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Rochester, New York, Car Accidents In School Zones

Top Rated Rochester Car Accident In School Zone Attorneys

Jed Dietrich, Esq., Is Recognized as A New York Super Lawyer. If Your Child Sustained Injuries in a Rochester School Zone Car Accident, The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Could Secure the Compensation You Deserve.

Pedestrian crossing signal School zones are meant to protect children from fast-moving traffic. While some motorists may find the restriction inconvenient, these special speed limits have been shown to improve safety and reduce accidents. However, school zones are only effective when drivers follow the law and exercise increased caution. Although everyone on the road has a legal responsibility to drive safely, not everyone is willing to do so. When negligent motorists neglect school zone restrictions, they put the most vulnerable members of our community at risk. Every year, experts estimate that more than 100 children are killed, and approximately 25,000 are injured walking to and from school.

If your child has been injured in a Rochester school zone accident, you deserve more than an apology and an inadequate insurance settlement. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has spent close to 20 years aggressively fighting for the rights of parents across Western New York. Since our founding in 2005, we have secured over $175 million in damages. You do not have to let another person’s poor decision jeopardize your child’s future health and well-being. Jed Dietrich, Esq., could help you and your child get the compensation you need and the justice you deserve. Please call us at 585-939-3939 to speak to an attorney and schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

School Zone Laws In New York

The New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices establishes the definition and criteria for school zones. According to the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, school zones are primarily intended to enhance the safety of children who walk or bicycle to school. A school zone may be established on a public roadway or highway when the following conditions are met:

  1. A school with one or more grades under grade 12 has students who walk or bicycle to and from school;
  2. A licensed child care facility has attendees who walk or bicycle to and from the institute;
  3. A school or child care facility, as well as the jurisdiction responsible for the roadway, provides written documentation in support of the school zone speed limit; and
  4. If the educational facility has amenities that require students to cross the street.

In general, school zones must be marked by signs that either contain fixed messages indicating when drivers must reduce their speed or changeable electronic displays indicating when drivers must reduce their speed. School zone restrictions may be in effect between the core hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. or alternative times. Motorists who do not reduce their speed in accordance with the posted limits and restrictions could receive moving violations. Additionally, a driver who strikes and injures a child could be subject to criminal prosecution.

If your child was injured in a Rochester school zone car accident, the at-fault motorist might already be facing criminal charges. Unfortunately, that does not mean your family will receive the resources necessary for recovery. While criminal courts have the power to order restitutive payments, these payments are often not sufficient to cover the costs of your child’s medical expenses and long-term care needs.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s experienced team of attorneys could help you explore all of your options for a full legal recovery, even if the at-fault driver was acquitted or never charged with a crime. However, you have to act fast: New York State has a strict statute of limitations that could prevent you from receiving any compensation if you wait too long to take action. If the statute of limitations expires, the court could automatically dismiss your claim.



Your Options For Recovery After A Rochester School Zone Accident Injury

Speed limit New York State law entitles school zone accident victims to recover their losses. However, you will have to demonstrate that:

  1. The at-fault individual owed your child a duty of care;
  2. The at-fault individual violated said duty of care;
  3. The at-fault individual’s misconduct caused or contributed to your child’s injuries; and
  4. Your child’s injuries constitute recoverable legal damages.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. could investigate your child’s school zone car accident, analyze the available evidence and consult medical experts to maximize your legal recovery. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your child’s Rochester school zone car accident, we could file a claim for damages against:

  1. The at-fault driver’s insurance policy;
  2. An individual motorist;
  3. A negligent school district; and
  4. A municipal corporation.

However, securing a fair and equitable settlement could be difficult. You do not need to take on the insurance company, the irresponsible motorist, or the negligent school district by yourself. We could take over communications and aggressively advocate for your rights to recompense while you focus on your child’s health and well-being. Please call us today at 585-939-3939 to discuss your options for recovery.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 585-939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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