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Dietrich Law Firm PC Show #1 July 2018 Series

I was riding my bike. We were in the car together and we were hit. And it did not stop. It hit me. Pretty much hit me head-on. I got hit from behind. My leg was broken in several places. I had many fractures. And then I get that phone call “he's been hit.” I knew right away something wasn't right. My injuries were getting worse. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to expect. I don't know what was going on. And that's when I knew I had to give you a call.

I said “who can I call they help me again?” Jed Dietrich. Oh that was amazing when I got ahold of you guys and you guys took care of everything. It's almost like I felt led to reach out to you. It's almost like I felt led to reach out to you. And I called you and you handle the thing, I mean you handled it. And I calmed right down because you explained everything. You came right to the house. Contact Jed. You guys took that load off of me. What I didn't know you guys filled me in. I knew that I was in good hands and people that I could trust. Contact Jed. When you're suffering that know someone is there for you, that means a lot Jed. Made me feel comfortable that all I had to do was focus on my recovery.

You stand by your words. It just felt right. I didn't have to deal with the insurance company anymore. Putting yourself in my shoes and I really appreciated that. I just knew that it was gonna be taken care of. Contact Jed. Yeah you're a real fighter. The whole experience in general was amazing. It was superb. A weight off my shoulders. Contact Jed. Above and beyond. That's someone who you should go for. I will only trust Jed Dietrich. Contact Jed. I'm Jed Dietrich and in the following 30 minutes we're going to provide you with important information that you need if you've been injured as a result of someone else's negligence. Contact me at 716-839-3939 I'm Jed Dietrich. Thank you for joining us I'm here with Da’quan and Alphie and they're going to talk a little bit about Da’quan’s injuries Da’quan good to see you. Pleasure. Thanks for coming in. Yes. Alphie nice to see you. Now we have to tell the people back home how this little meeting came about. Da’quan you were injured? Yes. Okay, and we just settled your case recently? Yes.

And you were in my office right here and we sat down and chatted a little bit about how how the case went and when you were talking to me I said these people have information that other people want so we said let's do another presentation so we brought you and that was what last week? Yes. Brought you right in so let's talk a little bit about that last week when we were speaking, Da’quan tell us what it was about my firm that you thought was important to you and why you called us. Well a few years ago I I watched your infomercial and on the infomercial the everyone seemed to be so genuine and honest that I just wanted to give you guys a try but just based off of that. And you saw that infomercial about a year before you were injured? Yeah so year or even two years before I was injured.

So what was it about the infomercial that you watched a couple of years ago that impressed you to continue to watch it? The testimonies of the people, like I said I feel I have a great discernment of people who are honest and genuine and I just love the the testimonies that's pretty much what turned me to reaching out to you. And I'm glad you did and I'm glad we resolved the case the way we did you worked with me and then my associate in the office and you were in the hospital let's talk a little bit about that what was your injury explain it. My leg was broken in several places from a car accident and I was actually traveling down to 190 North coming home from work and a vehicle merged on to the 190 North but instead of continuing the flow of traffic for whatever reason they decided to turn the other way going the opposite side of traffic and pretty much hit me head-on you know he's traveling southbound while all the flow traffic was was traveling northbound so after the injury I knew right away something wasn't right so I just got - became very anxious and there was a lot of anxiety there I knew I was hurt I have a wife, four children I knew I wasn't going to be able to go to work. With the budget being tight as it is trying to take care of a family I just was so anxious and didn't know what what I was going to do you know but while I was in the hospital after my surgery the infomercial came on and that's when I knew I had to give you a call.

I'm Jed Dietrich thank you for joining me I'm here to talk to you about trucking cases and injuries as a result of a trucker's negligence if you've been injured as a result of a trucker's negligence contact me at 716-839-3939. That's 716-839-3939. Well I'm so glad you did call at that point in time how long were you in the hospital Da’quan? I stayed in the hospital a week, one of your associates came to visit me and the biggest thing that uh was the selling point was he made me feel comfortable that all I had to do was focus on my recovery.

