Articles Tagged with Physical Therapy

RECKLESS-DRIVING-scaledEach year, millions of victims suffer severe, life-altering injuries and tragic fatalities in accidents on the road. The roads in Western New York are dangerous enough without even considering reckless drivers. Reckless driving poses a substantial risk to the motorist, occupants of other vehicles, pedestrians, and everyone else on the road. Unfortunately, many drivers engage in reckless driving despite knowing that these destructive behaviors considerably heighten their risk of causing a devasting accident. 

What Is Reckless Driving? 

In the 1990s, the term “reckless driving” emerged to describe dangerous behaviors behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines reckless driving as operating a vehicle in any way that can cause danger to others on the road. 

Bicyclist-in-traffic-scaledEven the smallest car outweighs the sturdiest of bicycles by a considerable margin. When cycling, the protection offered to riders is minimal, almost non-existent. Cyclists are alarmingly vulnerable to severe injuries in the event of a collision with a motor vehicle. From bone fractures and traumatic brain injuries to organ damage and even death, the impact is bound to be life-altering. The financial ramifications of a car accident as a bicyclist can be grave, as emergency medical treatments and hospitalization typically come at a steep price.

Crucial Steps For Victims Of Car Versus Bicycle Accidents  

Suppose you were hit by a car while riding your bicycle. In that case, our battle-tested injury lawyers strongly recommend taking the following steps to safeguard your legal rights:

Physical-Therapist-300x200According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 6 million car crashes happen throughout the United States every year. Car accident victims often wonder whether or not physical therapy is necessary. Depending on the nature of your injuries, doctors may recommend some rehabilitation. People usually do not realize the gravity of their accident-related injuries until after resuming their everyday daily routines. Physical therapy has helped countless accident victims bounce back from their injuries much faster than those who have chosen to stay in bed.  

Reasons For Visiting A Physical Therapist 

If you are contemplating starting physical therapy after a car accident, there are several reasons to proceed with the treatment. The top 5 reasons you should attend physical therapy include:

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