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Failure To Yield While Turning Right On Red In Buffalo, New York

Jed Dietrich, Esq., Commended as a New York Super Lawyer, and His Team of Aggressive, Tenacious, and Hardworking Lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Applauded as an American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys 10 Best Personal Injury Law Firm, Aggressively Litigates Lawsuits to Secure Unsurpassed Results for Victims of Car Collisions in Buffalo, New York.

Failure to Yield While Turning Right on RedAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 40% of all car accidents occur at intersections. One of the reasons crashes at intersections occur so frequently is because drivers fail to observe the right of way rules. While inexperienced motorists may be unsure whether or not they should yield for other vehicles, other drivers are simply careless. Yielding is one of the basic concepts instilled in new drivers, and for a very good reason. Whenever there is a stop sign or red light, motorists have a legal obligation to bring their vehicles to a complete stop before proceeding. This also includes yielding and allowing other cars that have the right of way to pass safely before turning. As a general rule, if another vehicle is entering the intersection while you are attempting to turn right on red, that driver has the right of way. Failing to yield the right of way can result in devastating car crashes.

Data from the U.S. Department of Transportation indicates that in a single recent year, there were over 10,100 traffic fatalities involving intersections. If you, or a loved one, were severely injured in an accident caused by another driver’s failure to yield before turning right on red, you owe it to yourself to consult with a highly experienced personal injury attorney. The elite lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. have a long history of obtaining justice for car accident victims. Our battle-tested team has assisted numerous clients, and their families get back on their feet following terrible accidents. Jed Dietrich, Esq., renowned as an American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year, has exclusively litigated serious personal injury lawsuits, including countless car collisions.

Over the years, our veteran lawyers have acquired the expertise and skills essential for investigating claims and demanding the highest conceivable monetary compensation. For over two decades, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has effectively fought to obtain more than $175 Million in judgments and settlements for victims who were injured in Buffalo, New York, and beyond. Our incredible devotion to top your expectations and provide an extraordinary result is what differentiates us from other personal injury law firms. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned team provides free case reviews and consultations. It would be our pleasure to talk about your potential claim in further detail. Our concerned attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 716-839-3939, or by filling out the online consultation form

Common Causes Of Failure To Yield Right On Red Crashes

Common Causes Of Failure To Yield Right On Red CrashesMany different factors can contribute to a failure to yield at a red light while making a right-hand turn accident, including the following:

  1. Driving While Distracted: It is not uncommon for distracted drivers to fail to yield before turning right. When motorists are texting, talking on a phone, eating, dealing with children, daydreaming, or even changing the music, their attention is not focused on the road. Those not paying attention are more likely not to notice oncoming red lights.
  2. Failure to Notice Other Cars: Drivers commonly make turns without seeing approaching vehicles. This may be caused by the driver’s failure to look carefully or various other elements such as poor lighting, lack of visibility, and bad vision. In some instances, large vehicles driving through the intersection can obstruct a driver’s ability to see other vehicles. This can give drivers a false impression that it is safe to proceed.
  3. Irresponsible Driving: Running red lights, speeding, accelerating as lights are changing, or falsely assuming the right of way are all types of negligent driving. These careless behaviors significantly increase the risk of failing to yield and causing an accident.
  4. Driving Under the Influence: The likelihood of a motorist yielding on red while driving impaired is considerably lower. Using illegal drugs, drinking alcohol, or even taking prescription medication places others on the road in danger. These substances can greatly impact a driver’s perception, reaction times, awareness of surroundings, and overall vision.



Successfully Avoiding Red Light Accidents

Although there is no guarantee that other drivers will stop before turning right on red, there are several important measures that you can take to decrease the risk of falling victim to an accident. Our highly experienced attorneys suggest taking the following steps:

  1. Always Drive at a Reasonable Speed: If you usually speed, you may not be able to stop when another driver runs a red light. Always try to drive at a safe speed for the given road conditions. Make an effort to give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination safely.
  2. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings: Whenever you are driving through an intersection, double-check to see if any cars are about to make right-hand turns. If a driver does not seem like he or she will stop, slow down until you pass the traffic light.
  3. Pause After the Light Turns Green: Oftentimes, other drivers fail to yield because they are trying to beat red lights. To avoid this, count to 3 and take a vigilant look to ensure that the intersection is clear before stepping on the gas.
  4. Stay Noticeable: Never assume that other motorists see you. Always try to make eye contact with other drivers before driving through an intersection. Turn on your headlights while driving during the early morning and evening.

Just because someone is a lawyer does not mean that they are qualified to bring your car accident case to court. After your collision, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. will assertively fight to protect your legal rights during the entire litigation process. We appreciate that even minor damages can have overwhelming consequences on victims. The combination of severe physical and psychological pain can be extremely discouraging. Our battle-tested team, proudly identified by Expertise LLC as Best Car Accident Lawyers in Buffalo, New York, understands how to appropriately and aggressively pursue your car accident claim. Practicing law the Dietrich way, we are determined, disciplined, and dedicated to obtaining the highest possible compensation for all of your damages. Call Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his veteran team of failure to yield on red car crash attorneys today at 716-839-3939 so that we can help you!

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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