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Erie, Pennsylvania, Bridge Accident Attorneys

Erie, Pennsylvania Bridge Accident Injury Lawyers

If You Have Sustained Injuries in an Erie Bridge Accident, The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Could Help You Secure the Compensation You Need to Recover from Your Injuries.

Erie, Pennsylvania Bridge Accident Erie, like many mid-sized American cities, has faced a significant challenge in maintaining its bridges. While the City of Erie has an estimated 139 bridges, including highway on-ramps and riverine crossings, many are in visibly poor repair. These structurally deficient bridges are not only at risk of failure—they often suffer from other defects, including uneven road surfaces, potholes, and inadequate safety features.

When accidents happen on bridges, the consequences can be catastrophic for victims. Even seemingly minor injuries could force victims to take days, weeks, or months away from work, depriving them of the same income they need to provide for their families and keep a roof over their heads. While the Keystone State affords survivors the right to take legal action against the negligent party that caused their accident, victims may find themselves fighting an uphill battle to obtain the compensation they need and the justice they deserve.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is committed to providing unparalleled personal injury service to the survivors of Erie, Pennsylvania, bridge crashes and bridge accidents. We understand that filing a claim against a reckless motorist or massive government agency is intimidating. However, our experienced team of attorneys knows what it takes to construct a compelling, evidence-based case for recompense. Since 2005, we have helped our clients across Pennsylvania secure more than $175 million in damages. We could help you, too. Please send us a message online or call us at (814) 839-3939 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation as soon as possible.

Erie’s Ongoing Bridge And Infrastructure Crises

Erie, Pennsylvania Bridge Accident Building and maintaining safe bridges is no easy task. When bridge structures begin to exhibit telltale signs of significant wear and tear, municipalities often have to wait years to secure the funding needed to begin repairs. While Erie County has enacted Local Use Fees to fund bridge rehabilitation projects, reinforcing or rebuilding a bridge can be extraordinarily expensive. In a single recent year, the county allocated an estimated $1,668,776 to the replacement of bridges in Harborcreek Township and Greene Township.

However, despite limited progress, Erie continues to suffer from an abundance of unsafe infrastructure. According to local government officials, there are at least 113 bridges over 20 feet in length across Erie County. A full quarter of these bridges were found to be in poor or otherwise inadequate condition. The Congressional Research Service evaluates bridge conditions on a numerical scale, with numbers between 0 and 9 assigned to the following bridge elements:

  1. The deck;
  2. The superstructure; and
  3. The substructure.

A bridge may be considered unsafe or structurally deficient if its load-carrying elements are in poor condition or if the bridge’s innate characteristics disrupt the flow of traffic. In other words, inadequately maintained bridges pose a compound risk to drivers: poor-condition bridges are not only more likely to fail, but they could cause or contribute to multi-vehicle accidents.

Pennsylvania law affords bridge accident victims the right to file a personal injury lawsuit for compensation. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has years of experience helping Erie residents fight for their rights. Please send us a message online or call us at (814) 839-3939 to schedule your no-cost appointment.

Common Causes Of Pennsylvania Bridge Collisions

A bridge accident could be caused by another reckless, intoxicated, or otherwise negligent motorist. However, bridge collisions are often complex, involving different modes of negligence by different wrongdoers. The most common causes of Pennsylvania bridge collisions could include, but are not limited to:

  1. Driver error;
  2. Poor bridge or surface design;
  3. Inadequate maintenance;
  4. Unmarked or improper signage indicating bridge exits and entrances; and
  5. Dim or inefficient lighting.

If you have been injured in an Erie bridge collision that was not your fault, you could recover your damages and reclaim your independence through a personal injury lawsuit. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. could help you, or a loved one, investigate the exact causes of your accident, identifying all potential defendants and collecting the evidence needed to prevail in court. Please send us a message online to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.



Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit After An Erie County Bridge Accident

If you, or a loved one, have been injured in an Erie County, Pennsylvania, bridge accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to significant compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury lawsuit could help you recover compensation for collision-related damages, including, but not limited to:

  1. Your existing and predicted medical expenses;
  2. Physical therapy;
  3. Lost income from work;
  4. Emotional pain and suffering; and
  5. Wrongful death.

However, bridge-related claims can pose unexpected and seemingly insurmountable challenges. In general, many personal injury lawsuits involving bridges incorporate multiple defendants. The potential defendants in a bridge accident lawsuit could include:

  1. Another motorist;
  2. A commercial transportation company;
  3. A government contractor or subcontractor;
  4. A municipal government; and
  5. A Pennsylvania state agency.

All personal injury claims in Pennsylvania are subject to strict statutes of limitations, which restrict how long accident victims have to take action against a negligent third party. If you wait too long to take action, your case could be dismissed without consideration. Do not let justice evade you. Please call Jed Dietrich, Esq., at (814) 839-3939 to speak to a legal professional and discuss your options for rapid legal relief.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (814) 839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Erie, Pennsylvania. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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