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Wheelchair Transport Van Injuries Caused By Faulty Fastening Equipment Attorneys In Buffalo, New York

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Team of Zealous, Dogged, and Meticulous Litigators Go All-Out to Provide Our Clients with Unsurpassed Personal Injury Legal Counsel. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Tremendously Talented Attorneys Promise to Fight for the Finest Result for Victims Who Suffered Severe Injuries in Defective Wheelchair Restraint Accidents in Buffalo, New York.

Elderly WheelchairUnfortunately, many wheelchair users are forced to cope with old age, severe disabilities, and other incapacitating health problems. While some of these health-related issues may require regularly scheduled doctor visits and other medical appointments, many wheelchair users cannot drive themselves. Instead, they are forced to rely on wheelchair transport vans and ambulettes to get to and from vital medical checkups. These transport services, such as Aries Transportation, are routinely contracted by insurance companies, families, assisted living residences, Medicare, and Medicaid to ensure that wheelchair users make it to their scheduled appointments on time. Most wheelchair users pay considerable sums of money for their transportation services.

Wheelchair transport services equip their ambulettes and vans with special equipment designed to load and unload passengers, secure them in place, and tie down their wheelchairs. Attendants that drive wheelchair users around must know the importance of properly securing passengers and their wheelchairs inside the vehicle. It is almost impossible to move passengers safely from one place to another without properly working wheelchair restraints or seatbelts. Unfortunately, these crucial safety apparatuses can malfunction, break down, or be improperly used. When complications arise with wheelchair restraint systems, passengers may suffer devastating injuries, such as ruptured discs, broken bones, complete paralysis, damage to critical organs, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran attorneys believe there is no excuse for wheelchair passengers being injured during transportation.

No one understands the effect that your injuries may be having on your life better than Jed Dietrich, Esq. Jed Dietrich, Esq. has dedicated his life to aggressively advocating for victims of catastrophic accidents. Our team promises to advance the most effective negotiation tactics to ensure that you get the settlement that you rightfully deserve. Negligent corporations and their insurance companies have compensated Jed Dietrich, Esq.’s clients more than $175,000,000.00. Please do not hesitate to schedule your confidential, free lawsuit evaluation and consultation. Our leading lawyers are available 24/7 by dialing 716-839-3939 or by completing our online consultation form. The best part is we will fight your improperly secured wheelchair transport claim for free until you get compensated! 

Establishing That You Got Hurt by Deficient Wheelchair Restraints

Wheelchair Accessible TruckMost wheelchair vans can transport up to 14 passengers. Wheelchair users are conveniently driven to their destinations without even having to get out of their chairs. Ambulettes have areas specifically equipped to secure passengers’ wheelchairs directly to the floor. As mentioned above, properly securing passengers is vital to their safety. Unrestrained passengers in wheelchairs being transported are extremely vulnerable to any sudden movements of the vehicle. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your unsecured wheelchair injuries, the following parties be held liable:

  1. Wheelchair Van Attendants: When the restraints used to hold a wheelchair in place are not routinely inspected, they can malfunction, break, or wound the passenger it is supposed to be protecting. Thus, all transport aids must use utmost caution not only when securing passengers but also when inspecting tie-downs and seatbelts before use. Additionally, ambulette operators should be careful while driving, especially when passengers are in the back.
  2. Wheelchair Transport Provider: Transport services can be held vicariously liable for their employee’s negligence. The ambulette company is responsible for employing and training competent and caring attendants. Furthermore, providers must keep passengers unharmed by ensuring their vehicles and protocols are safe.
  3. The Tie-Down and Seatbelt System Manufacturers: Every component of wheelchair docking equipment must be adequately functioning to prevent unnecessary harm. Substandard or poorly designed restraint systems place passengers in substantial danger. When a faulty tie-down system contributes to a passenger being harmed, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned attorneys can hold the responsible manufacturer liable through a product liability lawsuit.
  4. Maintenance or Repair Shop: Ambulette providers often contract independent mechanics to perform regular maintenance and repairs. When a repair shop fails to properly fix the restraint systems that they hired to upkeep, our elite lawyers can hold them accountable.



Damages for Injuries Due to Faulty Wheelchair Tie-Downs

Almost all unsecured passenger injuries inside ambulettes could easily be avoided if ambulette attendants simply confirmed that their restraint systems were properly functioning before locking a passenger’s wheelchair in place. When these essential safety apparatuses are not meticulously inspected or sufficiently serviced before use, heartbreaking accidents are bound to happen. The safety and security of wheelchair customers must always be a wheelchair van provider’s number one concern. Since compensation from personal injury or product liability lawsuits is designed to place victims in the same position before the accident, the money we obtain mainly depends on the gravity and scope of your injuries. Our highly qualified litigators promise to take all feasible steps to ensure that you get the maximum compensation. You may be entitled to collect the following economic and non-economic damages:

  1. Lost profits, earnings, and any other work-related benefits;
  2. Reduced future earning capacity;
  3. All present and future hospital bills and other medical expenses caused by your unsecured wheelchair accident;
  4. Costs for physiotherapy and live-in home nursing aides;
  5. Any further permanent disabilities sustained and the exacerbation of pre-existing health conditions;
  6. The physical and emotional pain and suffering induced by your injuries, as well as required surgeries and rehabilitation;
  7. Loss of enjoyment, independence, and family bonds; and
  8. All other unanticipated losses linked to your defective wheelchair restraint accident.

Suppose that you were unfortunate enough to get hurt while riding in an ambulette. In that case, you owe it to yourself and your family to contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated attorneys. Our dedicated Buffalo, New York team is passionate about helping wheelchair victims injured while being transported. Jed Dietrich, Esq. understands the special needs of the disabled, elderly, those dealing with incapacitating injuries, and other wheelchair users. Allow us to use our vast resources and decades of practice to guarantee that justice is served. While we realize that victims need money to recover, we also want to provide you with the power to take a stand against negligent aids, the ambulette provider, and the tie-down system manufacturer. You deserve to be able to have a voice to express your emotions and help ensure that other passengers’ wheelchairs are properly secured. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please call us for a complimentary consultation. Our highly experienced team is available twenty-four-seven at 716-839-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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