Articles Tagged with injury

Pedestrian-Safety-scaledWalking is a great way to get around and get some exercise in the process. Pedestrians can help reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying some fresh air. No wonder walking has become increasingly popular in recent times. However, if you prefer walking, being aware of the risks of being involved in a pedestrian accident is crucial. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in a recent year alone, there were roughly 6,300 pedestrians killed in traffic-related accidents. When on foot, you are approximately 1.5 times more susceptible to being fatally injured in an accident than car occupants. 

Every 9 minutes, a pedestrian suffers injuries caused by contact with a vehicle. Given the vast difference between the weight and velocity of your average vehicle and a pedestrian, it is understandable why foot-travelers are so vulnerable, especially considering they lack all protections. Consequently, pedestrian accident injuries are rarely just minor cuts and bruises. 

Common Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

WET-FLOOR-scaledWet floors are notorious for causing exceptionally slippery conditions. Consequently, these types of accidents can happen just about anywhere. You may have slipped on a spilled drink at your favorite restaurant or fallen in a shopping mall on some melted ice. Water and other liquids frequently cause wet floor-related hazards in public bathrooms, stairs, building entrances, and grocery store aisles.  

Unfortunately, wet floor accidents can be much more devastating than you would think. Suddenly, losing your balance and falling on a hard floor can have life-altering consequences. According to the National Foor Safety Institute (NFSI), each year, wet floor slips and falls result in over 1 million emergency department visits. Slipping and falling on a wet floor can be deeply troubling, especially when you suffer severe injuries or worse.  

Essential Steps To Take After Your Fall

What-to-do-after-a-drunk-driver-injures-you-blog-scaledThere is no denying that getting behind the wheel after even a few drinks can be fatal. However, accidents caused by drunk drivers continue to happen at an alarming rate all across the United States. Over 30 percent of all crash-related deaths throughout the country involve drunk drivers. In a recent year alone, 13,384 victims tragically lost their lives in these preventable collisions. That’s approximately one victim killed in a drunk-driving accident every 39 minutes. Fortunately, not every crash caused by a drunk driver results in death. Still, the injuries you sustain may be devastating and life-altering. 

Critical Steps To Take After The Accident

Getting hit by a drunk driver can dramatically alter your life in an instant. One minute, you are driving down the street. Then, suddenly, you are injured and forced to deal with the consequences of another’s recklessness. Immediately following a drunk driving collision, you will likely feel shocked, angry, and confused. However, it is essential to remain as calm as possible and complete the following steps to protect yourself and your family:

Drink-and-Drive-Blog-scaledIn New York State, driving while intoxicated is a serious crime, and DWI laws are strictly enforced. Alcohol can start impacting your motor skills and impair driving skills with a blood alcohol content as low as 0.01. Consequently, even if your BAC is below the legal limit, driving with even a small amount of alcohol in your system can still be extremely dangerous.

Why Drinking And Driving Is So Dangerous 

In a recent year alone, 13,384 victims died in alcohol-related accidents. In addition to this tragic drunk driving statistic, below are crucial reasons never to drink and drive:

Dont-Tailgate-Blog-scaledIf you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, there is a one-in-three chance it was a rear-end collision. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-enders account for over 32 percent of all car accidents. While many of these accidents occur at low speeds, rear-end collisions still cause severe injuries and deaths.

You may be wondering why fender benders occur so often. Most rear-end collisions are caused by driver error. Although you cannot change how other motorists behave, you have complete control over your driving. In this blog, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested car accident lawyers will discuss essential tips to avoid rear-end collisions. 

Safety Measures That Will Lower Your Risk

Safe-Driver-post-1-scaledDriving is one of the riskiest things you do every day. Many careless actions, such as speeding, giving in to distractions, and fatigued driving, can all significantly increase your risk of crashing. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is especially dangerous. Fortunately, there are simple steps that you can take to keep yourself and others safe. 

Five Things You Can Do To Be A Safer Driver

  1. Concentrate on the Road: You may have been driving for years or even decades and feel like you can do it without much thought. However, we cannot stress the importance of always keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, in a recent year alone, distracted driving killed 3,142 victims. Therefore, avoiding all distractions, like eating or drinking, scrolling through social media, talking on your cell phone, and applying makeup behind the wheel, is crucial. 

How-to-Handle-Road-Rage-A-Defensive-GuideRoad rage refers to a driver’s intense anger, typically sparked by another’s provoking behavior and manifested through aggressive or violent actions. In recent years, road rage incidents have hit record highs throughout the United States. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), experiencing aggressive driving has become all too common, with approximately 80 percent of motorists reporting at least one incident within the past month.

Aggressive driving frequently escalates into all-out road rage, such as forcing other vehicles off the road, brake checking, or even ramming into others. It typically involves intimidation and attempts to damage cars or injure other drivers. Unfortunately, road rage accidents result in much more devastating injuries due to aggressiveness, high speeds, and violent impacts than other collisions. Over 30 victims’ lives are senselessly taken in road rage-related incidents yearly.

Why Do Drivers Experience Road Rage

Emotional-Car-Accident-scaledVictims of car accidents may be forced to deal with painful lacerations and bruises or even more severe injuries, like broken bones and traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, it is essential to remember that collision-related injuries are not always physical. It is common to experience various emotions, such as anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. For some victims, these feelings can persist long after their bodily injuries have healed. 

Victims of more severe car accidents, especially those involving wrongful deaths and grave disfigurements, often develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you or a loved one are struggling with the emotional aftermath of a car accident, help is available. In this guide, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s caring attorneys will discuss symptoms of psychological trauma and provide tips for coping with the repercussions. 

Common Symptoms Of Emotional Distress 

Driving-in-bad-weather-scaledWhile car crashes can happen just about any time, the risk of being involved in a collision significantly increases in bad weather. In fact, bad weather conditions are notorious for causing devastating car accidents throughout Western New York. Heavy rain, intense snowfall, poor visibility, and slick roads can all easily cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Driving in poor weather conditions is even more dangerous when drivers fail to take proper safety precautions to prevent unnecessary accidents.  

Safety Tips For Avoiding Inclement Weather-Related Crashes

All motorists have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care while driving in unfavorable weather conditions, which includes taking the appropriate safety precautions and driving more cautiously. Below, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested lawyers have listed the best practices to minimize your risk of being involved in a bad-weather car accident:

Stray-Dog-Blog-scaledAccording to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 4.7 million victims are bitten by dogs throughout the United States annually. Most people do not realize how dangerous and even fatal being bitten by a stray dog can be. The CDC reported that there were over 60 reported cases of rabies amongst dogs in a recent year alone. If the laceration gets infected or the dog has rabies, it could give rise to severe health complications.   

Critical Actions To Take After a Dog Bite

Roughly 1 out of 5 dog bite victims suffer injuries severe enough to require medical treatment. In the most severe cases, dog bites can result in amputation, nerve damage, permanent disfigurement, and death. The first concern with stray dog bites is infections, which may require intravenous antibiotics and hospitalization. That is why the most important thing you can do after getting bitten is see your primary care provider. 

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