Articles Posted in Car Accident

Find-Lawyer-Blog-post-scaledGetting into a car accident can be terrifying and nerve-racking, especially if you or a passenger have suffered severe injuries. You may not know where to turn, and to add insult to injury, it may feel like your insurance company is not offering you the compensation you deserve. Your injuries may be causing you considerable pain and make it impossible to maintain the same job or even work at all. 

As your hospital bills and other medical expenses pile up, you may decide to retain an attorney. The importance of retaining a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyer cannot be overemphasized. In this guide, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s team offers the following tips to help you find a competent attorney to handle your case:

  1. Conduct Research: Assessing potential law firms has never been easier with the internet. Start by searching for personal injury attorneys in your area. Check their Google reviews and Better Business Bureau rating.

Man-Reporting-Car-Accident-scaledMillions of car accidents take place throughout the country each year. Unfortunately, many crashes result in costly property damage, severe personal injuries, and sometimes even wrongful death. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated car accident injury lawyers realize that getting into a collision can be a frightening ordeal. After being the victim of an accident, it is only natural to be confused, upset, and frightened. It is common to endure post-psychological shock symptoms, such as racing thoughts, heightened anxiety, panic, and increased heart rate. 

The actions you take immediately following a collision could meaningfully impact the outcome of your prospective case. Even a relatively minor mistake could lead to you receiving considerably less compensation. Fortunately, there are some actions that you can take to help strengthen your potential claim. Below, our highly experienced Buffalo car accident injury lawyers will educate you on the 10 most critical things to do after a crash:

  1. Pullover Immediately: Find a safe, well-lit place nearby to pull over. Try to remain calm and turn on your emergency flashers to warn approaching vehicles. 

Back-Up-Camera-scaledMost new car models offer sophisticated safety features like collision avoidance systems, adaptive cruise control, and lane departure technology. Despite state-of-the-art advancements in car safety, getting behind the wheel is still one of the most dangerous things the average person does daily.

Cases of drunk driving, reckless driving, speeding, and distracted driving have become increasingly prevalent. These careless behaviors lead to more crashes and endanger innocent lives. Fortunately, there are some measures you can implement to make your car safer. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested car accident lawyers will divulge several safety tips in this guide.

Crucial Tips On Improving The Safety Of Your Vehicle

HIT-AND-RUN-BLOG-scaledThe streets of New York State have become a battleground for a disturbing trend: hit-and-run collisions. In a perfect world, every motorist would adhere to the law, stopping and exchanging information after a collision. But alas, some drivers seem to have a knack for playing hide-and-seek with responsibility. They strike another vehicle, a cyclist, or even an innocent pedestrian, only to vanish into thin air, leaving victims stunned and vulnerable. As hit-and-run accidents increase in Western New York, it’s time to arm yourself with knowledge and protection. The renowned legal experts at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. are sounding the alarm and urging you to join the ranks of the prepared. In this guide, we will unveil the secrets to safeguarding yourself from these evasive culprits so that you can confidently and safely navigate the roads.

Are You In Danger Of Being Involved In A Hit-And-Run?

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the following factors could increase your risk of being a victim of a hit-and-run accident:

ROAD-RAGE-BLOG-scaledFrustration behind the wheel is something most of us can relate to. Whether it’s a near-miss collision, an abrupt cut-off, or a blatant disregard for traffic rules, we’ve all experienced that surge of anger. However, what starts as a simple irritation can quickly escalate into a dangerous phenomenon known as road rage.

Road rage is the embodiment of a driver’s unbridled fury, triggered by the actions of another motorist and manifested through violent or aggressive behavior. Disturbingly, this destructive behavior has surged in recent years, posing a significant threat to countless innocent individuals on the road. It encompasses not only attempts to damage vehicles but also terrifying acts of intimidation, injury, and, in some cases, even death.

Join us as we uncover the startling truth behind road rage and its impact on our daily lives. Discover the steps we can take as individuals and as a society to curb this dangerous epidemic, ensuring our roads become safer for everyone who travels upon them.

ERIE-DROWSY-DRIVER-scaledDiscover the hidden epidemic sweeping our nation’s roads, threatening the lives of countless innocent individuals: drowsy driving. In a sleep-deprived society where the average American gets less than 7 hours of rest each night, the consequences can be dire. Astonishingly, despite the universal understanding that driving while drowsy is a recipe for disaster, a staggering 40% of drivers openly confess to embarking on their journeys in a fatigued state. Brace yourself for an even more alarming statistic: a shocking 20% of motorists, in the past year alone, have admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel.

Sleep-deprived drivers can quickly doze off for a few seconds without realizing it. While this might seem harmless, at 65 miles per hour, you could drive the length of an entire football field in that time. Additionally, being awake for over 20 hours is equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent. In a recent year alone, drowsy drivers were responsible for at least 684 known fatalities. Sadly, most devastating accidents could have easily been prevented with proper due diligence and reasonable care.

Crucial Tips To Avoid Drowsy Driving

Woman-Calling-for-help-after-car-accident-scaledBased on the crash data analysis of 200 cities across the United States, Buffalo, New York, ranked 148th concerning driver safety. The average local driver is involved in a car crash every 8 years. Considering that the average American driver is only likely to be involved in a collision once every 18 years, Buffalo drivers have more than double the risk of being involved in car accidents. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is essential to understand how the type of car accident you were involved in can impact your personal injury case.

The Most Common Types Of Car Accidents

Below, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s veteran collision attorneys have listed the most frequently occurring car crashes:

What-Happens-Now-scaledThe Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested attorneys have seen the devastating impact serious accidents can have on victims and, ultimately, their loved ones. After suffering severe injuries in a personal injury accident, it is not unusual for victims to have many unanswered questions. Our elite team has compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding injury claims. Below are our answers to the most common questions about accident claims.

  1. Do I have a personal injury case? Suppose you believe you have suffered an injury caused by another’s negligence or recklessness. In that case, you might be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim.
  2. What are the most common causes of personal injuries? The most prevalent types of personal injury cases our attorneys encounter are car collisions, motorcycle crashes, slip and fall accidents, dog bite injuries, product liability claims, and medical malpractice cases.

Car-Insurance-Blog-scaledEvery motorist must have automobile insurance to drive in New York State legally. You must fully understand your insurance policy because your coverage will determine what compensation you may receive in the unfortunate event of a collision. 

The Main Types Of Car Insurance Policies

Carefully reviewing your car insurance coverage can help protect you from unnecessary costs should you be involved in an accident. Types of car insurance include:

EVIDENCE-scaledSuppose that you were severely injured because of another’s carelessness or recklessness. You may wonder how much evidence you need to win your personal injury lawsuit. Under New York law, plaintiffs in personal injury cases have the burden of proof. In other words, for the defendant to be held legally responsible, you must prove that they were negligent. Considering that insurance adjusters and jury members were not at the accident scene, your lawyer must use evidence to demonstrate your version of events. The outcome of your case will be highly contingent upon the quality of evidence you can provide. The more evidence your attorney has to substantiate the case, the higher your chances are of reaching a reasonable settlement or winning in court. 

 What Type Of Evidence Will Support My Case?

The first couple of hours and days following your accident are crucial for collecting and preserving evidence. Gathering evidence can seem stressful and daunting, especially if you need help knowing where to begin. Uncollected evidence can easily get lost or destroyed. Therefore, immediately after any accident, try to amass as much evidence as possible. Some common forms of evidence frequently used in personal injury lawsuits include:

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