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Buffalo, New York, Car Accidents Caused By Failing To Use Four-Way Flashers When Pulled Over

Jed Dietrich, Esq., Established as an American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year and New York Super Lawyer, and His Seasoned Team of Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Highly-Praised with a Google Five Star Rating, Litigate Claims Persuasively to Demand the Best Outcomes for Victims Severely Injured in Collisions Caused by Motorists Pulling Over Without Activating Their Four-Way Hazard Lights in Buffalo, New York.

Four-way Flashers When employed properly, a vehicle’s four-way flashers serve a vital safety purpose, such as helping warn others on the road about unanticipated traffic obstructions. The flashers allow vehicles to be more noticeable in potentially dangerous situations. Typically, drivers perceive flashing hazard lights as a sign that a vehicle is stationary and they should drive around it. Whether your car just broke down, you need to change a flat tire, or perform maintenance, anytime you are pulled over, it is extremely important to turn on your emergency lights to ensure that motorists can see you. Additionally, you should activate your hazard lights if you pull over for an emergency.

Pulling over without activating a vehicle’s flashers is careless, irresponsible and significantly heightens the risk of being involved in a severe car accident. It places occupants of the stopped car in unnecessary danger, along with every passing vehicle, pedestrian, and cyclist. If you were unfortunate enough to be injured in a car crash caused by a pulled-over driver failing to use his or her flashers, you might have suffered from broken bones, complete paralysis, internal organ damage, traumatic brain injury, or even worse. The consequences of your collision could result in chronic pain and drastically affect your ability to live a meaningful life. You may be unable to hold a job or even be performing routine tasks.

It is imperative to discuss the conditions that resulted in your crash with a highly qualified and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Getting seriously injured in an accident caused by another’s negligence can be a total nightmare. It may be difficult to determine your course of action. Fortunately, Jed Dietrich, Esq., and his compassionate team of personal injury attorneys are here to fight for your interests. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s highly experienced team knows exactly what is needed to win cases.

Jed Dietrich, Esq., and his battle-tested failing to use four-way flashers when pulled over attorneys realize that you probably have plenty of questions for us. We would be honored to guide you through the whole legal process from start to finish. Our mission is to get you the monetary compensation that your claim rates to pay for hospital and physical therapy bills, cover lost earnings, and get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Our elite attorneys work based on contingency. In other words, we do not get paid unless you receive a settlement or win at trial. Numerous times former clients of the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. have raved that Jed Dietrich, Esq. is the finest personal injury lawyer in Buffalo, New York. Kindly view our client reviews by clicking here. Contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s best of the best today at 716-839-3939 or by completing the online consultation form. Our seasoned attorneys are obtainable 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Please do not wait any longer to call our veteran team and receive your free, no-obligation case evaluation and consultation!

When To Use Your Four-Way Flashers

When To Use Your Four-Way Flashers Drivers that are forced to pull over due to damaged or broken down vehicles may be too fixated on mechanical problems to consider engaging the emergency lights. However, four-way flashers are not just for decoration; deploying them when on the side of the road can help prevent needless accidents and save lives. Flasher use is governed by Section 1163 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. According to Section 1163(e), there are 3 basic situations where emergency lights must be activated. First, when a car is stopped or disabled on a public highway, which excludes vehicles that are legally parked or stopped due to traffic control devices, such as red lights. Common examples would be getting pulled over by the police, being involved in an accident, or running out of gas. Second, drivers should use their hazard signals whenever it is necessary to warn others regarding traffic hazards ahead. For instance, if a deer is in the middle of the road or there is a collision up ahead. Finally, drivers should use their flashers to warn other motorists that their vehicles may represent a traffic hazard. An example of this would be getting a flat tire and driving slowly for a short distance to a safe place.

The Vehicle and Traffic Law prohibits the use of hazards for any other purpose. Unfortunately, too many negligent motorists still believe that they can drive or park anywhere they choose if they turn on their flashers. Flicking your four-way flashers for illegal parking, creating a pickup or dropoff zone, or bypassing traffic laws are terrible ideas. Misusing emergency lights is not only frustrating to other drivers but could get you a ticket or even into an accident. Our highly experienced personal injury attorneys recommend always using your hazard lights properly and when required.



Liability For Failing To Use Hazard Lights

In most situations, when drivers properly apply their flashers while parked on the side of the road, a compelling case can be made as to why the other motorist was at fault. However, when an accident is caused by a pulled-over vehicle without flickering emergency lights, liability may not be as straightforward. The motorist that struck the pulled-over vehicle might be able to show that they should not be held liable, especially if the accident occurred at night or under low-visibility conditions. He or she could argue that the pulled-over vehicle was undetectable and that a reasonably prudent driver under the same conditions would have turned on their emergency lights.

Even if it is established that the striking motorist should have seen the vehicle without four-way flashers, the stopped driver would need to show that the motorist was negligent in another way, such as driving while distracted or speeding. Regardless, failing to deploy four-way flashers would most likely impact the pulled-over driver’s claim against the striking motorist. New York State recognizes that car crashes often involve multiple causes. Thus rather than being the sole fault of the stopped driver or the motorist that smashed into them, both can share a portion of the blame. Under New York law, if you have been injured in a collision, even if you were contributorily negligent, you may still be entitled to recover compensation. The amount recovered would simply be reduced by the percentage you were found to be at fault.

Our battle-tested attorneys promise to provide you with the highest quality personal injury service. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran lawyers will incorporate the most successful litigation tactics to demonstrate the other party’s liability, strengthen your chances of getting the highest possible compensation for all damages suffered, and assure that justice prevails. Insurance companies have been forced to pay over $175,000,000.00 in judgments and settlements to pay Jed Dietrich, Esq.’s clients, for their injuries. Let our best of the best lawyers start demanding the compensation that you deserve today. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is available around the clock by dialing 716-839-3939 or by completing the online consultation form. Our expert attorneys will be happy to answer all of your inquiries and recommend the best course of action.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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