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Cervical Cancer

Jed Dietrich, Esq. is Dedicated to Representing Individuals Who Have Sustained Personal Injuries.

Cancer ribbon Every year, between 12,000 and 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Historically one of the greatest causes of cancer-related deaths in women, cervical cancer has become less deadly in recent years due to developments in early detection methods. In the 1920s, the Greek physician George Papanicolaou developed a test capable of detecting cancerous cells in the vaginal secretions of the human body. The Pap test, or Pap smear as it is more commonly known today, allowed for cervical cancer to be detected in the early stages of development. In the past thirty-five years, the number of confirmed cervical cancer cases in the United States has dropped 54%. Despite this downward trend, cervical cancer is still a prevalent disease.

A cervical cancer diagnosis can be a frightening and life-changing event. At the Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., our team of dedicated and hardworking attorneys is ready to assist you by representing you in your case today. Call our offices at 716-839-3939 or contact us online to receive a free consultation – our clients are never charged until we have obtained a win on their behalf. You do not need to fight alone.

An Overview Of Cervical Cancer

Cancer occurs when cells fail to go through their usual cycle of growth and death. Instead of dying, cells continue to grow and eventually mutate into cancer cells. Cervical cancer develops in the cervix, the part of the female genital organs that connects the uterus to the vaginal canal. As with most cancers, there are rarely indications of this disease at an early stage. When cervical cancer reaches advanced stages of development, symptoms begin to appear, usually in the form of pain in the pelvis area, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal bleeding, and a bad-smelling discharge from the vagina.

Cervical cancer can be one of several types, each requiring different forms of treatment. The most common form of cervical cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. Occurring in the exocervix – the outermost part of the cervix – it appears in 9 out of 10 cervical cancer cases. Adenocarcinomas grow in the endocervix, or the inner part of the cervix, in the glands. In rare cases, patients can develop mixed carcinomas. In these instances, the body develops both types of cervical cancer at the same time. Women that are 30-years-old and older are most at risk for developing this type of cancer, as are women with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has been operating throughout Buffalo, New York, for over a decade. In that period, it has represented countless personal injury victims. If you seek a team of dedicated, hardworking, and skilled lawyers to represent you, the Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., is your top choice. For more information on how we might best represent you, call us today at 716-839-3939 or visit us online.

The Role Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Cervical cancerA sexually transmitted disease (STD) can increase an individual’s chances of developing cancer in the sexual organs, the anus, the throat, the tongue, or the tonsils. As the name suggests, STDs are passed through sexual intercourse, and for most types of STDs, there are no known cures. In cases of cervical cancer, the most common sexually transmitted disease is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Affecting roughly 79 million Americans every year, HPV spreads very easily and often displays no symptoms, a characteristic that makes the disease difficult to diagnose. HPV is spread through sexual intercourse. While the Centers for Disease Control recommends practicing safe sex and using a condom in order to prevent the spread of STDs, the disease can still be passed through accidental contact with unprotected sexual organs. While it does increase an individual’s chances of developing cervical cancer or other types of cancer, having HPV does not guarantee that cervical cancer will develop.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. knows that the safety of you and your loved ones is a top priority. It is his mission to ensure that you receive proper representation in your cervical cancer claim and that you obtain the highest compensation possible for your injury. The team of Buffalo, New York personal injury attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and can be reached at 716-839-3939 or online.

Prevention And Resources

Cancer is an unpredictable and frightening disease, and while there is no guarantee that cervical cancer can be prevented, there are steps that can be taken to decrease the chances that it will develop. These preventative steps include the following:

  1. Get Vaccinated: Sexually transmitted diseases increase an individual’s likelihood of developing cancer, as well as catching other STDs. The HPV vaccine is currently the best protection against developing this disease;
  2. Visit A Gynecologist: Annual visits to a gynecologist or OB/GYN can help to catch cancers and diseases early on. It is recommended that women 21-years and older visit an OB/GYN at least once a year. Pap smears can often reveal the presence of HPV, even when no symptoms are present;
  3. Be Safe: A high number of sexual partners and having sex at a young age are both risk factors for developing HPV. Using a condom during sex and keeping the number of sexual partners to a minimum are recommended practices; and
  4. Avoid Smoking: Squamous cell type cervical cancer has been linked to a history of smoking. It is recommended that individuals either avoid or stop smoking in order to prevent the development of cancers in the body.

For more information on cervical cancer, its causes, and treatment, visit the American Cancer Society’s webpage on cervical cancer. To learn about the latest developments in cervical cancer research, including HPV vaccines and immunotherapy, see the following link to the American Cancer Society’s research page.



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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