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Dietrich Law Firm PC Show #3 July 2018 Series

People out there have to know this when we do interviews because we've expanded when we do interviews to bring new people on our team the first thing I do is I look when I sit across from that person I'm talking to the person I'm interviewing and I look in their eyes and I say is this person a person with empathy is this the person I'm thinking about hiring do they have sympathy and empathy for other human beings. Yes because you have to in my office and you can go to other law firms and it might not be that way but I can tell you this we do trainings at least on a monthly basis to talk about listening to the client, letting the client tell us what their problems are so we can understand better where they're coming from then we create solutions to their problems talk to them about it and effectuate that change whether that's getting on the horn or calling the adjuster whether it's the insurance company adjuster for your pain and suffering or the insurance company adjuster for your No-Fault benefits we are here to pursue that thing for you vigorously, zealously.

When I became a lawyer I said I'm gonna be a zealous representative of my clients and I take pride in that so when you call me I'm zealous about calling you back and my staff is the same way If I can ever be of service to you please contact me at 716-839-3939 [Music] I calmed right down because you explained everything right to the last letter contact Jed that is exactly what we did I've never known you to be anything but upright and upstanding and an ethical I always respected the way you approached a case and there was no other choice you know you were always gonna be our first choice you were respectful toward us and I appreciated that so much [Music] I thought who can I call to help me again Jed Dietrich and I called you and you handled that thing I mean you handled it when you're suffering, to know that know someone is there for you that means a lot yet you came in right to the house you stand by your word.

A real fighter it was superb above and beyond I would only trust Jed Dietrich [Music] oh that was amazing when I got ahold of you guys and you guys took care of everything I knew that I was in good hands and people that I could trust I didn't have to deal with the insurance company anymore I'll wait off my shoulders I just knew that it was gonna be taken care of that's someone who you should go for the whole experience in general was amazing it just felt right you guys took that load off of me what I didn't know you guys filled me and made me feel comfortable that all I had to do was focus on my recovery putting yourselves in my shoes and I really appreciated that but almost like I felt led to reach out to you almost like I felt led to reach out to you [Music] contact Jed [Music] have you been injured as a result of someone else's negligence have you been injured as a result of a truck driving collision as a trucker injured you if so contact me at 716-839-3939 Jed Dietrich here from the Dietrich Law Firm you can contact me at 716-839-3939 I’m here with my good friend Rachel Silvashy who i've known since 2011 thanks for coming in Rachel thank you good to see you [Music] Rachel tell us a little bit about what happened to you.

So I was riding my bike and I was going across the side street and the car was coming up to stop at a stop sign and it did not stop it hit me this is in the City of Buffalo yes and did you come out of work right away no I did not where were you working at the time I was at a day care center tell the people out there what you thought was gonna happen after this injury after the injury I didn't really think that I was going to have major issues afterwards and you continued to work and ultimately you did not retain a lawyer right away correct and as it turned out your injury was in July of 2011 and then you came to my attention in November of 2012 over a year after your injuries what inspired you to seek legal counsel at that point my injuries were getting worse and also I kind of had the hassle of the insurance company coming after me and they were just calling me 24/7 and you know trying to get information out of me and trying to say that I didn't injure myself and that I should be fine now and everything else.

So at that point I didn't want to have to deal with them anymore and I just wanted to deal with someone who knew what they were doing and how did you come to my attention I've been referred before by like family members that have dealt with you before but I've also just saw most of your commercials and stuff and got it off of that could you explain a little bit more to the people out there what happens when you're in a accident and you're injured and then you've got these insurance companies the other person's insurance company paying the medical bills supposed to reimburse for you for your wages when you come out of work and ultimately you did come out of work because you had surgery yes so then there was there's a wage issue so describe a little bit more about what the frustration was trying to deal with it yourself at least initially initially I was trying to talk to them and explain to them what happened and they kept telling me that I didn't say this at the time of the injury and that I was making things up and that it's been a year so I should be fine.

