How To Protect Yourself From Hit-And-Run Drivers
The streets of New York State have become a battleground for a disturbing trend: hit-and-run collisions. In a perfect world, every motorist would adhere to the law, stopping and exchanging information after a collision. But alas, some drivers seem to have a knack for playing hide-and-seek with responsibility. They strike another vehicle, a cyclist, or even an innocent pedestrian, only to vanish into thin air, leaving victims stunned and vulnerable. As hit-and-run accidents increase in Western New York, it’s time to arm yourself with knowledge and protection. The renowned legal experts at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. are sounding the alarm and urging you to join the ranks of the prepared. In this guide, we will unveil the secrets to safeguarding yourself from these evasive culprits so that you can confidently and safely navigate the roads.
Are You In Danger Of Being Involved In A Hit-And-Run?
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the following factors could increase your risk of being a victim of a hit-and-run accident: