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Dietrich 90 sec ''B''

People out there have to know this when we do interviews because we've expanded when we do interviews to bring new people on our team the first thing I do is I look when I sit across from that person I'm talking to the person I'm interviewing and I look in their eyes and I say is this person a person with empathy do they have sympathy and empathy for other human beings. Yes. Because you have to in my office and you can go to other law firms and it might not be this way but I can tell you this we do trainings at least on a monthly basis to talk about listening to the client, letting the client tell us what their problems are so we can understand better where they're coming from then we create solutions to their problems talk to them about it and effectuate that change whether that's getting on the horn or calling the adjuster whether it's the insurance company adjuster for your pain and suffering or the insurance company adjuster for your no-fault benefits we are here to pursue that thing for you vigorously zealously okay when I became a lawyer I said I'm gonna be a zealous representative of my clients and I take pride in that so when you call me I'm zealous about calling you back and my staffs the same way, if I can ever be of service to you please contact me at (716) 839-3939. Just call Jed

Client Reviews
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