Explosions caused by combustible dust can cause severe burns throughout the body, smoke inhalation injuries, and even fatalities. ... Throughout the years, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has seen the ravaging impact that explosions can have on a victim’s life, ranging from ...
Jed Dietrich, Esq. fought to recover: A $1,250,000.00 settlement for a construction worker who suffered a fractured arm and a right foot injury after a 30-foot fall from a 2x4; A $675,000.00 settlement for a construction worker who suffered a ...
Some frequently occurring electrical accident injuries include: Severe bodily burns ; Substantial scarring; Loss of control of muscles; Acute cardiac arrest; Internal organ damage; Nerve impairment and damage; Respiratory arrest; Asystole fibrillation; Impaired brain functioning; and Death . Even in ...
Chemical and Burn Injuries: The high speed of airbag deployment could cause burns and abrasions on the face, arms and other vulnerable areas.
The urgent care staff can care for those with burns, headaches, sprains, strains, and flu symptoms.
The clinic can care for injuries, including minor burns and strains.
Compartment Syndrome symptoms include intense pain in the injured area, tingling or burning sensations on the skin, the feeling of tight or full muscles, and numbness or paralysis of the area.
The explosion of the battery-powered device near the user’s face, mouth or hands, or while the device is being stored in a person’s pocket, can cause severe second or third-degree burns to a person’s skin.
Common injuries include but are not limited to: Burns; Lacerations; Hearing damage; Vision loss or impairment; and Loss of digits or hands.
The most common types of injuries suffered by self-driving car crash victims include: Cuts and lacerations; Bruises and contusions; Broken and fractured bones; Traumatic brain injuries; Internal organ damage; Serious burns; Limb loss and partial amputations; Disability; and Wrongful death.