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Rochester, New York, Pizza Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident Injury Lawyers

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Team of Resourceful Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Aggressively Litigate to Obtain the Maximum Compensation for Pizza Delivery Drivers Who have been Seriously Injured in Dog Bite Accidents in Rochester, New York.

Rochester, New York Pizza Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident AttorneysAccording to News10NBC, recently, a local pizza delivery man for Salvatore’s Old Fashioned Pizzeria was brutally attacked by 3 dogs while bringing food to a customer’s home. As one dog bit his arm and another began pulling on his leg, the delivery driver screamed for the owner of the dogs to help. Although the dog’s owner allegedly did not even yell at the dogs, by chance, the driver was able to make it to his car. Unfortunately, this local pizza man is not alone. Tens of thousands of delivery persons are violently attacked by dogs each year. Most of these cases involve domesticated dogs rather than stray dogs. In situations where dogs become violent attackers, pizza delivery drivers can sustain a wide range of injuries, such as torn flesh, broken bones, infections, septic shock, and amputations.

Research from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) shows that roughly 1,000 dog bite victims are hospitalized each day. Many dog attacks take victims completely by surprise, as most people never expect a man’s best friend to snap. It is easy to forget that dogs are only animals. Nevertheless, these devastating incidents are more likely to occur when irresponsible owners fail to take reasonable precautions. If you, or someone you know, were gravely wounded by a dog while delivering a pizza, now is the time to take matters into your own hands by retaining the finest personal injury lawyer in Rochester, New York. Jed Dietrich, Esq., knows exactly how to build a winning dog bite claim. We will do everything possible to demonstrate that the owner of the canine knew about the animal’s malicious tendencies so you can obtain damages for your hospital bills, rehabilitation, permanent disfigurement, pain and suffering, lost earnings, loss of consortium, and any other unanticipated consequences.

While sustaining a dog bite can be a tormenting ordeal for many, it does not have to be for you when you have the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s elite team fighting on your side every step of the way. Our leading lawyers are available around the clock by dialing (585) 939-3939 or by completing the online consultation form. There are never upfront legal fees, so please do not hesitate to call our team today!

Mistakes To Avoid After Suffering A Dog Bite

Rochester, New York Pizza Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident AttorneysEvery step that you take after your dog bite can significantly influence the value of your case. After your dog attack, our battle-tested personal injury attorneys recommend avoiding the following missteps:

  1. Not Seeking Medical Treatment: Getting yourself evaluated by a doctor is paramount to addressing your injuries and ensuring that you will recover.
  2. Not Washing Your Wound: It is vital to clean your wound to ensure that it does not get infected.
  3. Failing to Call the Police: Calling the Rochester Police Department provides you with a record of the attack. Without a police report, it will make it more difficult to prove your case.
  4. Speaking with an Insurance Adjuster: Insurance companies’ highest priority is their bottom line, which does not always align with providing victims with reasonable compensation. Never accept a settlement offer before talking with a highly experienced dog bite injury attorney.
  5. Posting on Social Media: Refrain from posting about the dog that attacked you or your injuries on social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook. Posts can be used against you in court to show that your injuries were not that serious.
  6. Signing Forms: Never sign any type of release form, a summary of the incident, or declarations.
  7. Talking to Others: It is extremely important to watch what you say. Avoid discussing your case with others, especially coworkers at your pizza parlor. It is easy to make innocent statements, such as you walked fast toward the canine before it bit you. Statements can easily be twisted and used against you to show that you provoked the dog.
  8. Not Consulting with a Seasoned Attorney: Please, do not let the insurance company bully you into accepting a lower settlement than you deserve. The process of pursuing a personal injury case can be stressful and confusing. Get help from a practiced dog bite lawyer who has successfully litigated claims similar to yours.



When Can An Owner Be Held Liable For Additional Damages?

New York law contains some important nuances that can make it difficult for victims to obtain compensation for all of their damages. Nevertheless, under the Agriculture & Markets Law §123, a dog owner can be held strictly liable for all medical expenses linked to his or her vicious canine’s actions. To hold the owner accountable for other damages, you must demonstrate that he or she had reason to know about their dog’s risk of biting. Some examples of when the court may hold the master liable for additional damages include:

  1. The Dog was Trained to Attack: If the canine had been trained as a guard dog or attack dog, the owner would likely be held accountable because they should have been mindful that their dog was capable of violence.
  2. There were Previous Complaints: If others complained to the owner about the dog’s aggressive behavior, he or she would have been aware of the danger.
  3. The Canine Displayed Vicious Behavior: Any behavior associated with an impending attack, such as baring teeth, lunging, growling, snarling, or chasing others, shows that the dog is capable of aggression.
  4. Prior Incidents: If the animal has bitten or attacked others, this falls under New York’s one-bite rule and proves that the owner knew his dog was dangerous.

If you sustained injuries from a dog bite while delivering pizzas, you have a right to file a claim against the owner for compensation. If you have any inquiries about your case, please feel free to contact our veteran team for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. We are available 24/7 at (585) 939-3939 or by completing our online consultation form.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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