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Rochester, New York, Rollover Car Accident Lawyers

Top Ranked Rochester Rollover Car Accident Attorneys

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Team of Lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Fight to Obtain the Best Result for People that were Injured in Rollover Car Accidents in Rochester, New York.

Rollover AccidentThe Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is dedicated to providing the highest level of personal injury service to people in Rochester and across the state of New York. As personal injury specialists, we aggressively advocate for anyone another person’s negligence has hurt. Rollover car accidents are rare. However, when rollover crashes do happen, they often end in injury. Rollovers are more likely to culminate in serious injury or death than other types of collisions. Even if someone manages to survive a rollover, they could still suffer broken bones, severe burns, or other debilitating injuries. The costs of recovery may be immense and often exceed tens of thousands of dollars.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. can help you recover the money you need to begin moving past your accident. Our office regularly wins clients six- and seven-figure settlements and has successfully obtained more than $175 million in damages from insurers nationwide. You should not have to shoulder responsibility for another driver’s wrongdoing: call Jed Dietrich, Esq., at 585-939-3939 to explore your options after a Rochester rollover car accident.

Understanding Rollover Car Accidents

Rollover car crashes represent a disproportionate danger: while rollovers account for less than 3.5% of all car accidents, they are responsible for a third of all fatalities. Any car can roll over, but certain motor vehicles are more at-risk. In general, any vehicle with a high center of gravity is at an elevated risk of rolling over in an accident. This includes pick-up trucks, SUVs, and tractor-trailers. Rollover accidents can be caused by a motorist’s negligence or environmental factors. Some common causes of rollover-type collisions are:

  1. Impacts: If a car hits a curb, guardrail, or embankment at a significant speed, it could flip over from the force of impact.
  2. Sharp Turns: Vehicles with high centers of gravity are especially susceptible to rollover accidents on sharp turns. These accidents may occur when a motorist tries to negotiate a highway on or off-ramp at inappropriate speeds or attempts to make an abrupt turn.
  3. Multi-Vehicle Accidents: Cars can sometimes roll over if they are hit from the side by another vehicle. While the initial impact may not turn a car on its side, the vehicle could be forced into external obstacles, such as a curb or slope.

External circumstances can also influence the probability of a rollover accident occurring:

  1. Driver Error or Negligence: Negligent drivers are more likely to be involved in rollover-type accidents.
  2. Speed: The severity of rollover-type collisions is often mitigated or exacerbated by speed. Since there is a direct correlation between the number of rolls and the gravity of sustained injuries, high-speed crashes are more likely to result in serious injury or even death.
  3. Location: Rollovers can happen anywhere at any time. However, rollovers may happen more frequently on highway on and off-ramps, including the entrances and exits to New York State Thruway service stations. Surprisingly, most rollovers occur on rural, non-highway routes where the posted speed limit is less than 55 miles per hour.
  4. Road Conditions: Poor weather conditions can contribute to rollover accidents. Since Rochester is part of the Great Lakes “snow belt,” motorists must exercise increased caution during winter, when roads are more likely to be covered by snow and ice.
  5. Driver Intoxication: Substance abuse, including the consumption of drugs and alcohol, has been linked to rollover crashes.

While rollover crashes have many causes and can be exacerbated by external circumstances, they always pose a substantial risk of injury. If you, or a loved one, have been hurt in a Rochester rollover crash, you should not have to bear the burden of recovery all by yourself. Please send the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. a message online or call us at 585-939-3939 today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Common Rollover Car Accident Injuries

A Rochester rollover car crash can lead to any number of injuries. Sometimes people manage to walk away from these collisions relatively unscathed: recently, a Monroe County driver rear-ended another motorist on Route 104 in Clarkson, causing it to roll over. The vehicle that was hit had three passengers, two of whom were taken to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester with minor injuries. However, many people who manage to survive rollover collisions sustain moderate to severe injuries, such as:

  1. Broken bones;
  2. Internal bleeding;
  3. Traumatic brain injuries;
  4. Organ damage;
  5. Loss of limb;
  6. Disfigurement;
  7. Paralysis;
  8. Disability; or
  9. Loss of life.

An experienced Rochester personal injury attorney can help you stand up to the insurance company, getting you the compensation you need and the justice you deserve. Jed Dietrich, Esq., recognized as a Best Lawyer in America, has years of experience standing up to insurers and reckless motorists. Our hardworking attorneys are available for you around the clock. Please call us at 585-939-3939 to find out how we can serve you.



Why You Need a Rochester Rollover Car Accident Attorney’s Help

Video SecurityWe can help you maximize the value of your claim by:

  1. Collecting evidence from the crash site for use in negotiations or trial;
  2. Obtaining police reports indicating the other driver’s fault;
  3. Subpoenaing footage from nearby surveillance cameras;
  4. Requisitioning the at-fault motorist’s cell phone records, call logs and text message history;
  5. Interviewing potential eyewitnesses;
  6. Bringing in accident experts to testify in court;
  7. Coordinating with medical professionals to determine the life-long physical and financial effects of your injuries; and
  8. Advocating for you relentlessly, whether in a boardroom or a courtroom.

When you call Jed Dietrich, Esq., he and his highly trained staff of legal professionals will assist you in every step of your claim. We will do everything in our power to relieve your stress and ease your recovery, from speaking to adjusters on your behalf to telling the insurance company their bad-faith settlement offer needs revision. You do not need to suffer in silence. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. can help you secure the funds you need to live as comfortably as you can after a Rochester rollover car accident. Call us today at 585-939-3939 to take your first step toward a full recovery.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 585-939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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