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Instacart Delivery Person Dog Bite Accidents In New York State

At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Our Top Rated Lawyers in Buffalo, New York Will Work to Obtain Satisfaction for Individuals Who Have Been Injured as a Result of Dog Bite Accidents.

Delivery Person

Food delivery rates have skyrocketed in the past year as more and more individuals take advantage of home delivery services to have their groceries and meals brought to them. In 2020, Instacart, a popular home delivery service, recently saw the number of individuals downloading their app increase by an astounding 218% over the span of a month. As a result, they have hired thousands of new employees to fulfill the increase in demand.

The United States sees upwards of 4.5 million dog bite incidents every year. That amounts to one dog bite victim for every seventy individuals. A dog bite is often unpredictable, as dogs have been known to attack seemingly without provocation. However, for individuals such as Instacart shoppers, whose job requires them to visit unfamiliar homes and neighborhoods, the risk of a dog attack is unfortunately high.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has been helping accident victims throughout Buffalo, New York, for over a decade. In that time, it has championed countless personal injury claims. If you are looking for a team of dedicated, hardworking, and skilled lawyers to represent you, the Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., is your top choice. For more information on how we might best represent you, call us today for your free consultation at 716-839-3939 or contact us online.

What Is Instacart? Delivery Person - Dog Bite

Instacart first opened its doors in 2012. One of the many food delivery services currently operating throughout the United States, Instacart distinguished itself by providing a reliable grocery delivery system throughout America and Canada. Over 200,000 frequent shoppers take advantage of the Instacart app and website, and 1 in 5 households complete their grocery shopping through this delivery service every day. With more and more shoppers taking advantage of the convenience of Instacart home deliveries, the demand for employees to fill and deliver those orders is higher than ever.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. knows the often-calamitous effects of personal injury. For over twenty years, he has represented dozens of clients in personal injury cases and is more than capable of representing you in your dog bite accident claim. Call us today at 716-839-3939 or contact us online to receive a free consultation – you will not be charged until we secure a win!

Liability In The Event Of A Dog Attack

A dog might be provoked to attack someone for any number of reasons. In some instances, a dog might become overexcited while playing and accidentally bite or nip. In others, an attack is caused when a dog perceives an individual to be threatening or, in some way, dangerous. If a dog attacks, bites, or otherwise harms another individual, liability resides with the owner. A dog owner may be required to appear in court and pay legal damages if an injured party chooses to press charges.

Sometimes a dog bite is easily preventable, such as when the owner is aware of aggressive tendencies in their pet but neglects to properly leash or contain their dog. In New York State, it is illegal for a dog to be unleashed while in a public place. Owners are required to leash their dogs whenever they are in an open or unfenced area or in areas that are open to the public. Violation of the dog leash law can result in a hefty fine.



Dog Restraint Systems

In this age of abundance, pet owners enjoy a wealth of choice when it comes to restraint systems for their pets. Collars, leashes, electric fences, and harnesses are just a few of the products currently available. The following are a few of the top recommended pet restraint systems currently on the market:

  1. According to The Strategist, a good leash is made of reliable material, with strong hooks or latches to ensure that a pet does not break free of their owner’s control. Their article on the best dog leashes includes leashes and harnesses suited to all types of dogs and situations, from dogs that like to pull and chew to city walkers and runners, and even for owners who want to be extra safe when walking their pet at night.
  2. Business Insider assembled a list of the best dog collars on the market, from the most ecofriendly to the most economical. The article made a point of mentioning that the purpose of a dog collar “is not to walk your dog but to keep them safe.” This can be extended to keeping others safe as well, as a collar is a means of controlling a dog and is sometimes the best means of preventing an animal attack.
  3. Another useful restraint system for a pet owner is the installation of an electric fence. An electric fence is an easy way to ensure that a dog remains within the confines of its own yard. Pet Life Today reviewed and ranked the top-rated electric fences on the market.

Determined and disciplined, Jed Dietrich, Esq. believes that in a personal injury claim, the client’s needs should come first. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our lawyers are highly educated and experienced, and your best resource when it comes to determining the steps to take in the event of a dog attack-related incident. We can be reached twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week at 716-839-3939 and are ready to assist you in the best possible way.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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