And that's what we try to do we try to allow you to recover, get to the right doctors, the right specialists we will handle the paperwork for you like we did for you to find with there are strict time limitations applicable to bringing an injury case if you don't get your paperwork filed your medical bills won't be paid and you won't be able to make a claim for your pain and suffering this is what we do this is what we focus on this is all we do in my office are serious personal injury cases and frankly we take pride in handling cases such as yours Da’quan. Thank you. Thank you. You guys did an excellent job everyone was very caring it seems like you guys really put yourselves in my shoes so. That's what we try to do we try to treat you the way we want to be treated we live by the golden rule and I know that you are both God-fearing people your church people tell us a little bit about your background there.

Yes I'm actually a deacon at my church in Niagara Falls so yeah faith is very important to my family and it was almost like I felt led to to come to reach out to you guys it was the atmosphere everyone you know just seemed to be so pleasant and and it just, it felt right. Thank you for saying that, we take pride in representing you we try to wear the white hat when it comes to being a lawyer in our community the legal business is a confrontational business and I'm a competitor and I want to win for you and what does that do? It allows me to make a recovery for you work hard for you treat you the way I want to be treated such that you can get the best result possible so Alphie tell us a little bit about the Da’quan's case and your interaction with our office I worked late that evening and I was not even the house 15 minutes and then I get that phone call and I didn't think it's settled in at first cuz I didn't really know the details they just said he's in the hospital he should get up here and I could see he was in shock and I said “oh my goodness this is this is for real he's been hit,” and so it was just like that's when it hit me like really hard like wow he's really gonna need a lot of care and just coming from the medical field just seeing people going through similar situations and they used to tell me testimonies other stuff you know in the family of how taking care of a loved one 24 hour care regardless it was for my accident stroke heart attack I mean so it's a process.

Sure. I had to stop working it's a huge life change. Daunting. It is draining after a while because it's just like wow. What we do is we try to help you through that and folks out there if you're injured contact me at 716-839-3939. What we do is we explain to you under New York state law your medical bills and your wages are paid in an automobile collision by your insurance company that's important so you have a $50,000 policy at least that's the minimum in New York sometimes it's even more to pay for your your lost wages and your medical bills. However, the insurance companies are in the business of cutting people off and paying you the small to mount they can so what we do is we fight your insurance company and the other person's insurance company to get you everything you're entitled to so that No-Fault part is your insurance company to pay for the bills at the hospital.

Whether it's ECMC or Niagara Falls Memorial and those bills will trickle in and the ambulance bill will come in because they won't know how to bill the right person so I have a team of legal professionals that make sure that those bills are paid we also make sure that you get your wage reimbursement from that No-Fault insurance company which is huge because you're gonna keep getting your gas bill and your your rent bill and everything else that comes in your life you got four kids at home you got to make sure that foods on the table for them so what we do is we try to make it as easy as possible to go through the system by returning every phone call within one business day, usually the same day we try to really focus on that and I've got 17 legal professionals here that are dedicated to helping you get through your problem to get rehabilitated to get back on your feet that's what we try to do.

The communication was fantastic you rather if it was phone call email just to be able just to put my 100% focus on him that was fantastic, huge, that was huge. Yeah. That's what we try to do we try to make it so all you have to do is get your doctor's appointments and concentrate on your recovery to make the swiftest recovery possible and the best recovery possible and we help you by making sure your medical bills are paid, making sure the doctors are writing the proper reports, making sure if you've had a prior injury that we've got your prior records to compare with your new injuries so that this is all part of the business in our office we only handle serious injury cases we don't handle other types of cases and that is to allow us to become the best we can to represent you. The mission statement of my law firm is to provide the highest level of personal injury service and what does that mean it means I periodically typically on a weekly basis will bring my whole staff into my office here and we'll sit down and I'll say okay these are the things we need to focus on every single day we have to make sure every phone call is returned within one business day we have to make sure we treat others the way we want to be treated and we have to make sure that we are working hard the whole time we're here at work to obtain the best possible result for you.

