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Rochester, New York, Car Accident Lawyers: What Is An NF-7 Form?

Jed Dietrich, Esq. Has Spent His Entire Career Standing Up for The Victims of Negligence. If You, Or A Loved One, Have Been Injured in A Rochester Car Crash, The Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., Could Help You!

Rochester Car AccidentsThe aftermath of a serious Rochester automobile accident can be catastrophic, both physically and financially. If you are self-employed, your recovery could interfere with your ability to work, jeopardizing your income as your expenses continue to accumulate. While your insurance company should help cover your losses, obtaining benefits can present unexpected challenges.

Before you can receive any compensation, you must file a special application for a no-fault claim. Depending on the nature of your accident and injuries, you may have to submit additional evidentiary paperwork. If you need reimbursement for any income-related losses, you might be asked to send your insurance company a Verification of Self-Employed Income form (NF-7). This form helps the insurance adjuster calculate the value of a lost income claim.

However, communicating with the insurance company can be difficult. The adjuster could demand even more paperwork, hoping that you will eventually give up and accept a lowball settlement that is scarcely sufficient to cover your existing medical costs.

When Jed Dietrich, Esq., established the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. in 2005, he made an important commitment: providing the highest level of personal injury service. In the years since, Jed Dietrich, Esq., has been recognized as a New York Super Lawyer and Best Lawyer of America. Our firm has helped clients across Rochester and Western New York secure more than $175 million in damages—money they have used to eliminate their medical debt, afford high-quality care, and begin the difficult task of moving past a tragic accident. We could help you, too. Please send us a message online or call us at (585) 939-3939 to schedule your free consultation.

Compensation for Lost Income After a Rochester Car Crash

New York State’s no-fault laws can be difficult to navigate if you do not have experience settling automobile accident claims. Before you can begin obtaining compensation, you must first contact your car insurance company and submit an Application for Motor Vehicle No-Fault Benefits form (NF-2).

The NF-2 form allows accident victims to provide basic, explanatory information about their car crashes and related injuries. Sections 17 through 20 allow you to detail:

  1. If you lost income from work;
  2. The amount of income you lost from work;
  3. Your average weekly income and typical hours worked;
  4. The number of days you missed; and
  5. Whether you have received any supplementary income-replacement benefits.

If you are self-employed and you indicate that you lost income from work, your insurance company should send you a Verification of Self-Employment Wages form (NF-7). This form allows the adjuster to evaluate the extent of your work-related losses. You will be asked questions regarding:

  1. Your occupation;
  2. The dates you were unable to work;
  3. Whether you hired a contractor or anybody else to perform labor on your behalf; and
  4. The amount of money you lost in recovery.

You must complete the NF-7 “as soon as reasonably practicable” or “no later than 90 days after the work loss was first incurred.” However, sending Form NF-7 does not mean that the insurance company will necessarily reimburse you for your self-employment-related losses. If the adjuster believes that your claim is questionable or that you have not accurately indicated your income, they could attempt to devalue or deny your claim.

Our experienced team of attorneys could help you file the right paperwork in accordance with New York State law and your insurance company’s filing procedures. You do not have to wait for relief. Please call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. at 585-939-3939 as soon as possible to schedule your no-charge consultation.



Mistakes to Avoid After a Rochester Automobile Accident

Rochester Car AccidentsYou need to file the NF-2 and NF-7 forms before the insurance company will reimburse you for any accident-related work losses. Unfortunately, simply submitting these forms is no guarantee that you will ever receive a settlement—let alone a fair one. Since insurance companies are for-profit enterprises, it is rarely in their best interest to offer a car crash victim a significant amount of compensation. To protect your legal recovery, you should avoid:

  1. Speaking to The Insurance Adjuster Without an Attorney: If you have been injured in a serious Rochester automobile accident, you will probably have to speak to an adjuster at some point. However, you should exercise caution when discussing your injuries or recounting the events leading up to an accident. You should always consult an attorney before consenting to speak to an adjuster.
  2. Providing a Recorded Statement: If your insurance company asks you to provide a recorded statement detailing your version of the events leading to the accident, you stand your best chance at a fair settlement if you have an experienced Rochester car crash lawyer assisting you.
  3. Releasing Your Medical Records: The adjuster will most likely need to see your accident-related medical records to evaluate your injuries. However, you should never sign a release form that has not been carefully looked over by an attorney.
  4. Getting a Third-Party Medical Check-Up: Insurance companies will sometimes ask accident victims to have their injuries reassessed in an independent medical examination. Unlike ordinary doctor’s visits, the results of the examination could be shared with the adjuster without your explicit consent.
  5. Trying to Negotiate with An Adjuster by Yourself: You do not need a lawyer to file an insurance claim, Form NF-2, or Form NF-7. However, an attorney could help you maximize the value of your Rochester car crash claim by investigating the potential causes of your crash and ensuring that you receive a fair settlement that encompasses the totality of your losses. If your insurer is unwilling to negotiate in good faith, we could take them and the at-fault motorist to court.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. could help you secure as much compensation as possible to help you make a full legal recovery. However, you have to act fast: if you miss a paperwork filing deadline or wait too long to take action, your case could be automatically dismissed by the insurance company, an arbitrator, or a court. Please send the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. a message online or call us at (585) 939-3939 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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