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Fractured Sternum Car Accidents In Buffalo, New York

Fractured Sternum Car Accident Attorneys Of Buffalo, New York

With Over 20 Years of Experience as a Personal Injury Attorney Jed Dietrich, Esq. is Prepared to Represent Individuals in Buffalo, New York, Who Have Been Injured as a Result of a Fractured Sternum Car Accident.

Fractured Sternum AdultsIn the United States, 60% to 90% of all reported cases of sternum fractures are a direct result of a motor vehicle accident. According to a report from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, sternum fractures:

  1. Are more common in older adults;
  2. Rarely occur in younger individuals;
  3. Have tripled in the United States due to seatbelt usage; and
  4. Occur more frequently in females than males.

Sternum fractures have an extremely low chance of fatality in patients. In cases where there are no additional injuries aside from the sternum fracture, the mortality rate is only 0.7%. Fractures with multiple injuries have a mortality rate between 25% and 45%.

We all want to keep our loved ones safe from harm, but sometimes car accidents are outside of our control, and life-changing injury results. When that happens, the last thing we want is to worry about what action steps we need to take in the event of a car accident. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our team of experienced Buffalo, New York car accident injury attorneys is more than capable of assisting you every step of the way. Allow us to represent you in your case – you do not have to fight alone. Call today at 716-839-3939 or visit us online to begin the process.

What is a Sternum Fracture?

The sternum is a part of the human skeletal system. Sometimes known as the breastbone, the sternum is a broad bone that sits in the middle of the chest and provides support and protection to the heart, lungs, and other organs. It is also a connective point for the collarbones and ribs that together form the human ribcage.

Because muscle, tissue, and the ribs are all connected to the sternum, it is sometimes uncertain whether the sternum is truly broken or only bruised as a result of trauma. If the surrounding soft tissue is bruised by an exterior blow, the pain generated by that bruise could be mistaken for a sternal fracture. A bruised sternum will produce the same symptoms as an average bruise. This includes purple or red discoloration on the skin, swelling, and tenderness around the area. The only way to truly determine whether the sternum is bruised as opposed to fractured is through a chest X-ray, which is commonly administered at a hospital following a motor vehicle accident or similar trauma-inducing incident.

For over twenty years, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has successfully represented individuals in car accident cases throughout the Western New York area. Today, he is regarded to be a Best Lawyer of America and has obtained at least $1,000,000 or more 38 times to compensate his clients for their injuries. To receive your free consultation, call us now at 716-839-3939 or contact us online. Our team is available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.

What Causes Sternum Fractures?

Airbag - Sternum FractureMost sternum fractures are caused by blunt anterior chest trauma. This occurs when the front of the chest suffers from a direct impact, such as a blow from a fall, a collision while playing sports, or most commonly as a result of a car accident. The striking force of the chest hitting a steering wheel, airbag or seatbelt can bruise or crack the sternum.

These types of injures are classified as deceleration injuries, meaning that the body slams into a moving object that has abruptly halted. The sudden stop when a car brakes, for example, could cause the body to hit the steering wheel with enough force to cause injury. Sternum fractures can occur to any occupants in a motor vehicle at the time of the sudden stop. In situations where a pedestrian is struck by a car, sternum fractures can also result from the impact of hitting the pavement or slamming against the motor vehicle.

In the past twenty years, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has successfully represented countless clients in serious personal injury cases in the Buffalo, New York area. Most recently, a $2,400,000 settlement for a man fatally injured by a school bus. Our top priority is ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome for your Buffalo, New York car accident case. Call us now at 716-839-3939 or visit us online to receive your free consultation. You will never be charged a fee until we secure a win!

Treatment and Recovery

Most sternum fractures heal within 10 weeks and without the need for surgery. In most cases, rest and pain medication is sufficient to aid in the healing process, and the same is true in instances where the area around the sternum was merely bruised. Only in severe cases will surgery be necessary to reset a broken breastbone.

During the recovery process, most patients experience chest pain, particularly when coughing or drawing deep breaths. This is because the sternum is directly attached to the lungs, and when the lungs fill with air, the sternum moves and sends pain signals to the brain. Rest is highly recommended, as is the avoidance of any strenuous activities that will aggravate the healing process, such as sports, running, swimming, bicycling, or heavy lifting.

There is a potential risk that a chest infection might develop during the healing process. Warning signs for chest infection include fever, shortness of breath, and coughing up phlegm. In some instances, a fractured sternum might have bruised the underlying organs, and this can lead to more severe infections down the road. It is recommended to watch for any worsening of symptoms or pain throughout the sternum fracture healing process so as to catch any infections as early as possible.



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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