What To Do After a Slip or Fall

And we're back with local attorney Jed Dietrich we're gonna talk about you know with the weather change and we've got more rain coming in with Jed leaves on the ground pretty soon time you're looking at ice what do you do after a trip and fall personal injury in Buffalo jet is the man to ask so we thought we would start right off with that question, good morning congratulations on your weekend he's an athlete you know yeah tell us about that
Just went down to Philadelphia had a rowing race at the head of the Schuylkill so I won this single race the Masters single I won the Masters double race and came in third in the quad so it's good yeah we support the west side rowing club the west side rowing club and they had some great results too and Nardin Academy my daughters went there and they've got a great coach Haley McNamara so a big supporter of Western New York athletics.
We need a victory after Sunday say that get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Now, sunshine is going to change Jed so and unfortunately people do suffer trip and fall accidents when do they need to get in touch
Well in a trip and fall what we like to do is gather the evidence right away so if you fall on a piece of broken concrete perhaps or water or snow when you walk inside an entryway or outside of a mall or a store to get some evidence with your cell phone perhaps a picture or if you've got a witness who's there maybe a friend who you're going shopping with or something you got to get a picture or some type of evidence so that we can build a case for you when we bring these cases it's clearly the responsibility of the landlord or the person who controls the property to keep it in a reasonable circumstance it should be reasonably appropriate for people coming to that facility and many times we have folks that that don't take care of their property and a broken sidewalk or water and a slip and fall situation so what we try to do is make society a safer place by holding people accountable for not being reasonable with the way they take care of their property so what we like to do is gather the evidence obviously get the medical treatment call an ambulance and file a report so they had many cases at grocery stores or apartment complexes I've got cases where people are walking down a stairway and a railing comes out and I frequently talk to the people who fall in there they're injured badly injured broken necks and surgeries and things like that and they say we complain to our landlord over and over again and they wouldn't fix it it was loose and it was coming out we knew it was gonna go that's just a simple example we've got many cases where the treads perhaps your apartment complex are worn down and we go out of an investigator go out and take pictures we'll get a ruler out there then we present the case as if every single case is going to trial so in my office is you know Linda we're at 839-3939 or calljed.com CA ll je d comm we're here to help people in a difficult circumstance because when you're injured because of someone else's fault you don't know what to do you just want to get better but you have to prepare a case right such that the proper parties can be held accountable
You know we all have these now put them to work yeah put them to work and if you notice something dangerous start to make a log of that and that way if something were to happen you would have proof and then again.
We were speaking before the US News & World Report came out with their recent rankings of attorneys
Yes because I saw this wonderful billboard and I asked you about it
That's right so the 20/20 best lawyers for US News and World Report I'm pleased to be a part of that group and we work really hard at our office every single employee at my at my office we attempt to treat others the way we want to be treated return every single phone call within one business day and I get my cell phone number to every single client so that we can have a close relationship to do the best job we can
Well congratulations on that your victories over the weekend you and again as we leave you we're gonna leave you with Chad's information if you feel you need his services by all means call Jed at 839-3939 or just simply go to the website calljed.com