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Rochester, New York, UPS Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident Injury Lawyers

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Hand-Picked Team of Litigators at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Fight to Obtain the Best Possible Results for United Parcel Service Delivery Drivers Who were Viciously Injured by Aggressive Dogs in Rochester, New York, Throughout Monroe County, and Beyond.

UPS Delivery PersonWhile dogs provide us with affection, companionship, comfort, and entertainment, it is important to never forget that even the most trusted family pet can bite. Even if a canine never exhibited aggressive tendencies and was not provoked, the risk of being bitten remains. Far too many unexplainable or unrationalized dog bite accidents take place. Unfortunately, due to their profession, United Parcel Service drivers suffer a disproportionate number of dog bites. UPS workers start preparing their big brown trucks for deliveries every day at 4 a.m. and often work 12 hours or more. During the off seasons, drivers still deliver at least 100 packages daily. Each parcel must be carefully placed on the recipient’s porch or by their door. It is not difficult to imagine how many dogs the average UPS courier may encounter on their route.

Recently, a UPS driver was attacked by two vicious pit bulls while trying to deliver a package. The driver was hospitalized with grievous injuries. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident, and delivery drivers are frequently mauled by aggressive canines. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s compassionate lawyers understand that victims who have been critically wounded by dogs often face hard roads to recovery, requiring extensive medical care, physical therapy, and strong painkillers. That is why it is vital to talk with an elite personal injury lawyer and learn more about your legal rights. Pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against the animal’s owner may be the only way to get back on your feet.

Please give yourself the peace of mind that you deserve by hiring Jed Dietrich, Esq. to fight for you and demand the big settlement that your injuries warrant. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated Rochester, New York litigators vow to obtain justice for you. With almost two and a half decades of fighting for injured victims, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has vast experience fighting dog bite accident cases. Jed Dietrich, Esq. has personally tried well over 100 lawsuits to verdict in courts throughout the country and obtained more than $175 million in verdicts and settlements for his clients. Dial (585) 939-3939 or complete our online consultation form now so that a highly experienced lawyer at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. can schedule your free consultation.

Important Dog Bite Statistics

Dog Bite StatisticsUnlike statistics related to other types of accidents, such as car crashes, there are only a few regulated organizations responsible for collecting dog bite data and reporting it to the public. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran attorneys have made every effort to put together the most accurate statistics on dog bites. Below, our battle-tested team has listed the most relevant information surrounding canine attacks:

  1. According to a recent pet owners survey, there were roughly 90 million dogs kept throughout the United States. Over the last 20 years, dog ownership has drastically increased by more than 20 million canines.
  2. Dogs bite 1 out of every 73 Americans.
  3. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that victims suffer approximately 4.5 million dog bites every year. Almost 20 percent of dog bite victims require medical treatment.
  4. About 1 in 112,400 dog attack victims suffer fatal wounds.
  5. Dogs that are not neutered or spayed are responsible for most bite accidents.
  6. There are more than 30 dog types and breeds that have been linked to dog attack-related deaths.
  7. In a recent year alone, over 5,700 mail delivery people, such as UPS drivers, were attacked by dogs.
  8. Homeowner Insurers paid out $881 million in a single recent year alone for dog-related injuries.
  9. Liability claims for dog bites and attacks accounted for over one third of all homeowner’s liability dollars spent.
  10. In a recent year, the average amount paid to dog bite victims was $49,025.



New York State’s Dog Bite Statutes

New York dog bite laws contain several key aspects that could impact your injury claim. Dog bites and other canine-related injuries are covered by Section 123 of the New York Code. The statute stipulates that the owner of a dangerous dog will be held responsible for medical expenses for any injuries that the pooch causes to victims and other animals. A “dangerous dog” is defined as one that:

  1. Bites, attacks, or kills a person, pet, or livestock without justification; or
  2. Acts in a manner that would make a reasonable individual believe that the canine poses a severe and unwarranted imminent danger of inflicting serious bodily injury or death.

Basically, for bites and other dog-related injuries, the state combines strict liability and negligence. In other words, even if the owner used reasonable care to control and restrain the dog, they would still be strictly liable for all medical expenses resulting from the attack. However, for all other damages connected to the dog bite, New York applies the theory of negligence, which is sometimes referred to as the one bite rule. This means that the owner will only be responsible for the other damages if they neglect to take the appropriate measures to control the canine or protect or warn others about the animal’s dangerous ways.

When you hire the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned team of UPS driver dog injury attorneys, we will use our vast knowledge, experience, and resources to achieve the finest possible result. Our main objective is to get you paid for all your economic and non-economic damages, such as hospital bills, lost salary, loss of enjoyment, pain and suffering, permanent disfigurement, loss of consortium, and all other unforeseen costs. Time and again, our former clients have been extremely satisfied with the outcome of their cases. If you, or a UPS delivery person you know, were seriously injured by an aggressive dog, there has never been a better time to learn why Jed Dietrich, Esq. is considered one of the brightest legal minds in Rochester, New York, Monroe County, and throughout New York State. Kindly get in touch with our leading litigators for more information about how we can help you. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated lawyers are available twenty-four-seven by calling (585) 939-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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