Negligent Road Design Car Accidents In Buffalo, New York
Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Team of Aggressive, Tenacious, and Hardworking Negligent Road Design Lawyers Will Fight to Obtain the Best Result After Your Accident.

A recent Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) article indicates that New York State ranked 6 out of 10 on the list of states with the most crumbling infrastructure. In 2017, 60% of New York State’s roads were in mediocre or poor condition, and 11 % of its bridges were deficient. These statistics provide a clear explanation for the frequency of motor vehicle accidents in Western New York and throughout New York State. Negligent road design is an issue that seldomly comes to mind when trying to determine the reason for the frequency of car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents,
bicycle accidents
and, pothole accidents that occur on Buffalo, New York’s roads.If you, or a loved one, were injured in an accident because of negligent road design, you want the best personal injury attorney in Buffalo, New York, to represent you. Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his top rated team of Buffalo, New York negligent road design accident lawyers have received $175,000,000.00 in verdicts and settlements on behalf of their clients. We will battle to obtain the best possible result for YOU!
What Is Negligent Road Design?
Negligent road design occurs when there is a defect or flaw in the design of the road that makes it unsafe for drivers and pedestrians to assume normal driving and walking activities. Negligent road design consists of substandard road and street conditions that include:
- Inadequate street lighting;
- Non-functioning traffic lights and signals;
- Improper use of signage such as yield signs; and
- Lack of drainage to prevent road flooding.
According to the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), America’s roads are described as overcrowded and underfunded, . These roads are becoming more and more dangerous. For several years, the United States has been consistently receiving a grade of D for its road infrastructure. In fact, 1 out of every 5 miles of highway pavement is in poor condition, and the roads have an increasing backlog of rehabilitation needs.
If you suffered a personal injury as the result of negligent road design in Buffalo, New York; Rochester, New York; Niagara Falls, New York, or beyond, you want the best personal injury lawyer to fight for the compensation that you deserve. Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his team of highly experienced and trustworthy attorneys will fight for you! Contact us today at 716-839-3939.
Who Is Liable For Negligent Road Design?Negligent road design is a complex area of litigation that may involve several parties. Depending upon the situation, the determination of liability for negligent road design can be difficult to prove. This is why it is best to consult with an experienced Buffalo, New York negligent road design lawyer to hold the responsible party liable for negligently designed road.
When an injury, property damage, or death occurs as a result of negligent road design in Buffalo, New York, any of the following governmental entities can be held responsible:
- New York State;
- The City of Buffalo; and
- Erie County.
Government entities should keep the roads and streets within their jurisdiction safe. The responsibility of maintaining the roadways can fall on any of the above-mentioned entities. The owner of the road has a duty to design the streets safely and properly maintain them in order to ensure the safety of their community.
You want the best personal injury attorney in Buffalo, New York, if you, or a loved one, were injured because of negligent road design. Jed Dietrich, Esq., a highly experienced and trustworthy attorney who has been recognized as a Best Lawyer of America, proudly leads the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Our team of accomplished Buffalo, New York negligent road design lawyers will fight for the best result if you were injured because of someone else’s negligence. Call 716-839-3939 today for your free consultation.
How To Hold A Governmental Entity Liable For Negligent Road DesignUnder New York law, a victim who suffers personal injuries because of negligent road design is entitled to pursue compensation. The procedure necessary to file a personal injury claim or lawsuit against the government is considerably different from filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit against an individual or insurance company. For a victim to recover compensation for injuries suffered, the following may need to be obtained:
- Information concerning the governmental entity that was responsible for the road.
- Evidence that the entity had prior notice regarding the negligent road condition and had sufficient time to make repairs. Written complaints are great forms of evidence.
- Proof that the negligent road design resulted in a personal injury in Buffalo, New York, or other parts of New York State.
The 2019 Dangerous by Design report by Smart Growth America shows that roadways and streets are not getting safer, especially for pedestrians. Pedestrian fatalities have been increasing because of poor road design. The years 2016 and 2017 were the deadliest years for pedestrians since 1990. Studies show that between 2008 to 2017:
- Pedestrian deaths increased by 35.4%;
- Vehicle miles traveled increased by 8.1%; and
- Walking increased by 1%.
Smart Growth America states that these statistics are occurring because the design of streets and roadways have not changed and are dangerous for everyone. If you or a loved one sustain an injury due to negligent road design, you don’t want to file a lawsuit on your own. You need the best negligent road design attorney in Buffalo, New York. Call Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his top rated team of Buffalo, New York reckless driving accident lawyers at 716-839-3939.
Identifying Negligent Road Design
Many people blame other drivers for accidents on the road when a poorly designed road is really to blame. It is important to be aware of what negligent road design looks like. This way, the road or street can be avoided and reported to the city for repair. There are many ways in which a road design can be negligent or poorly created. Besides the poor road conditions noted above, the following can also aid in identifying poor road design:
- Blind curbs;
- Short exit ramps;
- Roads with narrow shoulders or no shoulders;
- Lack of medians and barriers;
- No guardrails;
- Bad intersection with a history of crashes;
- Previously marked lanes which are now fading; and
- Narrow bridge design.
These represent examples of poor road designs, which are more common than you may realize. Unfortunately, according to an article by Scientific American, low-income areas are more prone to poor road design because of the many intersections that carry high traffic volumes at high speeds.
If you’re a victim of negligent road design, don’t file your lawsuit alone. You need an experienced and knowledgeable negligent road design attorney in Buffalo, New York. Call 716-839-3939 for a free consultation with Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his top rated team at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. We can be reached 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, to discuss your negligent road design accident.
Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!