
Slip And Fall Accidents On Ice

Cold weather conditions typically hit the Buffalo area in November and linger until late March. During this time, ice often accumulates in parking lots, building entrances, stairs, sidewalks, and other outdoor surfaces. Ice can cause highly slippery conditions, making fall-related accidents common during the brutal Western New York winters.

Icy Hot Spots

Unfortunately, it is often challenging to detect ice-related threats. For example, a homeowner might shovel a sidewalk full of snow only to uncover a patch of black ice. Since black ice is transparent, it remains disguised by the surface below it. Victims may encounter these hazardous icy conditions outside offices, malls, grocery stores, hospitals, apartment buildings, and private homes. Temperatures usually warm up during the day and melt the snow, and freezing nights cause melted snow to freeze and turn into ice. Ice tends to form very quickly, especially in shaded areas of buildings, parking garages, gutters, and trees, where rain and melting snow do not evaporate. 

Injuries On Ice

When slipping on ice, victims often instinctively try to catch themselves or grab onto anything within reach, which can cause their bodies to twist violently and lead to soft tissue damage. They might even smash into other objects on their way down and suffer blunt-force injuries. Some of the most frequently occurring ice-related slip and fall injuries include:

  1. Broken or missing teeth;
  2. Wrist fractures;
  3. Twisted ankles;
  4. Torn anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs);
  5. Broken hips, ribs, hands, arms, and legs;
  6. Pulled muscles, severe sprains, and strains;
  7. Neck and back injuries, such as slipped and cracked discs;
  8. Severe head injuries, like concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs);
  9. Complete paralysis; and
  10. Wrongful death.

In a recent year alone, there were more than 9 million emergency room visits to treat fall-related injuries, many of which occurred on ice. Slipping and falling because of ice not only leaves victims with devastating injuries but also leads to costly hospital bills, surgery, lost earnings from missing work, extensive rehabilitation, and heavy reliance on prescription pain medications.

Property Owners’ Responsibility

Property owners and managers have a legal duty to safely maintain their premises for guests, patrons, employees, and tenants. They are obligated to inspect, maintain, and remedy all dangerous conditions, such as clearing or salting ice and snow, to reduce the risk of visitors getting hurt. When a slip and fall accident occurs because a negligent owner or management company failed to remove ice promptly after the inclement weather winds down, they may be held legally responsible for the victim’s injuries. Additionally, many communities throughout the area have specific ordinances that provide residential, commercial, and municipal property owners with a reasonable amount of time after a storm to remove ice and snow. 

Discuss Your Case With The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Veteran Winter Accident Attorneys

Suppose you or a loved one suffered severe harm after tumbling on ice. In that case, the Dietrich Legal Team’s highly experienced personal injury accident lawyers would be honored to fight for the compensation you deserve. Jed Dietrich, Esq., celebrated as a Top 3 Personal Injury Lawyer in Buffalo, has obtained at least $1,000,000.00 or more to compensate his clients for their injuries. Take your first step towards justice today by calling us at 716-839-3939 or completing our online consultation form.

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