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Highway Safety Expert

Types Of Expert Witnesses In A Personal Injury Case: Highway Safety Experts 

Jed Dietrich, Esq., One of the Top 3 Personal Injury Lawyers in Buffalo 2020 as Named by Three Best Rated, and His Elite Team of Personal Injury Lawyers and Paralegals at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Fight to Obtain the Best Result for People Who Suffered Severe Injuries Caused by Highway Accidents in New York State.

Trailer truck accident The causes of highway accidents are not always completely clear. In most car accidents, it can be difficult to develop comprehensive case evaluations without applying specialized scientific knowledge. Just like most accident victims can greatly benefit from the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer to guide them through their case, oftentimes highway safety experts are required to guide jury members in understanding complex issues surrounding highway accidents. In many cases, both the plaintiff and defense lawyers will employ expert witnesses to carefully explain and clarify pertinent matters that jury members might have difficulty understanding. Highway safety experts use a combination of their vast knowledge and superior communication skills to simplify highly technical matters. Further, expert witnesses commonly testify as to certain elements of a plaintiff’s claim.

Meticulous accident investigations are typically performed to determine the cause of an accident and who or what was at fault. Driver error may seem like it caused an accident when in actuality it was caused by a highway defect. Experts evaluate the functionality and design of highways and all relevant factors to gauge whether the crash was due to a driver’s miscalculation or oversight in the highway design. Highway safety experts often perform various analyses to identify contributing factors and safety issues that led to an accident. Highway safety experts may take into consideration particular circumstances such as work zones, visibility, lighting, construction safety, highway drainage, vehicle dynamics and guardrails.

If you, or a loved one, were seriously injured in a highway accident caused by another’s negligence, Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his team of highway accident injury attorneys in Buffalo, New York are here for you. We are determined, disciplined and dedicated to obtaining the best possible results for those suffering injuries in Buffalo, Rochester, Niagara Falls and throughout New York State. After being involved in a highway accident, victims may suffer from life-altering injuries that make it impossible to return to work. Victims of highway accidents may be eligible for monetary compensation for past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and future losses through a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party. Time and time again, former clients of the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. have said that Jed Dietrich, Esq. is the best personal injury lawyer in Buffalo, New York. View our Google 5 Star rating and our clients’ testimonials by clicking here.

Training Of Highway Safety Expert Witnesses

Highway safety expert witnesses often have decades of experience and are extremely well established within the traffic safety industry. Highway safety expert witnesses typically have a strong combination of education, on-the-job training and experience in investigating, reconstructing and analyzing traffic accidents. Expert witnesses need to provide reliable, clear and concise theories and answers in court. Having an expert witness that is both knowledgeable and well-respected can help increase their credibility. Highway safety experts may have some of the following training, education or experience:

  1. Master of Science degree in engineering, physics or other related degrees;
  2. Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR);
  3. Vast experience testifying at depositions, mediations, trials and arbitrations;
  4. Training regarding human factors, occupant kinematics, biomechanics and occupant dynamics;
  5. Involvement in writing numerous published articles related to traffic safety;
  6. Experience investigating and examining hundreds of different collisions;
  7. Expertise and consulting experience related to transportation and traffic safety;
  8. Extensive knowledge on NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law; and
  9. Other highly specialized training courses.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. recently earned recognition from Expertise LLC as Best Car Accident Lawyers in Buffalo 2019. Practicing law the Dietrich way, we are: determined, disciplined and dedicated to your cause. The Buffalo, New York highway accident injury lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. understand how to properly and aggressively pursue highway accident injury claims. We will zealously fight to obtain the best possible result for your highway accident case. Call us today at 716-839-3939 to schedule your free case consultation, and put our experience to work for you.

Ways A Highway Safety Expert Witness Can Benefit Your Case

Crime scene Highway safety expert witness opinions provide decisive answers to questions regarding all different types of highway accidents, from low impact bumper-to-bumper accidents to massive multi-vehicle pile-ups. Even in cases where expert testimony is not required, these specialists can still be extremely beneficial in providing testimony and verifying facts. The defense team will most likely employ their expert highway safety witnesses, especially in cases involving issues unfamiliar or unknown to the general public. Expert witnesses hired by your personal injury lawyer can offer counterclaims to the defense team’s expert witnesses.

These specialists conduct on-scene independent accident investigations and assessments to acquire and consider all relevant evidence. As such, highway safety experts often uncover crucial facts that others would miss. Experts apply the laws of science and physics with a combination of biomechanics, human factors and engineering principles to create high quality scientifically based accident reconstructions, which can assist jury members in understanding what led to an accident or how an accident happened. Expert witnesses may be beneficial in providing their opinions concerning highway and traffic safety issues such as:

  1. How and why an accident happened;
  2. Crash testing;
  3. Crash data retrieval;
  4. Guard rails;
  5. Traffic signals and signs, such as detour signs;
  6. Highway design standards;
  7. Highway specifications and guidelines;
  8. Various pavements and materials, such as concrete and asphalt;
  9. Surface conditions, such as skid resistance, friction and rumble strips;
  10. Roadside hazards;
  11. Highway engineering;
  12. Highway construction, including quality assurance and control;
  13. Highway maintenance and repairs;
  14. Highway conditions, such as during a rainstorm or in winter weather; and
  15. Traffic regulations and standards.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. has exclusively handled serious personal injury cases throughout the United States since 1999 and founded the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. in 2005 with a mission to provide the highest level of personal injury service to the people of Buffalo, New York and beyond. Our very experienced, aggressive, tenacious and hardworking team of highway accident injury attorneys in Buffalo, New York will fight to obtain the best result for your injuries. Insurance companies have paid Jed Dietrich, Esq. in excess of $175 million to resolve injury claims. Our team is available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week at 716-839-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form. Call us today to get started on your claim.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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