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Bus Accident Injury Lawyers In Rochester, New York

At The Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., We Know How to Aggressively Advocate for Our Clients and Ascertain Justice. Founded by a Recognized Super Lawyer, Jed Dietrich, Esq., We Are Committed to Providing Unparalleled Personal Injury Service to Anyone Who Was Injured in a Rochester, New York, Bus Accident.

Bus Accident Rochester has one of the lowest automobile ownership rates in the entire country, with about one out of every four households lacking access to a personal vehicle. While some people may walk or cycle to work, others depend on public transportation. Each year, the Regional Transit Service carries an estimated 18 million passengers across Rochester, Monroe County, and surrounding cities. Private companies, like Megabus and Greyhound, link Rochester with the rest of the country. Most bus rides occur without incident, but occasionally accidents happen. When a bus gets into an accident, all parties are at great risk for injuries.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is committed to providing people who have been harmed aboard public transportation with the highest level of personal injury service. If you or a loved one have been injured in a Rochester area bus accident, you could be entitled to significant compensation. Our highly skilled team of attorneys can help you gather the evidence you need to show that a bus driver, bus company, or automotive manufacturer is liable for your injuries. Please send us a message online or call us at 585-939-3939 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

Important Bus Accident Facts

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that public transportation is historically safer than private transportation. Nevertheless, bus accidents and crashes happen with alarming regularity. Consider that:

  1. In a recent year, 35,000 people were injured in bus accidents;
  2. Bus accidents cause about 331 deaths annually; and
  3. Bus accidents cost over $800 million in damages annually.

Dangerous and potentially deadly bus accidents could occur on:

  1. School Buses: The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration says that school buses are among the safest forms of transportation. However, reckless, inattentive, or otherwise negligent drivers can still cause accidents.
  2. Public Transportation: The Regional Transit Service (RTS) provides bus transportation for people in Rochester, Monroe County, and the surrounding areas. While the Regional Transit Service is obligated to perform regular vehicle maintenance and inspections, its policies sometimes come up short. Eleven people were recently hospitalized after an RTS bus crashed into several other vehicles. Preliminary reports suggest that the accident was caused by a broken brake pedal.
  3. Shuttles: Churches, hotels, and private schools all offer shuttle services. Shuttle companies have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of their passengers.
  4. Private and Charter Buses: Companies like Greyhound and Megabus provide intrastate and intercity transportation. Unfortunately, accidents can occur if the vehicle is not adequately maintained.

Although bus services are statistically safer than private automobiles, they still carry considerable risks. These risks are elevated when bus drivers or their employers violate local and federal transportation safety policies.

Fortunately, New York State law allows you to hold negligent bus drivers, bus companies, and automotive parts manufacturers legally responsible for their misconduct. If you file a personal injury lawsuit, you could be reimbursed for your current losses and anticipated expenses. However, you have to act fast: New York State has a strict statute of limitations that could prevent you from filing a claim for recompense if you wait too long to take action.

Jed Dietrich, Esq., has been recognized as a Super Lawyer and American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year. Since establishing the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. in 2005, Jed Dietrich, Esq., has helped his clients secure more than $175 million in damages from insurance companies and wrongdoers—money that his clients have used to pay their hospital bills, seek high-quality medical treatment, and begin the slow process of putting their lives back together after a Rochester bus accident. Jed Dietrich, Esq., could help you, too. Please call our office at 585-939-3939 to discuss your roadmap to recovery.



Possible Injuries After a Rochester Bus Crash

Bus accidents can occur anywhere and at any speed—even when the vehicle is not moving. However, every bus crash has the potential to cause serious and life-threatening injuries. Common bus accident-related injuries include but are not limited to:

  1. Broken and fractured bones;
  2. Lacerations and cuts;
  3. Traumatic head injuries, including concussions;
  4. Back injuries;
  5. Neck injuries;
  6. Spinal cord injuries;
  7. Burn injuries;
  8. Scarring and other disfiguring injuries; and
  9. Chronic conditions such as whiplash.

Common bus accident injuries, such as broken bones and whiplash, could present severe complications. A fractured bone, for instance, can leave a bus crash victim unable to work for days, weeks, or months, depriving them of the same income they need to pay their medical bills and keep a roof over their head. Other injuries, like whiplash, can become chronic conditions. The University of Rochester Medical Center notes that some whiplash patients experience persistent pain for months after an accident.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s skilled team of Rochester bus accident attorneys know how to negotiate with insurance companies. We could use evidence from the crash site and your medical records to build a compelling case for recompense, fighting for the compensation you need and the justice you deserve. You do not have to accept a lifetime of pain and crippling financial debt. We could help you. Please send us a message online or call us at 585-939-3939 today.

Building Your Rochester Bus Crash Case

Bus Accident New York State law is clear: if you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other damages. To obtain compensation, you will need to determine who is liable for your injuries. In an ordinary car crash, you would probably attribute blame to the other driver. However, bus accident claims can be complex. Your lawyer will have to investigate carefully to determine who is at fault before filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Defendants in a Rochester bus accident case could include:

  1. A distracted, reckless, or otherwise negligent bus driver;
  2. A belligerent passenger;
  3. A municipal transportation corporation, such as the Regional Transit Service;
  4. A private bus company;
  5. A bus manufacturer;
  6. An automotive parts maker; and
  7. Another motorist.

You may think that determining fault is easy, especially if you saw how the accident happened. However, bus accident injuries often lead to high-stakes negotiations. Every defendant will do everything they can to avoid liability. Unless you have a solid legal understanding of New York liability law, you may find yourself unable to proceed with your claim. This is especially true if one of the defendants is a government-owned transportation company. Rochester, for instance, has special rules governing how and when claims against the city government can be filed.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has years of experience standing up for the victims of negligence. Our seasoned team of highly skilled attorneys could help you understand how your accident happened—and who should be held accountable for your injuries. Once we initiate a claim, our attorneys will aggressively advocate for the best possible outcome. Please call us at 585-939-3939 to schedule your free consultation as soon as possible.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 585-939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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