Absolutely and you guys from my case you hit on all those points. Yeah every like the communication within 24 hours I had a response most times when we call we I was given an answer so but if you guys had to get back to me was definitely within within the 24 hour period so a great job to your staff. Thank you so much to Da’quan and to that point I'll address that point directly because people call and every once in a while they'll be questioned we don't know the answer this is a big difference between my law firm and the other law firms out there we're not gonna give you an answer which is a guess will say to you and I've trained my staff to do this I do this myself and I train my staff to do this if we don't know the answer say I'll call you back take the number we've obviously got your number we'll get back to you sometime within the next 24 hours with an answer. That allows us to take a question that we don't know the answer to, research it and get back to you so we give you the right information, as opposed to coming up with something that might not be the right information because we don't know just to try to move along with our day which is not the way that we were on the office here we run the office in a way that allows us to drill down and assist you with your cases.

It felt like we didn’t have to worry about anything we didn’t have to worry about like what's gonna happen next or when's the next court date or what paperwork like I said before we got to fill out and it can be mind-boggling and stress especially one from my perspective of trying to handle all the regular home business for the family and the husband and then just to have reassurance of not worrying about that part of the perspective of it, it was it was definitely great. And again I encourage everyone out there if you've been injured through someone else's negligence it's not your fault you've got an injury contact me at 716-839-3939 I'm Jed Dietrich from the Dietrich Law Firm. We have seventeen legal professionals here at the office to assist you, our mission statement is to provide the highest level of personal injury service to you. Da’quan and Alphie are here talking about Da’quan's injuries he had a very significant injury to his leg. How are you doing now Da’quan? I'm on the road to recovery.

I think the process is going a lot faster because I didn't have to worry about anything else simply focus on my physical therapy. Sure. Just learning how to walk again so things are moving along pretty swiftly I feel the progress is probably actually ahead of ahead of where I should be. Good and I know it was a very significant injury I want everybody to know out there and you Da’quan and Alphie that we're here for you even after the case settles because your case is done we've provided you with your settlement proceeds but you're still having some problems so if you have a bill or something that comes in we're here for you even after it's done we're here in the future if you have have a problem I obviously hope that you don't or your friends and family in the future.

We are here to help people who have been injured through someone else's negligence and if you're injured we're here to make it easier for you and that's what we try to do with you folks. Definitely made us feel comfortable. And that means a lot from from you folks for coming to provide this presentation and also the fact that you're God-fearing people, you’re church people, you’re people that support four kids, you’re hard workers your at work all of that comes into the background of a good situation where we're gonna work together because it's a team situation you're familiar with being at work working in team situations you are too Alphie from being at Niagara Falls Memorial Medical.

Now it's a matter of okay we've got this problem let's correct it make it as good as we can as we go along and do it together by communicating. Yes, absolutely. When I got a hold of you guys and you guys took care of everything. It was almost like I felt led to reach out to you. It was almost like I felt led to reach out to you. And I called you and you handle that thing, I mean you handled it. You explained everything. Above and beyond. Contact Jed. Thank you for joining me I'm Jed Dietrich I'm here to talk to you about trucking cases and injuries as a result of a truck drivers negligence. If you've been injured as a result of a truck drivers negligence contact me at 716-839-3939 Thank you for joining me I'm Jed Dietrich we're here talking to Da’quan and Alphie about Da’quan's injury. He was injured as a result of big truck drivers negligence he was driving a blazer and a big truck impacted Da’quan and it was a significant impact which took you out of work for quite a while Da’quan. Yes. How long have you been out of work so far? I currently have been out of work for three months. We've resolved your case, it's done.

But you're still out of work, so we're still here to help you I want people to know know that out there. Thank you. Alphie tell us a little bit about your four kids and how they reacted to Da’quan being the breadwinner, him being injured and really being out of commission. They were upset they were concerned but at the same time they were more of a help to me per se because of the ages they are and they were able to help assist me with little things of whatever he needed like food or too little as the remote to the TV. Anything, they were quick to hop and jump and they were more ready to help me get his their father on the road of recovery so they can go back to playing with him because they spent a lot of time together so they were more focused on helping me getting him back to healing so they can have their time with their dad again.

