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Dropped Patient Wrongful Death Accidents In Buffalo, New York

Elite Dropped Patient Wrongful Death Attorneys In Buffalo, New York

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Top Rated Team of Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Highly Praised with a 5 Star Rating on Google Reviews, Litigate Forcefully to Obtain the Highest Possible Result for Families of Wrongful Death Patients in Buffalo, New York; Niagara Falls, New York; Rochester, New York; Throughout New York State and Beyond.

Retired Man Upset Paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other ambulance workers are local heroes whose bravery in terrible situations often saves patients’ lives. Without ambulances and other types of emergency medical transportation, some patients would never even make it to emergency rooms for treatment. While rushing patients to hospitals, ambulance workers often provide crucial life-saving treatments. However, upon arriving at the hospital, imagine that a patient is in considerably worse shape, and the ambulance attendant’s conduct is the reason for the decline. Sadly, first responders also sometimes make grave mistakes that can result in the death of patients. Did your family member suffer a fatality caused by the negligence of a paramedic, emergency medical technician, or ambulance driver?

You owe it to yourself and your loved one to find out the truth about his or her death while being rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, insurance issues and governmental immunity can make emergency transport patient wrongful death cases extremely complicated. It is often very difficult to prove what occurred inside an ambulance. Nevertheless, it is worth uncovering the truth, especially if the first responder’s negligence led to the death of someone dear to you. When somebody that you love suffers fatal injuries at the hands of a medical provider, your primary concern should undoubtedly be getting justice. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our mission is to obtain reasonable compensation to ensure the financial security of you and your family so that you can focus on healing. Insurers and negligent companies have paid Jed Dietrich, Esq. over $175,000,000.00 in verdicts and settlements to resolve injury and wrongful death cases.

Jed Dietrich, Esq., commended as a Best Lawyer of America, established the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. in 2005 with a mission to serve injured clients and their families in Buffalo, New York, throughout New York State, and beyond. The only thing that matters to our seasoned team is what we can do to support you. Our compassionate attorneys promise to give you our complete attention, consideration, and effort. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated lawyers are prepared to do whatever it takes to determine whether your loved one’s death could have been avoided. We would be honored to assist your family in getting some closure. Should you have any inquiries or need help dealing with your relative’s passing, we invite you to call our leading team for a free case evaluation. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran attorneys are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week at (716) 839-3939 or by completing the online consultation form.

What Is Considered A Wrongful Death?

Paramedic Team Moving a Man A wrongful death takes place when someone’s negligent actions or omissions result in a victim’s death. Under New York law, to pursue a wrongful death case, the deceased would have to be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit and obtain compensation had he or she survived. Section 5-4.1 of New York’s Estate Laws describes an action for wrongful death as a claim brought by a personal representative of the victim’s estate to recover compensation for an unlawful act that caused the decedent’s death. Wrongful death is often compared to involuntary manslaughter, which takes place when another’s negligence causes a death. The fundamental difference between the two is that wrongful death is handled through civil litigation, while manslaughter is a criminal offense. In medicine, wrongful death can happen when a care provider neglects standard medical practice when caring for a patient in a way that constitutes negligence. While at a hospital, this might include improper diagnosis, errors during surgery, or medication mistakes. Wrongful deaths can also occur in ambulances. Some examples of wrongful deaths involving ambulance patients include:

  1. A patient dying after being dropped by first responders;
  2. Paramedics making a vital medication error;
  3. Emergency medical technicians miscommunicating with the hospital;
  4. Paramedics improperly treating life-threatening injuries;
  5. Ambulance drivers causing fatal car accidents while rushing to an emergency room;
  6. When paramedics take too long to respond to patients’ emergencies;
  7. Patients suffering fatal head injuries after being violently whipped around ambulances; and
  8. Patients dying because they were jostled around due to not being strapped onto stretchers.



Pursuing A Patient Transport Wrongful Death Claim

Unfortunately, in wrongful death cases, the deceased victims are not capable of pursuing their claims. To properly identify all parties responsible for your family member’s sudden death, our seasoned investigators will need to conduct a thorough examination of what occurred before, during, and after his or her ambulance ride. If paramedics or emergency medical technicians caused the fatality, they and their employer might be held liable. If an emergency room employee was responsible, the hospital might also be vicariously liable. Determining liability following an ambulance-related death often takes the help of an expert attorney.

The loss of someone close to you because of first responder negligence can put loved ones in a tough situation both psychologically and money-wise. Unfortunately, nothing can eliminate your loved one’s suffering; however, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death case against all parties deemed to be responsible. Wrongful death lawsuits are intended to provide surviving relatives with monetary compensation to help them gain peace of mind and financial sustainability. Determining damages in a wrongful death claim can be a complex task that often requires the help of various expert witnesses such as forensic economists. The family members of the deceased may be able to recover compensation for the following:

  1. All medical costs incurred because of the victim’s fatal injury;
  2. Lost wages and supplementary work-related benefits, which include future incomes or benefits if the victim had lived;
  3. The value of companionship, comfort, services, and support that the decedent would have given to the family;
  4. Loss of parental care, nurturing, and guidance for the victim’s children;
  5. Survivors’ loss of inheritance;
  6. The victim’s conscious pain and suffering caused by their final injury;
  7. All funeral and other related burial expenses; and
  8. If our veteran litigators can show that the ambulance staff acted with gross negligence, punitive damages may also be available.

Most important of all, pursuing a wrongful death case can help bring out the truth and solve serious problems and safety concerns relating to emergency patient transportation. Your case can also provide justice by compelling the responsible parties to accept liability for their careless mishandling of someone dear to you. If you have reason to believe that your loved one’s death was caused by ambulance staff negligence, please contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested team immediately. Honored with a Better Business Bureau A+ Rating, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. will aggressively litigate to get the best result for your family member’s wrongful death. We are available 24/7 by dialing (716) 839-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form. Contact our highly qualified lawyers today for your free consultation. We are the hard-hitting, tenacious, and reliable Buffalo, New York personal injury lawyers who are ready to fight for the compensation that your loved one deserves!

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (716) 839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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