become increasingly common to see individuals with tattoos. As with piercings, stylish haircuts, and modish clothes, tattoos are a means of self-expression. This trend is hardly new, however. The practice of tattooing has been a part of various human cultures for centuries. From the early Egyptians in 2000 B.C., who had tattoos possibly intended as protective symbols, to the tattoos used to mark slaves of Greek and Roman culture, the practice of permanently marking the flesh with ink has been as diverse in meaning as their designs. In the modern-day, particularly in the United States, tattoos are chiefly a means of self-expression, but in other parts of the world, such as Africa and New Zealand, they are associated with ancient cultural practices. A researcher for the Smithsonian stated that the significance of tattoos across history varies, in some instances acting as protective symbols, and in others as “a means of marking people out into appropriate social, political, or religious groups.”

Determined and disciplined, Jed Dietrich, Esq. believes that in a personal injury claim, the client’s needs should come first. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our lawyers are highly educated and experienced, and your best resource when it comes to determining the steps to take in a tattoo infection case. We can be reached twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week at 716-839-3939 or by contacting us online, and we are ready to assist you in the best possible way.

Common Tattoo Infections and Warning Signs

Common Tattoo InfectionsIt might not look like it, but a tattoo is, in fact, an open wound. During the tattooing process, the needle repeatedly breaks and damages the skin, and as a result, some time is needed for that injury to heal. While the wound is healing, infections can sometimes develop in the area, particularly if the wound is not regularly and properly cleaned. Infections and other issues from tattoos can include:

  1. Infections of the skin on account of a poorly healing wound;
  2. Allergic reactions to the tattoo ink, which can lead to rashes and hives. In some stances, the body can react to ink sometimes years after the tattoo heals;
  3. Skin problems caused by the ink can lead to scar tissue or inflammation of the area; and
  4. If improperly cleaned, the tattoo needles can pass blood-borne diseases from one body to another.

The most basic symptoms of an infection in the body include swelling, a red tinge to the skin accompanied by heat, and discharge in the form of pus. More severe infections, such as allergic reactions, can appear as hive-like rashes or bumps on the skin. Another type of infection, known as pseudomonas, is a bacterial infection that can appear on the feet. Pseudomonas can develop if an individual wears socks or shoes that are sweaty or if an individual is prone to athlete’s foot.

A tattoo infection can sometimes lead to serious long-term effects. Jed Dietrich, Esq. is recognized as a New York Super Lawyer and is adept at tackling personal injury cases on behalf of his clients. If you, or a loved one, sustained a tattoo infection or tattoo infection-related accident in the Buffalo, New York area, contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. now at 716-839-3939 or contact us online for your free consultation.

Avoiding Infection

There are two ways to ensure that a new tattoo does not lead to an infection. The first is to verify that a tattoo establishment is legitimate and reputable. A tattoo artist is required to have a license to operate a tattoo parlor and should be able to show that license upon request. Any equipment should be sterilized or else come from sealed packages for each customer, and the artist should wear gloves while working. For more information on the tattoo parlor regulations for New York State, visit the Department of Health website’s page on Tattooing and Body Piercing.

The second way to avoid a tattoo infection is to monitor the tattoo’s healing process as closely as possible. Keep the area clean and moisturized, avoid exposure to sunlight and water, and don’t wear clothing that might adhere to the tattoo and rip the skin. Most importantly, allow tattoos to heal for at least two weeks without picking at scabs. Peeling off scabs can lead to infection and even scarring.



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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