And again that's important for people out there to understand you were helping Da’quan get back on the road to recovery but that takes you away from your four kids and helping them. We're here to make that as easy as possible so if a bill goes to your house just send it to us or take a picture of it and email it to us we'll make sure that bill gets paid and if your No-Fault company is not sending you to check on time or something that is our core duty to make sure that your wages are paid. So on a weekly basis I'm with my staff saying is everyone's wage payment going out this week and if it's not or there's a problem with a disability note we get on the horn with the doctor, send the disability note to us, we'll send it into No-Fault, call the No-Fault adjuster, make sure the No-Fault adjuster will send the check, when you make sure the No-Fault adjuster sends the check, then we call you back and we say we talked to No-Fault everything's lined up we're gonna get you that check so that you can pay your bills.

That's exactly what you did, there was a time delay initially with that and you gave me a personal phone call letting me know between my job and and No-Fault that they needed to get themselves into gear, you know so I appreciated that because I'm trying to recover I didn't know what to do I didn't know what to expect I know what was going on you guys took that load off of me what I didn't know you guys filled me in, in a very timely manner so I appreciate you reaching out putting yourselves in my shoes and I really appreciated that. Every single client in my office is my client I give every single client my cellphone number and that works out fine because typically if it's an important issue I'll call you up directly off my cell phone you'll know it's coming from me if it's an issue that's not as important and we'll talk during the day whether it's between eight and six that are our regular hours or I'll have you come in and we'll do a meeting and the best part of your case was was the last meeting when I was in a position to provide you with your check and we sat down and then you gave me the feedback about what it was like to work with my firm and frankly the genesis of this particular presentation is Da’quan and Alphie and i want to thank you again say thank you. And thank you so much. Yes, my pleasure.

I'm Jed Dietrich and I'm here to help you. Contact me at 716-839-3939. Jed Dietrich here again with our presentation and Rachel Silvashy she's my former client and she's a medical professional [Music] We're gonna talk a little bit about the insurance companies and how the insurance companies are always looking to cut you off from treatment and to give you less than what we believe you're entitled to. Rachel tell us a little bit about what happened to you. So I was riding my bike and I was going across the side street and the car was coming up to stop at a stop sign and it did not stop, it hit me. This is in the City of Buffalo? Yes. And did you come out of work right away? No, I did not. And ultimately you did not retain a lawyer right away? Correct. What inspired you to seek legal counsel at that point? At that point my injuries were getting worse and also I kind of had the hassle of the insurance company coming after me and they were just calling me 24/7 and you know trying to get information out of me and trying to say that I didn't injure myself and that I should be fine now and everything else so at that point I didn't want to have to deal with them anymore and I just wanted to deal with someone who knew what they were doing.

Again going back to your inspiration to contact me to represent you that was the insurance company given you a hassle as you went along? Mm-hm. Could you explain a little bit more to the people out there what happens when you're in a accident and you're injured and then you've got these insurance companies the other person's insurance company paying the medical bills supposed to reimburse for you for your wages when you come out of work and ultimately you did come out of work because you had surgery. Yes. So then there was there's a wage issue, so describe a little bit more about what the frustration was trying to deal with it yourself at least initially. Initially, I was trying to talk to them and explain to them what happened and they kept telling me that I didn't say this at the time of the injury and that I was making things up and that it's been a year so I should be fine they were constantly calling me five or six times a day and hassling me and leaving voicemails and telling me that I needed to get back to them. Basically just trying to get me to take some type of money so that they could be done with it.

And ultimately we started work together and handled your case for a long period time just because it was your treatment that required a period of time to occur such that we could determine how injured you were to determine how much compensation you were entitled to. Ultimately you had two surgeries and ultimately the result we obtained for you was many, many, many times more than the offer the insurance company made to you. Yes so Rachel you're in the medical field and you work in the medical field with doctors every day and you also work with people who are injured in collisions and accidents. So a lot of times I have patients that come in right after they were seen from an Independent Medical Exam and they're very upset because when they're in the exam the doctors you know are examining them and telling them one thing and saying “oh yeah like I really don't think you're doing that well and you know you are really hurt,” and then they get these reports and the report is completely different from what they were originally told. So then the patients are very upset because then they think that they're going to be cut off or they're you know money's gonna be down because of the report so then they come to see us to eventually get you know what our doctor says.

