Articles Posted in Car Accident

Choose-the-right-lawyer-300x200Victims suffer injuries in tens of millions of severe accidents every year, such as slips and falls, collisions, and dog bites. Most of these injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence or even recklessness. The consequences of being involved in an accident can range from serious personal injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder to the destruction of property and costly hospital bills. Over 40 million accident victims require medical care due to various personal injuries each year. If you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may be wondering what type of lawyer to call.

Personal Injury Attorneys Help Accident Victims

If you, or a family member, have been injured in an accident that was caused by another’s carelessness, a personal injury lawyer is someone who can provide you with legal representation. Personal injury lawyers specialize in tort law, including negligent and intentional acts. This type of attorney focuses on pursuing monetary compensation for accident victims through civil litigation. It is crucial to choose a lawyer who has significant experience litigating the type of injury related to your case.

Liens-300x200Many accident victims seeking damages in personal injury lawsuits are surprised to learn that an insurance company, doctor’s office, physical therapy clinic, or another party has placed a medical lien against their monetary compensation. As a result, victims may receive significantly less money than they anticipated. Since liens can substantially affect your financial outcome, knowing what they are and exactly how they work is crucial. 

How Are Medical Liens Used?

After suffering injuries in an accident, most victims cannot afford to pay for their medical treatment upfront. Instead, third parties, such as government agencies, insurance companies, or hospitals, cover the costs. These third parties have a legal right to seek reimbursement for their expenses. Medical liens are often enforced against a victim’s settlement or jury award to collect payment for treatment provided. Medical liens are most frequently utilized in the following four circumstances: 

Couple-Doing-Yardwork-200x300Loss of consortium is a term used in personal injury law that refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship because of injuries suffered in an accident. Under New York law, injured victims may be eligible to obtain monetary compensation for the loss of consortium and companionship. These claims are intended to remedy marital damages that the victim and their spouse have suffered. Loss of consortium claims are generally made when the injuries suffered are long-lasting, devastating, or debilitating. 

Who Can Bring A Loss Of Consortium Claim?

In New York State, spouses of injured victims can claim the loss of consortium or companionship. Unfortunately, this does not include life partners or significant others. If a spouse contributed financially to their household and family expenses, the claim might consist of loss of financial support. This amount is determined by the sum of money the spouse would have contributed to the family had they not been injured. 

Insurance-Limits-300x300If you, or a family member, have suffered injuries in a Buffalo, New York car accident, you may be entitled to obtain monetary compensation. However, New York is a “no-fault” state which means that regardless of who was responsible for the crash, both drivers and passengers must file claims against the no-fault insurance of the vehicle that they were in. Under New York law, proof of no-fault insurance, also commonly referred to as personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, is required before registering a vehicle. Personal injury protection coverage promptly pays accident victims for their economic damages, such as hospital bills, lost income, and other essential expenses. 

Minimum Liability Insurance Coverage

Every motorist is required to purchase minimum amounts of liability insurance coverage, including: T-Bone car accident occurs when one vehicle collides with another at a ninety-degree angle, forming a “T” shape. Typically, T-bones involve two vehicles and are also known as side-impact crashes or broadside collisions. These types of accidents tend to cause severe injuries and even fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration’s (NHTSA’s) Traffic Safety Facts Annual Report, angle collisions accounted for 6,354 deaths, approximately 20 percent of traffic fatalities. 

How Do They Occur?

Most T-Bone accidents happen at intersections when one vehicle fails to yield the right-of-way. For instance, a car may run a stop sign or red light and smash into the passenger side of another vehicle. However, side-impact crashes can occur anywhere and are not just limited to intersections. One common broadside scenario includes a driver backing out of an alley without noticing approaching vehicles. Additionally, various other factors can significantly contribute to broadsides such as:

Shoulder-Injury-300x200Shoulder injuries sustained in car accidents can be excruciating and traumatic. Even minor collisions can damage the tendons, nerves, soft tissues, bones, and joints of the shoulder. Given the anatomy of the human body, the rotator cuff region is particularly vulnerable to severe aching and pain following a crash. Please continue reading to learn more about shoulder injuries and your rights as a car accident victim.  

