Neck Injuries After Car Accidents
Car accidents are one of the country’s leading causes of neck injuries. Over 800,000 crashes involving neck injuries are reported throughout the United States each year. Despite being a highly vulnerable part of the body, the neck has minimal protection during a car accident. While wearing a seatbelt can help keep your body in place, your neck and head are left unrestrained. In the event of a car crash, a victim’s neck can quickly jolt back and forth, be violently jerked from one side to another, or even be struck by flying debris. Abrupt, sharp movements are known for causing severe injuries to the cervical spine’s tendons, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and joints.
Signs And Symptoms Of Neck Injuries
In the wake of a collision, it often takes victims suffering from neck injuries several hours or even days before signs and symptoms emerge. For this reason, it is crucial never to ignore even relatively minor pain. When left untreated, a trivial neck injury could lead to lingering pain and chronic complications in the future. We strongly advise seeking immediate medical care if you experience any of the following: