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Rochester, New York, USPS Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident Injury Lawyers

Jed Dietrich, Esq., a Respectable Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and His Remarkably Gifted Team of Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Distinguished with a 5-Star Google Rating, are Fervently Dedicated to Securing the Maximum Compensation for Mail Carriers Critically Wounded in Dog Bite Accidents in Rochester, New York, Throughout Monroe County, and Beyond.

Brilliant Rochester, New York USPS Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident LawyersMany households throughout Rochester, New York, have dogs for family pets. While most people would never imagine one of their family members attacking a United States Post Service (USPS) mail carrier, over 5,800 mailmen suffered dog bites or attacks in a recent year alone. According to Postal Service officials, on average, over 15 mail carriers sustain dog bites per day. Even for postal carriers that love dogs, it is not hard to see why unleashed canines can create extremely stressful situations. While mail delivery persons do not like seeing dogs run to the door when delivering mail, it is even worse seeing unchained dogs roaming yards. Depending on the size and the breed of the dog, encountering a loose canine could quickly turn into a postman’s worst nightmare.

New York is one of the top 10 dog bite states for USPS carriers. From minor nips to violent attacks, aggressive canine behavior poses a significant danger to not only postal workers but the public as a whole. Just ask the family of a mail carrier who was fatally wounded by 5 dogs that escaped their owner’s fenced property on her route. Fortunately, if a canine bites a mail delivery person, the dog owner can be held responsible for damages, such as hospital bills, physical therapy costs, expenses related to corrective plastic surgery, and much more. Suppose that you have sustained dog-related injuries while delivering mail; you need a highly experienced personal injury attorney to aggressively litigate your case.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested team will concentrate on getting you paid so that you can focus on getting better. Jed Dietrich, Esq., has obtained over $175 million in judgments and settlements for accident victims throughout Rochester, New York, Monroe County, and New York State. Whether you prefer us to assertively negotiate a reasonable settlement or fight your case in court, our mission is to get you the greatest possible result. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s elite team is available 24/7 at (585) 939-3939 or by filling out our online consultation form. Please contact us at your earliest possible convenience to set up a free no-obligation consultation.

The Most Notorious Dog Breeds For Biting

Many of the attacks reported by USPS drivers came from owners who claimed their dogs would never bite. However, the truth is that any canine is capable of biting, especially when nervous, scared, protecting its puppies, playing with toys, or eating. Dogs are also known for biting when they want to be left alone or are feeling sick. According to the Canine Journal, the following dog breeds bite most often:

  1. Pit Bull;
  2. German Shepherd;
  3. Australian Shepherd;
  4. English Bulldog;
  5. Bulldog;
  6. Lhasa Apso;
  7. Papillion;
  8. Pekingese;
  9. Cocker Spaniel;
  10. Bull Terrier;
  11. Jack Russell Terrier; and
  12. Chihuahua.

Statistics show that dogs that have not been spayed or neutered exhibit a 300 percent higher risk of biting compared to those that have been spayed or neutered.



Steps That USPS Drivers Should Take After A Dog Bite

Brilliant Rochester, New York USPS Delivery Person Dog Bite Accident LawyersIn case of a dog attack, USPS carriers are specially trained to protect their bodies and stand their ground. This can often be accomplished by spraying dog repellent or placing a mail satchel in-between your body and the dog. Additionally, the actions that you take immediately after being attacked by a canine are just as crucial. It is not unusual to be in shock due to the gravity of your injuries and the adrenaline surge associated with such an event. Nevertheless, it is important to remember the following steps after getting bit by a dog:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Call an ambulance or have someone rush you to the emergency room if your wounds are severe. It is vital to seek medical care, especially if your skin is broken. Even if your injuries appear to be relatively minor, the risk of bacterial infections and diseases is far too great not to get examined.
  2. Call the Rochester Police Department: You should call 911 and report the canine that bit you. This is particularly pertinent if the dog is still behaving aggressively or there are small children in the area. Phoning the police also means that they will make an official report which could be helpful for your case.
  3. Identify the Dog: Immediately determine where the dog that attacked you came from. Was the canine in the yard of a house that you were delivering mail to? Write down the address and obtain the owner’s name as well as their contact information.
  4. Gather Information: If possible, use your phone to take pictures and videos of the dog, its owner, the property you were attacked on, your injuries, and any damaged property. Also, get the names and contact details of all bystanders who are willing to support your story.
  5. Retain a Rochester Dog Bite Attorney: Do not hesitate to contact a top rated attorney right away. Dog bite accident cases can be complicated and hard to navigate through on your own. Therefore, it is critical to have a professional to protect your best interests and legal rights.

Unfortunately, USPS delivery drivers attacked by dogs can suffer catastrophic injuries that impair them for the rest of their lives. Implementing the recommended steps above will help increase your chances of ensuring that you can afford high-quality treatment by holding the negligent dog owner responsible for your injuries.

Our leading team at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. can help you file a claim, investigate whether the dog was prone to aggressive behavior, determine all present and future damages, and hold the owner liable. Jed Dietrich, Esq. prides himself on fighting for the justice that victims and their families rightfully deserve. Our highly experienced Rochester, New York, USPS dog attack injury attorneys know the most effective litigation tactics to get you the maximum compensation permitted by law. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. sincerely appreciates the significance of being there for our clients every step of the way. Our seasoned lawyers are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by calling (585) 939-3939 or by completing our online consultation form. You owe it to yourself to schedule your complimentary case evaluation with our battle-tested team today.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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