Articles Tagged with mediation

3-19-24-cartoon-accidentOver 2,000,000 people are injured in motor vehicle accidents each year. Further, the average driver will file a claim with their insurance company for a car crash once just about every 18 years. With statistics such as these, everyone needs to know what they should expect if they are in a car accident.

Immediately following a collision, it is important to:

  1. Relocate your vehicle to somewhere safe. If it is feasible, move your vehicle to the side, out of the way of other traffic, to avoid the risk of any additional injuries.

In the United States, over 80% of adults operate a motor vehicle multiple times per week. For most, the daily commute to and from work and school happens inside of a motor vehicle. In 2021, the United States was home to 232,781,797 licensed drivers who are estimated to have driven a combined total of over three trillion miles.

It is further estimated, that licensed drivers in the United States will spend an average of 17,600 minutes driving every year. With all this time spent in the car, it is not surprising that 77% of U.S. drivers have been in at least one accident. While accidents cannot be completely stopped altogether, they may be prevented if people practice conscientious driving and observe all of the traffic rules and regulations.

Practices to Follow to Prevent Car Accidents:

What-to-Expect-at-Trial-Blog-scaledBeing involved in a car accident is stressful enough, but the prospect of a trial can feel overwhelming. Suppose you’re facing this situation in Upstate New York. In that case, understanding the process can ease your anxiety and empower you to make informed decisions. Our elite team of Buffalo, New York, car accident injury lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. represents countless car accident victims and wants to guide you through what to expect during a trial.

Before The Trial:

  1. Discovery: This phase involves exchanging information and evidence between both parties. We’ll assist you in gathering crucial documents like accident reports, medical records, and witness statements. This stage is essential for building a strong case.

Mediation-300x183Approximately only 3 percent of all personal injury cases go to trial. Most lawsuits are settled outside of court through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution. One of the most common types of alternative dispute resolution is called mediation. Mediation is a voluntary process where the plaintiff and defendant meet with a neutral third party called a mediator. The mediator, often a retired judge or attorney with vast experience and knowledge in personal injury litigation, tries to help both sides reach a mutually agreeable settlement. 

What Takes Place During Mediation?

Before the mediation, lawyers from each party provide case briefs for the mediator to read and present to the opposing side. At the mediation, both parties have an equal opportunity to reveal evidence and make statements regarding their respective versions of the accident. The mediator also facilitates dialog between the plaintiff and defense attorneys. After the parties discuss the case, the mediator separates the parties into different rooms and speaks to them in private. In an attempt to arrive at a common understanding, the mediator will repeatedly go back and forth between the plaintiff and defendant’s rooms. 

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