Suppose you have been seriously injured in an accident because of another’s wrongdoing. You may be eligible to pursue monetary compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. However, to hold the other party financially liable for your damages, you must first prove that they were negligent. Understanding the legal elements of…
Articles Posted in lawyer
What Are Compensatory Damages?
Victims often turn to personal injury claims to recoup their losses after being injured in accidents. If the verdict is in the plaintiff’s favor, they can obtain a monetary award for their losses. One type of damage awarded to victims is called compensatory damages. Compensatory damages are designed to pay…
If I Am Injured, What Type Of Lawyer Do I Need?
Victims suffer injuries in tens of millions of severe accidents every year, such as slips and falls, collisions, and dog bites. Most of these injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence or even recklessness. The consequences of being involved in an accident can range from serious personal injuries and post-traumatic…
Will I Be Compensated For My Medical Bills In An Injury Claim?
Injured accident victims often wonder if they will receive compensation for their hospital bills and other medical expenses. In personal injury lawsuits involving slips and falls, dog bites, or even food poisonings, tortfeasors are supposed to pay the victims. However, consulting with a highly experienced personal injury attorney is extremely…
What Is Respondeat Superior?
An accident victim could file a claim against an employer if their employee caused their accident in certain situations. Since the employee caused the accident, you may be wondering how the victim can pursue a personal injury lawsuit against their employer. The answer lies in an old legal theory called…
What Are Medical Liens?
Many accident victims seeking damages in personal injury lawsuits are surprised to learn that an insurance company, doctor’s office, physical therapy clinic, or another party has placed a medical lien against their monetary compensation. As a result, victims may receive significantly less money than they anticipated. Since liens can substantially…
What Does Loss of Consortium Mean?
Loss of consortium is a term used in personal injury law that refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship because of injuries suffered in an accident. Under New York law, injured victims may be eligible to obtain monetary compensation for the loss of consortium and companionship.…
What Are Insurance Policy Limits, And How Do They Impact My Claim?
If you, or a family member, have suffered injuries in a Buffalo, New York car accident, you may be entitled to obtain monetary compensation. However, New York is a “no-fault” state which means that regardless of who was responsible for the crash, both drivers and passengers must file claims against…
What Is Gross Negligence?
Gross negligence is a distinct type of negligence that surpasses the expected standard of indifference observed in most personal injury cases. The gross negligence standard primarily centers around the excessiveness of the defendant’s deviation from reasonable care. Under New York law, gross negligence involves “reckless indifference to the rights of…
What Is A Demand Letter?
Plaintiffs’ lawyers sometimes draft demand letters as a preliminary tactic to try and resolve personal injury claims. These letters are intended to inform negligent parties and their insurance companies that the plaintiff is pursuing legal action to obtain monetary compensation for damages. The correspondence usually makes specific demands and outlines…