Right. And I try to settle them down and tell them you know that's the insurance company those doctors are working for the insurance company they're going to say one thing and it doesn't matter what they say because it goes off of the doctor that you're treating from right so usually if I can settle them down then they're a little bit better but these doctors they don't care they're working for the insurance. I mean these insurance companies they don't care they don't have feelings they're not working for you they don't see how you are actually really doing they are just gonna write something for the insurance company so that they can try to make your case lower.

And to get more business in the future because those insurance doctors they actually make their money off of doing the exam of the person who's the victim if they say the victim’s not injured then they're gonna get another case to review for the insurance company and the insurance companies hire those doctors to say a report that basically is bad for the person who's the victim so your background Rachel in the medical community, working with the doctors who treat my patients and who treated you when you were when you were a victim when you were injured in your accident when you came to me we work with you in an effort to rebut those insurance company reports so like you just referred to they might write a report saying the person's not disabled then we would ask you and your doctors to write a rebuttal report then we'll create a document saying here's our report to rebut the insurance company's report keep the wages going keep the medical treatment going because if you don't fight for it a lot of people don't fight or their lawyer may not fight for them and then they don't have their medical treatment paid and then they end up with lifelong injuries that are not corrected medically when they maybe could have been corrected medically and then you're stuck with an injury for the rest of your life so if you're out there if you've been injured and it's not your fault contact me at seven one 716-839-3939.

I'm Jed Dietrich I'm here to help you especially with the insurance companies there are strict time limitations applicable to all insurance injury cases and as Rachel knows is she works in the medical field if you don't get your bills submitted to No-Fault promptly no-fault won't pay those bills so it's a it's a correlation between the doctor's office the victim or the client in my office to try to make sure everything runs smoothly you see that act yes what types of things do you see with that a lot of things I mean our billing department is very good and on top of things but if you don't have one that is good and on top of things and everything can tend to be behind and put back on the patient and then like you said they're not receiving their wages and then they're not able to pay their bills exactly and that's what we do with the clients when they first come in what we did with you Rachel as we sat down and said okay your case is X you were injured it wasn't your fault your medical bills should be paid by this defendants insurance company if they haven't been paid get them to us we will forward them and and insist that they be paid that's the first thing and then we said you're entitled to money for your pain and suffering you're entitled to money for your incapacity to work your entitled to money for your future pain and suffering all these things are things that you don't think about when you're first injured that's why you need counsel you need a lawyer to represent you so that your rights are preserved because there are strict time limitations strict deadlines that if you miss a deadline you can be precluded or stopped from getting what you're entitled to it's a crazy business but the insurance company and business the insurance world is set up under strict deadlines and the lawyers are the ones lawyers like the lawyers in my office and me personally are here to help you.

Yes correct. Is there anything else about your interaction with my office that you'd like other people to know about? It was just an amazing experience I mean honestly all of you guys are just completely respectful and prompt on time and just getting taking care of everything in general was just a weight off my shoulders I didn't have to deal with the insurance companies hassling me anymore and I knew that it would be in good hands that it was going to be taken care of correctly in the right way so it's just amazing experience in general. Thank you so much for saying that and coming in today Rachel. You take care. Okay, thank you. Thank you for joining my special guests and me I hope you've learned something. If I can ever be of service to you please contact me at 716-839-3939 And I said who can I call to help me again Jed Dietrich. Oh that was amazing when I got ahold of you guys and you guys took care of everything. It was almost like I felt led to reach out to you. It was almost like I felt led to reach out to you. And I called you and you handled that thing, I mean you handled it.

I calmed right down because you explained everything. You came right to the house. Contact Jed. You guys took that load off of me. What I didn't know you guys filled me in. I knew that I was in good hands and people that I could trust. Contact Jed. When you're suffering to know that someone is there for you, that means a lot Jed. Made me feel comfortable that all I had to do was focus on my recovery. You stand by your word. It just felt right. I didn't have to deal with the insurance company anymore. A weight of my shoulders and I really appreciated that. That means a lot Jed. I Just knew that it was gonna be taken care of. Contact Jed. Yeah you're a real fighter. The whole experience in general was amazing. It was superb. Oh, a weight off my shoulders contact Jed. Above and beyond. That's someone who you should go for. I would only trust Jed. Contact Jed.

Client Reviews
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