Most Common Shoulder Injuries

Research has determined that over 80 percent of shoulder injuries suffered in car accidents were to the seatbelt shoulder. These types of injuries can vary significantly depending on the severity and type. Crashes can cause a broad spectrum of shoulder injuries, including: 

HEAD-ON-COLLISION-300x200A head-on collision, also commonly known as a “front impact accident” or “frontal crash,” occurs when two vehicles moving in opposite directions smash into each other’s front ends. Because of the high speeds often involved, head-on collisions tend to be some of the most gruesome types of car accidents. Generally, the gravity of injuries accompanying front impact accidents is much more substantial when compared to other types of crashes, such as sideswipes or rear-end collisions. For victims that are fortunate enough to survive these ravaging crashes, it may take months or even years to begin to recover physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Not to mention the hospital bills and other financial damages to consider, which add further stress to victims and their families.  

Head-On Collisions Often Result In Devastating Injuries  

Although frontal crashes are uncommon compared to other car accidents, statistics confirm that they are the most dangerous and fatal of all crashes. According to the Insurance Information Institute, head-on collisions only accounted for 2 percent of all car accidents in a recent year. However, they were responsible for more than 10 percent of all deadly crashes. Head-on collisions generate the most significant impact force when both vehicles are in motion directly before colliding. During even head-on collisions that involve relatively low speeds, drivers and passengers are highly vulnerable to destructive forces. Common injuries that victims suffer include:

Passenger-Injuries-300x200While the safety features on vehicles advance, most manufacturers have focused on protecting drivers while leaving passenger safety systems deficient. Consequently, passengers often suffer the brunt of injuries. Depending on the circumstances that led to the accident, passengers may be able to hold the drivers of the cars they were in, drivers of other vehicles involved, manufacturers of defective vehicles or parts, and government entities responsible for their injuries.

Common Passenger Injuries

During even minor accidents, passengers’ bodies can be subjected to powerful forces, such as unexpected acceleration, abrupt stopping, and extreme rotation. Depending on where a passenger was sitting, the type of accident, and the speed of the vehicles, the severity of their injuries can vary substantially. For example, passengers seated in the front are more likely to hit their heads on dashboards and suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). The risk of backseat passengers suffering whiplash or spinal injuries is significantly higher, especially during rear-end crashes. In the event of a side-impact collision, passengers sitting on the impacted side of the vehicle are particularly vulnerable. Additionally, passengers can suffer a broad spectrum of other injuries and complications, including:

Whiplash-300x179Car accidents are one of the country’s leading causes of neck injuries. Over 800,000 crashes involving neck injuries are reported throughout the United States each year. Despite being a highly vulnerable part of the body, the neck has minimal protection during a car accident. While wearing a seatbelt can help keep your body in place, your neck and head are left unrestrained. In the event of a car crash, a victim’s neck can quickly jolt back and forth, be violently jerked from one side to another, or even be struck by flying debris. Abrupt, sharp movements are known for causing severe injuries to the cervical spine’s tendons, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and joints.  

Signs And Symptoms Of Neck Injuries

In the wake of a collision, it often takes victims suffering from neck injuries several hours or even days before signs and symptoms emerge. For this reason, it is crucial never to ignore even relatively minor pain. When left untreated, a trivial neck injury could lead to lingering pain and chronic complications in the future. We strongly advise seeking immediate medical care if you experience any of the following:  

Physical-Therapist-300x200According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 6 million car crashes happen throughout the United States every year. Car accident victims often wonder whether or not physical therapy is necessary. Depending on the nature of your injuries, doctors may recommend some rehabilitation. People usually do not realize the gravity of their accident-related injuries until after resuming their everyday daily routines. Physical therapy has helped countless accident victims bounce back from their injuries much faster than those who have chosen to stay in bed.  

Reasons For Visiting A Physical Therapist 

If you are contemplating starting physical therapy after a car accident, there are several reasons to proceed with the treatment. The top 5 reasons you should attend physical therapy include:

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