
Cement Truck Accidents

Cement trucks transport wet cement to construct foundations, buildings, and driveways. When transporting cement, these massive trucks can weigh over 60,000 pounds. Since the weight of a concrete truck is disproportionately located in the mixing drum, these vehicles tend to be highly top-heavy. As a result, cement trucks have a rollover rate ten times higher than cars. When concrete truck drivers cause accidents, occupants of other vehicles risk suffering devastating injuries or worse. Every time a trucker slams on the brakes or makes a sharp turn, they place others in significant danger. Although collisions are bound to happen, many cement truck crashes occur because trucking companies, inattentive construction companies, or negligent truckers lack oversight.

Common Causes Of Cement Truck Collisions 

Most mixing trucks use pre-mixed wet concrete and other filling products. To prevent the concrete from hardening, it must be delivered quickly. This can place cement truck drivers under tremendous pressure to meet tight deadlines. Like other large truck accidents, concrete truck collisions frequently result from driver errors and insufficient maintenance. Some specific factors that regularly lead to cement truck accidents include:

  1. Inexperienced or incompetent truckers;
  2. Speeding;
  3. Slamming on the brakes;
  4. Inclement weather conditions;
  5. Driving while distracted;
  6. Improper passing or lane changes;
  7. Narrow or uneven roads;
  8. Improperly loaded trucks;
  9. Lack of necessary upkeep and repairs; and
  10. Driving while sleep-deprived or fatigued.

Establishing Liability For Your Crash

Victims of cement truck accidents caused by another’s negligence or recklessness may be eligible to pursue monetary compensation for their damages. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, the following parties may be held responsible:

  1. The Cement Truck Driver: Truckers have a legal duty to obey safety guidelines and use caution to avoid unnecessary accidents. Drivers can be held accountable for accidents caused by unsafe driving practices.
  2. The Trucking Company: Trucking companies can be held vicariously liable for their drivers’ irresponsible actions. The carrier is responsible for hiring and training competent truckers. Additionally, the company must ensure the safety of its cement trucks and operational procedures. 
  3. Maintenance or Repair Shop: Trucking companies often contract routine inspections and maintenance to independent mechanics. The mechanic can be held liable when a garage fails to perform necessary maintenance or adequately repair a truck.    
  4. The Concrete Truck Manufacturer: A defective or poorly designed cement truck substantially increases the risk of accidents. When a defective truck or component contributes to a crash, the responsible manufacturer can be held liable through a product liability lawsuit.  

Retain The Best And Brightest Cement Truck Accident Lawyer Now!

Suppose you or a loved one were victims of a cement truck accident. In that case, you are probably suffering catastrophic, life-altering consequences. These crashes frequently involve extensive medical treatment, lengthy time off from work, permanent disabilities, brutal pain and suffering, and excessive property damage. Jed Dietrich, Esq., celebrated as a Top 3 Personal Injury Lawyer in Buffalo, has the vast proficiency and elite reputation necessary to demand the best possible outcome for your case. There has never been a better time to join our thousands of satisfied clients, including a 62-year-old man who received a $2,025,000 settlement after a truck accident crushed his left foot. Please contact us anytime at 716-839-3939 for your complimentary, no-obligation consultation and case evaluation.










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