Grubhub Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident In New York State
Jed Dietrich, Esq. is a recognized Best Lawyer of America and is Prepared to Represent Individuals Who Have Been Injured as a Result of Dog Bites in Buffalo, New York.

There are a shocking number of emergency room visits every year to treat dog-related injuries. Over 800,000 individuals are forced to seek medical attention after being attacked by a dog in the course of everyday life. This number does not take into account the 4 million dog bite victims who choose not to seek medical treatment. For employees of food delivery services such as Grubhub, the risk of sustaining a dog bite is even greater. Grubhub is one of the dozens of food delivery services currently operating throughout the United States. With drivers working in hundreds of cities to fulfill thousands of orders every day, there is a high probability that a dog-related accident will occur. A driver might encounter an aggressive dog at any time, and since most drivers are traveling to unfamiliar locations, they likely will not be aware of the presence of a dangerous animal.
If you or a family member were the victims of a dog bite, your next step should be to seek expert help from a personal injury attorney. They will be able to provide you with the best guidance on what steps to take. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has represented dozens of clients in personal injury cases over the years and is your best choice when it comes to seeking representation. Call today at 716-839-3939 or visit us online for your free consultation
The Dangers Of Dog BitesA dog will bite for many reasons. In play, for example, a puppy or young dog might nip or lightly put its jaws around their playmate. Sometimes, when play turns rough, the animal might accidentally bite too hard. A dog will also snap or bite if it feels threatened or scared, if it is hurt, or if it is defending its territory. A dog bite can be a serious injury. Depending upon the size of the animal in question, it could be as mild as a bruise or as severe as a broken bone. The power in a dog’s jaw permits it to crush muscle, which in turn causes bruising. They also have the strength to pierce muscle and bone, sometimes causing life-threatening injuries depending upon the location of the bite. A violent encounter with a dog can even be fatal, depending on the severity of the wounds inflicted by the dog. Death can result from severe blunt force trauma, particularly if it is to the head or neck; the stress of an attack might even induce a heart attack or lead to severe blood loss if left unattended.
The greatest danger associated with a dog bite is the risk of infection. A dog’s mouth carries bacteria, which left untreated, can lead to infections in the tissue, bones, and even sepsis. A preexisting medical condition can increase an individual’s risk of infection. These conditions can include diabetes, chronic diseases, liver dysfunction, and even a prosthetic limb. In the event of a dog bite, it is vital to receive medical attention. The wound should be thoroughly cleaned and bandaged to prevent the chance of infection. If an injury is severe, it is also prudent to seek out legal representation from a personal injury attorney.
The employees of Grubhub and other food delivery services are at daily risk for dog attacks. While sometimes an individual is able to evade an aggressive dog, bites do happen. In the event of a dog bite, an injured party can take legal action for damages sustained. A dog obviously cannot speak for itself or appear in court, so it falls on the owner to meet any legal charges brought against their pet. There are three types of legal prosecution that can be brought by the victim of a dog attack, depending on whether or not the animal is a repeat offender. In a civil court trial, the owner is required to answer to the injuries caused by their dog and will likely be required to pay damages to the injured party. If a dog has a record of multiple attacks, the owner will be taken to a criminal court to face more serious charges. Finally, animal control officers may issue a citation, which the owner must then answer.
If a stray dog inflicts an injury, there is, of course, no owner to face the consequences of the animal’s action. The attack should be reported to the local animal control officers, who will then take steps to capture the dog. It is up to the discretion of a dog bite victim whether or not to bring charges against an animal and their owner. However, it is good to keep in mind that an aggressive dog is likely to attack someone else in the future. Reporting a dog attack could help to lessen the chances that another individual will be attacked.
With over twenty years of experience as a personal injury attorney in Buffalo, New York, Jed Dietrich, Esq. is someone in whom you can place your trust. He and his team of top lawyers will fight on your behalf to obtain satisfaction in your dog bite injury case. If you are in need of representation, call our offices today at 716-839-3939 or contact us online, and we will answer any questions you might have.
Protests Against Dog-Breed Legislation
Over the years, there has been much discussion regarding the prohibition of historically aggressive dog breeds. Some are in favor of outlawing ownership of these dogs so as to reduce the risk of dog bites occurring. Others have protested such measures. The main argument against dog breed laws is the variance in data on dog attacks. While there are certain breeds known for biting – a list that includes Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Jack Russel Terriers, and Chihuahuas, among others – there are simply too many factors that might contribute to a dog’s aggressive tendencies to designate them as ‘bad’ The social upbringing and training of the dogs, whether or not they have been neutered or spayed, and any history of abuse can affect how a dog reacts to strangers. The ASPCA argues that attempting to improve public safety by regulating dog breeds could possibly cause greater problems. In order to satisfy their needs, “individuals who exploit aggression in dogs are likely to turn to other, unregulated breeds.” The ASPCA argues instead for greater dog bite prevention programs and media awareness in order to help prevent dog-related attacks. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their pet does not pose a threat to individuals, whether they are the owners themselves or the daily Grubhub employee completing an order.
There are many questions that can arise in the event of a dog bite-related lawsuit. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is your best option for timely and expert legal advice. With over $175,000,000 secured in settlements and verdicts for our clients, we are experienced in personal injury law and will know how to assist you in your dog bite injury case best. Call us today at 716-839-3939 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation.
Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!