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Lewiston, New York, Motorcycle Accident

Lewiston, New York Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorneys

Jed Dietrich, Esq. Is Prepared to Represent Individuals Injured in Motorcycle Accidents in Lewiston, New York.

Cross Way A recent motorcycle fatality at the intersection of Dickersonville Road and Ridge Road, in Lewiston, New York, has once again brought the issue of speeding to the attention of locals. The crash, which occurred when a van turned into the path of an oncoming motorcycle, is only the latest in a series of automobile accidents to take place at this site. The safety of Dickersonville Road, which connects Lewiston, New York to Lake Ontario, has been a topic of debate for years now. The issue, according to locals, is that many vehicles fail to obey the posted speed limit. The speed limit on Ridge Road is 55 miles per hour, and with many private driveways and side roads, the potential that cars will be involved in an accident is high.

It can be difficult to know who to reach out to for help when it comes to motorcycle accidents. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our team of highly-rated personal injury attorneys is your best option for timely and expert legal advice. With over $175,000,000 secured in settlements and verdicts for our clients, we are experienced in personal injury law. We will know how best to assist you in your Lewiston, New York motorcycle accident injury case. Call us today at (716) 839-3939 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation.

Speeding In Lewiston, New York

The intersection of Ridge Road and Dickersonville Road is not the only location where speeding is a known issue. Lewiston’s Center Street frequently reports daily commuters exceeding the posted speed limit. Unfortunately, a recent push to lower the speed limit for Center Street was denied based on the assertion that lowering the speed limit would not stop people from speeding.

Speeding is dangerous for many reasons, primarily because it increases the chances of an accident. For example, a motor vehicle exceeding the speed limit might not be able to avoid an obstacle on the road. At the same time, a vehicle traveling the speed limit would have sufficient time to spot the obstruction and slow down. Faster traveling speed equates to a shorter window of opportunity in which to react.

Within the Town of Lewiston, motorcycles must adhere to codes as outlined in the Chapter 229 of the Town of Lewiston Code. All motorcycle operators within the Town of Lewiston are expected to:

  1. Refrain from making excessively loud noise while within the Town of Lewiston;
  2. Ensure the safety of both pedestrians and fellow motorists through safe operation of a motorcycle; and
  3. Obey posted speed limits.

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, fatalities are, unfortunately, all too common. The overall traffic accident rate for Lewiston, New York, is comparatively low. Over forty years, there was an average of 84 motor vehicle fatalities, only 0.2% of the yearly average for New York State. Despite this low statistic, motorcycle accidents can and do continue to occur, particularly during the summer months when many take to the streets in order to enjoy scenic drives.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. knows that the safety of you and your loved ones is a top priority. His mission is to ensure that you receive proper representation in your personal injury claim and that you obtain the highest compensation possible for your injuries. The team of Lewiston, New York motorcycle accident attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and can be reached at (716) 839-3939 or online.

Speed Limits And Motorcycle Accidents

Cros Way The purpose of a speed limit is to guarantee the safety of all individuals utilizing a road at a given time. Whenever you see a posted speed limit sign, you are looking at the result of hours of studies conducted in order to determine the safest speed for that road. Speed limits fall into three categories:

  1. Regulatory Speed Limit: The official posted speed limit approved for a highway or road;
  2. Statutory Speed Limit: Followed in the absence of a posted regulatory speed limit. In New York State, the statutory speed limit is 55 mph; and
  3. Advisory Speed Limit: The speed recommended for a particular road, not to exceed the regulatory speed limit.

To determine an appropriate speed limit, certain factors must be taken into consideration. These can include elements of the road, such as its geometry, the volume of traffic, and function. Once a speed study has been conducted, the speed limit for that road can be set.

Most roads have posted speed limit signs at frequent intervals. Still, those signs are spaced farther apart on many country roads, such as those surrounding the Village of Lewiston. Sometimes, accidents can occur when a driver fails to notice a sudden decrease in speed, such as the transition between Route 104 and Center Street, where the speed limit drops from 45 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour. A posted speed limit is the safest speed for vehicles in that area. The point at which a speed limit changes is a potential accident zone. Individuals traveling over that speed are putting themselves and others at risk by traveling at unsafe speeds. All drivers, regardless of their geographic location, should take care to watch for changes in speed limits. When in doubt, going slow and practicing caution is the best way to avoid a serious accident.



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (716) 839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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