Crowded buses can easily weigh over 60,000 pounds, while the average car is barely 3,000 pounds. A size difference that lends to bus crashes being some of the most devastating accidents that take place on our roads. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), bus accidents resulted in…
Articles Posted in injury
Driving Under The Influence
Every driver knows that operating a vehicle while impaired or intoxicated is extremely dangerous and illegal. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the biggest traffic safety problems in the country today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 29 victims throughout the…
Traumatic Brain Injuries
A head injury that disrupts the regular functioning of the brain is known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Head injuries are a significant cause of disability and death. Approximately 2.9 million victims suffer traumatic brain injuries in the United States each year. Even relatively minor brain injuries can have…
Buffalo Car Accidents Caused By Driving While Fatigued
According to the National Sleep Foundation, roughly 50 percent of all adult motorists admit to regularly driving while feeling tired. Approximately 20 percent confess to dozing off behind the wheel during the last 12 months, and over 40 percent admit to falling asleep at some point in their driving careers.…
Buffalo Car Accidents Caused By Distracted Driving
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 2,840 victims suffered fatalities in distracted driving accidents during 2018 alone. Roughly 9 victims are killed each day in the 1,000 plus car crashes involving distracted drivers. It is no surprise that the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee reported distracted…
Most Common Car Accidents In Buffalo, New York
Car crashes can range in severity from minor cuts and bruises to total paralysis and even death. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2019, over 36,000 victims died in car accidents. The actual injuries suffered depend considerably on the nature of the accident, the speed of…
What To Do After A Personal Injury Accident
No one ever anticipates getting into an accident and withstanding life-changing injuries or worse. After an accident, it is customary to be angry, disoriented, and in some pain. Some victims may not know what to do after an accident and panic. Unfortunately, the actions you take directly following the incident…
Dog Bite Injuries
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 4.7 million victims are bitten by dogs throughout the country each year. Approximately 20 percent of bite victims suffer injuries serious enough to require medical attention. Children are the most common victims and are more likely to…
Summer Camp Accidents
With over 12,000 summer camps operating throughout the country, over 6 million children participate in day or overnight camps each year. Summer camp is an excellent way for parents to keep their kids active and entertained while school is out. With camps providing adventures for children of all ages, there…
Boat Accidents And Injuries
With nearly 12 million registered recreational vessels throughout the country, boating is a popular pastime. Boating can be an excellent way to spend a hot summer afternoon. There is nothing better than heading out on Lake Erie with family or friends, but it can also be hazardous. According to the…