Buffalo Car Accident Attorneys And Automobile Defects
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in a recent year alone, there were over 1,040 motor vehicle crash-related deaths throughout New York State. Although defective vehicles and components commonly contribute to or significantly worsen many car accidents, most victims never even realize it. Collisions involving automobile defects are typically caused by dangerous vehicle designs, substandard components, and other manufacturing errors. All car designers and manufacturers have a legal duty to ensure their vehicles’ safety before marketing them to the public. This duty requires car makers to carefully inspect their vehicles for defects that could unnecessarily harm consumers. Unfortunately, some of the most prominent car companies fail to examine their vehicles adequately. Many manufacturers have even known about critical deficiencies but tried to conceal them from the public.
Most Common Types Of Car Defects
For an automobile to function correctly, thousands of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components must operate together. When even the most minor part malfunctions, the outcome can be catastrophic. For example, if faulty brake pads fail as a truck nears a red light, the truck could T-Bone another vehicle. Some frequently occurring instances of automobile defects include: