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Syracuse, New York Burn Injury Lawyers

Burn Injury Lawyers Near Syracuse, New York

Jed Dietrich, Esq., Recognized as a Super Lawyer, is Committed to Protecting the Rights of Burn Injury Victims Across Onondaga County. Since Our Founding in 2005, Jed Dietrich, Esq., Has Helped Our Clients Secure More Than $175 Million in Damages. We Could Help You, too. Our Experienced Team of Burn Injury Attorneys Could Help File a Personal Injury Lawsuit and Make a Compelling Claim for Recovery.

Burn Injury Lawyers Near Syracuse, New YorkBurns are a leading cause of accidental injury and death. However, accidents cannot always be explained by bad luck and unfortunate circumstances. Each year, thousands of Americans suffer serious and potentially life-altering burn injuries—injuries aggravated by acts of negligence, whether at home, in the workplace, or at a local business.

Even seemingly simple mistakes, from spilled coffee at a Downtown Syracuse café to a poorly-managed backyard bonfire, could have catastrophic consequences. For victims, the challenges encompassed by recovery are often unbearable, ranging from intense physical pain to profound psychological trauma. Returning to normalcy is not always possible, especially when the costs of care extend far beyond what most ordinary families can afford.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is committed to protecting the rights of burn accident survivors. A recognized U.S. News & World Report Best Law Firm, we fight to ensure that our clients receive the resources needed to obtain high-quality care and a fair chance to overcome adversity. Please send us a message online or call us at 1-866-529-5334 to speak to a burn injury lawyer near Syracuse and schedule your 100% free consultation.

Common Types of Burn Injuries and Accidents

Burns have causes beyond conflagrations. Depending on their cause, burns are typically categorized as any of the following:

  1. Thermal Burns: A thermal burn is a skin injury caused by exposure to concentrated sources of heat, including hot surfaces, warm beverages, and open flame. Children are at especially high risk for scalds and other types of thermal burns.
  2. Electrical Burns: Electrical burns are serious injuries caused by contact with electricity. Since the skin is naturally resistant to electricity, most electrical burns necessitate exposure to a high-voltage source of energy. In some cases, electrical currents that penetrate the skin can impact the body’s internal organs and other basic systems.
  3. Chemical Burns: Certain chemical substances can destroy cells and damage tissue. Chemical burns are often more serious than thermal burns, as chemicals can stay on the skin for a longer amount of time, progressively eating away at both skin and muscle. Industrial workers are at high risk for chemical burns, as are young children with unhindered access to household cleaners.
  4. Radiation Burns: Radiation burns are caused by exposure to radiation. Potential sources of radiation include strong sunlight, X-rays, and cancer-related radiotherapy. Most radiation burns are not unusually painful, but they have the potential to induce serious and potentially life-altering cellular abnormalities.

Although most types of burn injuries are caused by household accidents, others stem from more insidious acts of negligence—a motor vehicle collision, an inherently unsafe product, or even mishandled chemicals at a nail salon or day spa.

Irrespective of their cause, nobody should be forced to pay out-of-pocket for another person’s mistake. A recognized Super Lawyer and American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year, Jed Dietrich, Esq., has spent decades helping burn victims assert their rights against reckless drivers and careless corporations. Please call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. at 1-866-529-5334 to speak to an experienced burn injury lawyer and schedule your 100% free consultation as soon as possible.

The Anatomy of a Burn Injury

Burns can destroy skin cells and damage underlying tissue, sometimes irreparably. They are inherently painful injuries and often have long-term consequences.

However, the severity of burns and burn-related injuries vary immensely, with outcomes determined by a confluence of different risk factors. These factors could include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. The temperature of a heat source;
  2. The duration of contact with a hot object, strong chemical, or source of electrical energy; and
  3. The thickness of the skin at the point or points of contact.

According to recently published research, one of the foremost factors in assessing medical outcomes is the graded severity of a burn injury.

The University of Rochester Medical Center categorizes burns as any of the following:

  1. First-Degree Burns: A first-degree burn, or superficial burn, affects the outermost layer of skin. The burn site may appear red and be painful to the touch. However, symptoms are typically mild and can be treated at home, without the need for intensive medical care.
  2. Second-Degree Burns: A second-degree burn, or partial thickness burn, damages the outermost layer of skin as well as the underlying dermal tissue. These burns are red and blistered. In some cases, the affected skin might also swell.
  3. Third-Degree Burns: A third-degree burn, or full-thickness burn, destroys the outermost layer of skin and the dermal tissue. Third-degree burns can also penetrate further into the body, damaging subcutaneous tissue. These burns may be painful and appear charred, with either a black or white coloration.
  4. Fourth-Degree Burns: Fourth-degree burns are critical and life-threatening injuries, requiring treatment at specially-equipped facilities like the Clark Burn Center at SUNY Upstate. These burns destroy both layers of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue—and possibly muscle tissue and bone, too. Unlike other types of burns, fourth-degree burns are not always painful, since they damage the nerve endings responsible for sending pain signals to the brain.

Other variables beyond burn severity can also influence injury outcomes.

For example, certain chemical substances—like aerosolized floor and furniture polishes— can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, leading to immediate complications and longer-term consequences. Thermal burns can introduce a potent risk of bacterial infection, whereas electrical burns could cause a permanent loss of neurological and nervous function.

Serious burns are, in fact, such complex injuries that many medical professionals consider them a form of chronic disease. Aside from being associated with higher-than-average lifetime risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease, they can also have a profound psychological effect on victims, who may suffer from disabling and disfiguring injuries.



Potential Damages In A Burn-Related Personal Injury Lawsuit

Burns are complex injuries that often necessitate some combination of intensive medical treatment, mental health counseling, and long-term care. Recovery can be both physically strenuous and financially taxing. Unfortunately, few victims—even those with good health insurance—can afford to pay for care without making difficult decisions and painful sacrifices.

However, many survivors have options beyond uncertainty. If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a serious burn-related accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to significant compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Under New York state law, you could receive compensation for damages including, but not limited, the following:

  1. Existing medical expenses;
  2. Anticipated care needs;
  3. Physical rehabilitation;
  4. Long-term care;
  5. Reconstructive surgery;
  6. Lost income from work;
  7. Diminished earning potential;
  8. Emotional pain and suffering;
  9. Loss of enjoyment; and
  10. Disfigurement.

Since our founding in 2005, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has helped our clients obtain more than $175 million in damages—money that they have used to rebuild their lives and secure the resources needed to reclaim their independence. We could help you, too. Please send us a message online or call us at 1-866-529-5334 to speak to a burn injury lawyer near Syracuse and schedule your 100% free, no-obligation consultation.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 866-529-5334 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Syracuse, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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