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Rochester, New York, Paraglide Accident Injury Lawyers

Influential Paragliding Accident Lawyers in Rochester, New York

Jed Dietrich, Esq., a Reputable Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and His Extremely Knowledgeable Team of Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Awarded with a Better Business Bureau A+ Rating, are Devoted to Obtaining Incomparable Results for Victims Seriously Injured in Paragliding Accidents in Rochester, New York, Throughout Monroe County, and Beyond.

Paragliding Accident LawyersParagliding is an aerial sport that involves riders attaching wide canopies resembling parachutes to their bodies with harnesses and jumping from high places or planes. Similar to hang gliding, the large parachute-like canopy allows pilots to effortlessly fly through the sky as the winds propel the paraglider’s sails. The invigorating aerial sport draws in both locals and sightseers who want to soar over some of Rochester, New York’s most charming sites. With its scenic Genesee River views, large local vineyards, long trails, and numerous parks, Monroe County has become a prime location for paragliding. While paragliders have an amazing opportunity to gracefully glide over the landscape and observe beautiful scenery from a new perspective, paragliding is certainly not without risks, such as crashing, being exposed to inclement weather, and getting stranded in remote areas.

Unfortunately, as paragliding continues to grow in popularity, related accidents have also experienced a similar increase. In the summer and fall of a recent year alone, there were 85 reported paragliding and hang gliding accidents. Suppose that you, or someone close to you, have been brutally injured or worse in a paragliding accident caused by another’s carelessness. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested attorneys understand that you may be dealing with too much pain to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, you owe it to yourself to hold those who were responsible for your injuries accountable. After getting hurt while paragliding, our leading attorneys are here to aggressively fight for you so that you can concentrate on healing. Pursuing justice and obtaining reasonable compensation are crucial steps as you struggle to get back on your feet again. Fortunately, our elite litigators have a long track record of devising extremely effective paragliding injury claims and ensuring that the legal system works to your advantage.

In the last 23 years alone, Jed Dietrich, Esq., famed as an American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year, obtained more than $175 million in judgments and settlements for victims who were seriously injured in Rochester, New York, throughout Monroe County, and beyond. The significance of retaining a highly experienced personal injury attorney to pursue your case cannot be overemphasized. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran lawyers have assisted thousands of clients and their loved ones in their recovery after devastating accidents. With our zealous legal counsel, negligent parties will be forced to pay for their mistakes. We invite you to read some of our verified results and client reviews, to get a sense of our philosophy and approach to providing the highest level of personal injury service. When you choose the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., you will never be just another client. If you would like to discover more about how our seasoned team can help you with your paragliding accident case, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (585) 939-3939 or by completing our online consultation form. Kindly contact us at your earliest possible convenience to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Potential Risk Factors That Accompany Paragliding

Paragliding Accident LawyersWhile paragliding accidents can take place at any time, most accidents happen during takeoff or landing. Similar to other forms of flight, lifting off and landing are the toughest aspects of paragliding. Nevertheless, difficulties are also known to happen mid-flight when riders are incapable of dealing with issues. Takeoff requires a running start, and failure to go fast enough can lead to aborting the flight. A safe landing involves descending downwind into an open area. Before landing, pilots must gain control of the paraglider and then generally touch down and run on the ground to stop. Although riders may try to convince you that their accident was due to some freak chance, the truth is most paragliding mishaps result from negligence. The most common causes of paragliding accidents include:

  1. Lack of training or supervision;
  2. Inadequate experience;
  3. Drop point not high enough;
  4. Inflight collisions between pilots;
  5. Smashing into objects, such as trees or mountains;
  6. Bad weather conditions;
  7. Not enough or too much wind;
  8. Rough landings;
  9. Worn or damaged equipment; and
  10. Parachutes failing to deploy.

Since paragliding accidents typically involve landing on rough terrain and falling from steep heights, injuries can be devastating and sometimes even fatal. Injuries such as paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, and broken bones often require long-term physical therapy, intense rehabilitation, and multiple surgeries to recover.



How Paragliders Can Effectively Manage Risks

Optimal risk management is one of the most important aspects of safe paragliding. Paragliders can have fun and remain unharmed by being cautious and applying proper safety measures. Precautions that riders should always exercise to minimize their risks include:

  1. Obtain Training: Far too many paragliding accidents result from pilot error, such as not following proper procedures, mistakes while soaring, or attempting advanced maneuvers. Without adequate training, pilots lack the experience to be aware of the dangers or take steps to avoid them. Consult with a highly qualified instructor and schedule paragliding lessons.
  2. Proper Equipment: A lot of avoidable accidents are caused by equipment failures. Purchase your harness and wing from an authorized dealer. It is important to inspect your paraglider before takeoff and pay special attention to the wing. Also, do not forget to wear your helmet, harness, goggles, and other protective gear when flying.
  3. Good Judgment: One of the most crucial skills for new riders is developing proper judgment. Paragliders must accept their weaknesses and respect their limitations. Additionally, avoid flying when you are not feeling well because this can heighten the chances of a mishap.
  4. Watch the Weather: Always check the forecast before gliding. If the weather is not suitable, then you should not fly. Even slight winds can quickly evolve into heavy gusts.
  5. Know Your Route: Be aware of your surroundings and avoid flying around the Greater Rochester International Airport, power lines, large bodies of water, crowded areas, cliffs, or other obstructions.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran investigators will diligently investigate your paragliding accident to build the strongest possible claim. With vast litigation experience and adequate resources at our disposal, our elite team has a long history of obtaining the compensation that our clients deserve. Jed Dietrich, Esq. promises to passionately fight to get the best possible outcome for your claim, which may include compensation for your hospital bills, other medical expenses, lost earnings, permanent disabilities, loss of consortium, and much more. You can reach the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated team 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by dialing (585) 939-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form. Our leading lawyers offer confidential consultations and would be honored to discuss your potential claim further. If you have been severely injured in a paragliding accident, please do not wait any longer to schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

Client Reviews
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