I we had swelling and a little contusion and bruising so it shouldn't be a big deal I didn't fracture anything so they were constantly calling me like at least five or six times a day and hassling me and leaving voicemails and telling me that I need to get back to them and that they were gonna offer me $500 and that's what I should take and basically just trying to get me to take some type of money so that they could be done with it ultimately you had two surgeries yes and ultimately the result we obtained for you was many many many times more than the offer the insurance company made to you yes why don't you explain how it was when we got involved and how you felt not having to deal with the insurance company then oh that was amazing when I got ahold of you guys and you guys took care of everything I didn't have to deal with the insurance company anymore and I knew that I was in good hands and people that I could trust I had a much better understanding from talking with you guys and just that I knew deep down that you would be able to handle it and you would be able to deal with them and it was way better with you guys handling it and again people out there you need to understand that we're here to help you we like we helped Rachel and the other people that you that you've seen on our presentation here today we're here we're at 716-839-3939.

I'm Jed Dietrich and we're here to help you we have seventeen legal professionals in the office here and our mission statement is to provide the highest level of personal injury service and that's what we attempt to do and since you did not have a lawyer at first to fight the insurance company you are in a good position to tell the people out there what it was like to have the peace of mind having someone fight for you I just knew that it was going to be taken care of that was my main concern and it was good to have it done without me having to get hassled about it sure and that's what we try to do we try to take the aggravation with the insurance companies away from you we'll handle it for you and then we contact you or we bring in and we set you down and say this is where your case is this is where you think it's gonna go and with regard to your case Rachel again we work together for a period of time which requires suing the case and then we had the deposition and then the preparation for the deposition so I prepared you for the deposition in a way that would allow you to feel comfortable why don't you explain that to a certain extent if you could so basically with the deposition we had that here yes and beforehand you kind of like asked questions to get me prepared.

And what they would ask me not like leave too much into it but you know tell what's going on and that made me more comfortable because I've never been through something like that before so the whole deposition thing was something that I did not think was going to be as in-depth but you made me understand that you know they do ask these questions and you have to answer truthfully and it goes with our core philosophy Rachel to treat others the way we want to be treated at night I have training sessions in my office at least on a monthly basis where I sit down with my whole staff and I say look our core philosophy here is to treat others the way we want to be treated to return every phone call within one business day and to work hard on behalf of our clients to obtain the best possible results so that goes with preparing you in the same fashion if you're prepared if you know what questions are coming along in the deposition then you're gonna be more comfortable you're gonna do a better job we're gonna get a better result for you and just to go through that briefly for the folks out there in a deposition preparation we talked about your educational background we talked about your employment background and we talked about how the incident occurred how your injury occurred this sounds familiar to you.

I'm sure and then we talked about the doctors that you seen because you got to rattle off the doctors and we assist you with that refreshing your recollection and then I prepare for some questions from the defense attorney that may not be as as comfortable as you would like but I prepare you for those so you are more comfortable when they come across the table you remember that and then after we did the deposition you were examined by the defendants doctor and if you could talk a little bit about that well personally they are working for the defendant they don't really examine you I mean they kind of just sir like okay so show me this and I'll touch you here and okay you're fine and then they say okay we're gonna rate this and the report and yeah your your you know your leg doesn't really look that bad but you know maybe you'll be 50% disabled or something like that and then you get the report and it's completely different from what they say so what we do is we fight for you when that happens we send you the report to say look this is what their position is we're going to rebut that with a letter we're gonna report it with the insurance company and put your records together in a way that is most appropriate to compulsively push them into understanding what is fair to settle your case and that's what we did along the way you are in the medical field right now.

I'm a medical assistant and as a medical assistant what do you do on a day to day basis I actually work with doctors that deal with injuries like this on a daily basis so you're dealing with other folks who were victims the way you were who are injured from someone else's negligence and you're working with them and talking them as you go along mm-hmm and what's it like to work with them from your perspective I think they understand better when they're talking to me because I've been through it before so I'm able to tell them you know I've been through this before and this is what happens and I know it's hard right now and it might take some time but eventually you will get to the point that you need to be at at the end correct is there anything else about the way we handled the case or your experience that you'd like to tell the folks out there that you think is important I just I love all of you guys and how you just were respectful and on time and always basically at my beck and call but it was just the whole experience in general was amazing thank you so much for saying that you're a great person to opine concerning this because again when it occurred you definitely were not litigious you didn't want to go out and get a lawyer right away.

