How To Find The Right New York Slip-and-Fall Accident Lawyer For You

6-25-24-Choosing-the-right-lawyer-300x177If you’ve been hurt in a slip-and-fall accident that wasn’t your fault, hiring a personal injury lawyer could drastically improve your odds of obtaining a fair settlement. However, your choice of representation is key to your success.

Here are some tips that could help you make the right decision:

Decide Whether You Need a Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

Anyone can slip and fall, but not everyone needs a personal injury lawyer after an accident.

If your accident made you angry or upset but didn’t cause any lasting injuries, then you may be able to resolve your complaint without going to court. However, slip-and-fall accident victims who have suffered serious injuries—injuries that cause pain, require hospitalization, or keep them away from work—almost always need an attorney.

Looking for Attorneys with the Right Type of Experience

Finding the right attorney for your slip-and-fall accident claim isn’t as easy as doing a Google search or asking friends if they know a good lawyer.

There are valid reasons to exercise caution before committing: practicing lawyers may have similar educational credentials, but many have experience in different fields and disciplines. Some lawyers only handle specific cases, such as criminal defense or corporate transactions. Other lawyers might work with many different types of clients but do not have nearly as much experience litigating slip-and-fall claims.

You can try to think of it this way: if you were charged with a serious crime that you know you didn’t commit, would you ask a tax lawyer to prepare your defense?

Most people wouldn’t.

The same principle applies to slip-and-fall accident claims: your lawyer should be somebody who’s built their career fighting and winning cases like yours.

Search for Referrals, and Read Client Reviews

If you have a family friend, a relative, or a coworker who was injured in a slip-and-fall accident, filed a lawsuit, and obtained a fair settlement, ask if they were happy with their attorney. These referrals—relevant, and from somebody you trust—can be a great way to connect with a good lawyer.

But before you make a decision, do your homework and see what other people have to say.

If a lawyer treats their clients well and can win cases, they’ll probably publish client results on their website. You can click here to read through some of the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s many positive reviews.

Schedule a Consultation, and Ask These Questions

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. also offers 100% free consultations for slip-and-fall accident victims.  During your consultation, you’ll have a chance to ask questions that will help you get a better understanding of how much your case could be worth and what your next steps might look like.

Asking the following types of questions can help you get a better idea of what to expect:

  1. Do you think I have a strong case?
  2. What types of damages are available in a slip-and-fall accident lawsuit?
  3. If I file a lawsuit, what are potential challenges and defenses you anticipate—and what can you do about them?
  4. Who is going to handle my claim, and how often can I expect to hear from them?
  5. Why don’t you charge any fees upfront?

Find an Attorney Who Knows How to Win

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has spent decades fighting for the rights of slip-and-fall accident victims. We know what it takes to win—and we have the results to prove it. Send us a message online or call us at 716-839-3939 to schedule your consultation today.

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