You waited over a year after your injury and you continued to work before you retain calm and you did that because the insurance companies were giving you a hassle which happens all the time the insurance companies are out there not to help you they're out there to help their stockholders they want to keep as much money in their pockets as possible keep as much out of your pocket as possible you need someone to fight for you so you learn that as we went along and then you obtain treatment you're required surgery and then we had to sue the case so we went through the whole gamut almost all the way up to trial and then shortly before the trial scenario we settled the case could you explain that how the interaction went between us with the offers and things like that yes so basically whenever they offer do something you would let me know and then I would either agree or disagree or you know explain if I thought that maybe we should go form or something like that but towards the end of it like I actually agreed with what they did offer and I am so thankful that I retained you guys because honestly what they were going to offer in the beginning compared to what they finally did at the end is a complete difference and I'm so glad you said that and and just to highlight that a little further talk about it further for people out there whenever there's an offer made in any case in my office that I handle we always call you and we also send you a letter so there are no questions about this.

It's your case you're the person who makes the decision we give you a direction and I like to say I would recommend this or I don't recommend this and I only recommend a number if I believe it's a fair number if I don't believe they're offering a fair number I say we'd go to trial we prepare every case as if we are going to go to trial because if you don't do that you're not gonna get the right number so we take the time to sit down and review your records talk to you as we go along to determine what's the best approach to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf so as we went along there was a first offer which I think I sent you a letter I said it's the first offer I don't think it's the final offer would you allow me to continue to negotiate and you said yes and then we did that back and forth over a longer period of time and then after the first surgery I ended up having a second surgery which required a renegotiation to a certain extent and again there was more back and forth between you and me mm-hmm exactly is there anything else about how you interact with current victims of injuries that helps you tell the folks out there what would be helpful in terms of how they move forward I explained to them how you know I didn't know what was going on this was my first accident I had no clue what to expect.

So in the beginning you don't usually retain someone if you haven't been in an accident to be again why sure so a lot of them understand you know where I came from at that point but then when I tell them you know that this is what happened and I went to Jed’s office and they were amazing and they took care of my case completely and they were you know on my side and fought for me that's someone who you should go for it you shouldn't just go and find an attorney that's you know gonna say that they're gonna offer you something but technically not really fight for you and a lot of you know patients that I deal with now they have attorneys that say one thing and then they you know sign up with them and then they're not doing it what they said we're going to do I'm Jed Dietrich and I'm here to help you contact me at 716-839-3939 there anything else about your interaction with my office that you'd like other people to know about it was just an amazing experience I mean honestly all of you guys are just completely respectful and prompt on time and just getting taking care of everything in general was just a weight off my shoulders.

I didn't have to deal with the insurance companies hassle Amy anymore and I knew that it would be in good hands that it was going to be taken care of correctly in the right way thank you so much for saying that and coming today until you take care of okay thank you I'm Jed Dietrich the mission statement of my law firm is to provide the highest level of personal injury service to you please contact me at 716-839-3939 I'm Jed Dietrich thank you for joining me concerning this presentation on what to do when you're injured through someone else's fault we're talking to Bill Carter here today bill good to see you good to see you again Jed bill you and I have known each other for about how many years approximately 12 years 12 years and you have had a number of injury cases when I first came into contact with you tell us about that well we actually called you in regards to a case with my wife we were in the car together and we were hit and then called you you came right to the house step-by-step you handled a case a great class and integrity I appreciate you saying that when you're involved in an automobile collision your own insurance company your No-Fault company pays your medical bills and reimburses you for your lost wages but they're like any other insurance company they don't want to pay remember along the way with yours they sent you to their own doctors and they'll talk about that well it was very challenging because the doctors.

We have our doctors but the insurance companies have their doctors yep the moment make an inconvenience for you well those those insurance company doctors they're paid by the insurance company they're supposed to be looking at you to be independent but what they're really doing is they're trying to cut you off your treatment so the insurance company doesn't have to pay any more money for your medical treatment you're exactly right yeah and you went to those exams yes and we fought for you so even if those insurance companies create a document which is a medical report saying you can go back to work or and let's say your doctor says you can't go back to work we argue that for you so a lot of people are out there they maybe have been in an accident and they're getting medical bills they don't know where to go where to turn there's strict time limitations involved in an injury case and you know that bill our job is to preserve your rights make sure all those timelines are properly handled so you don't have to worry exactly we didn't get one bill you make sure we knew in case we forgot so you got an appointment.

You know your staff is incredible thank you so much for saying that about my staff we have 17 legal professionals in the office here and what we do is we focus on personal injury law we focus on helping you through your time of need so you can work on recovering from your injuries and then unfortunately you had another incident yeah it was a hit and what happened the second time well the second time I got hit from behind more pain and suffering again it's like whore I want to avoid this but I said who can I call to help me again Jed Dietrich I was able to contact you directly to your cell phone you call me back you didn't you think the calls was always answered that's what's so important either talk to your attorney of course and I handle every case it's in my office when I handle your case we get to know each other yes we've known each other quite a bit but I want everyone to know out there I give every single one of my clients my cell phone number so if you're in an accident and you've been injured contact me at 716-839-3939.

What makes my firm stand apart from the rest we're turning every phone call within one business day treating you the way we want to be treated and working hard on your behalf to obtain maximum compensation for you the mission statement of my law firm is to provide the highest level of personal injury service to you contact me at 716-839-3939 I’m here with Bill Carter Bill and I have known each other for twelve years I went to Bill's home when he was injured in an automobile collision he and his wife were both injured I was a significant injury such that his wife required a neck surgery luckily she's gotten better and then unfortunately after that another collision occurred where you were rerouted and I represented you on that that case again is done and then there was a family member who also had a problem Bill why don’t you tell the folks at home about that yes my son he's in the army in fact when a 9/11 occurred I said son you can either go to college or go in the military he chose to represent the United States he went in military and as he was in his career of serving the country he somehow was hit by car right and it wasn't his fault the car it was traumatic it was down in the ditch oh yeah he called me about that Wow who can I call in regards to my son I would only trust Jed Dietrich and I called you and you handled that thing I mean you handled it and your son was a pleasure work with as you are Bill again in the US Army still in the Army two years aggressively representing the United States of America.

Yes and just a little little funny story here once his case was resolved we handled it in the same way we handled yours we returned every phone call within one business day we fought for him like they fought for you and your wife yes and the case was resolved and and I sent him his check and in because he couldn't come in at the time I didn't shake his hand but that's fine I try to shake everybody's hand especially when you give you your money at the end but out of the blue I get a package with a bunch of things from the US Army and there were a couple of pens and a couple of magnet holders and things like that and I thought to myself that's a real classy thing for Mr. Carter to send me a little package of things showing what he represents and to give me that generosity with regard to handling his case that was very nice I appreciated him doing that for me he talks so highly of you he was so impressed he was happy he was like dad Mr. Dietrich he took care of me took care of me my family that meant a lot that means a lot America so know that you could trust this man and all your on all your situation he actually does what he said he's gonna do above and beyond so I recommend you this attorney you wanted to be with really well I appreciate you saying that and my personal philosophy is I'm a competitive person by nature.

I just want to win on your behalf and for myself too and the way the arrangement works and everybody kind of knows this but I'll just say it again our fee is 1/3 we get paid when you get paid the more we get you the more I get for my firm and to support my family so we're trying to do what we can everything we can to get you the best possible result and as we go through that we want to try to make life easier for you as we go through yeah you're a real fighter you know real fighter thank you Bill I've three shit your time president okay all right god bless you thank you thank you for joining my special guests in me I hope you've learned something if I can ever be of service to you please contact me at 716-839-3939.

So who can I call to help me again Jed Dietrich contact Jed oh that was amazing when I got ahold of you guys and you guys took care of everything contact Jed he was the only one who handled the situation before it's almost like I felt led to reach out to you it's almost like I felt led to reach out to you contact Jed and I called you and you handle that thing I mean you handled it I calmed right down because you explained everything you came right to the house you guys took that load off of me what I didn't know you guys filled me in they knew that I was in good hands and people that I could trust contact Jed when you're suffering that know someone is there for you that means a lot it made me feel comfortable that all I had to do was focus on my recovery contact Jed you stand by your words it just felt right I didn't have to deal with the insurance company anymore putting yourself in my shoes and I really appreciated that that means a lot yet I just knew that it was gonna be taken care of contact Jed yeah you're a real fighter the whole experience in general was amazing it was superb a weight off my shoulders contact Jed above and beyond that's someone who you should go for it I will only trust Jed Dietrich contact Jed [Music]

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