St. Patrick’s Day Accident Injury Lawyers In Buffalo, New York

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C., Recognized as an American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys 10 Best Personal Injury Law Firm, Will Fight on Behalf of Individuals Injured on St. Patrick’s Day in Buffalo, New York and Throughout New York State.

St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday known for its high quantities of liquor consumption. With more than 10,000 drunk driving car accident fatalities in the United States each year, St. Patrick’s Day accidents only add to the figure. Drunk driving accidents are not, however, the only cause of personal injuries on this holiday. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning, and even the crowds that gather to join in parades and celebrations are at risk of physical injury.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. has worked as a personal injury attorney for over two decades. In that time, he has won countless cases for his clients in the Buffalo, New York area, including a $2,025,000 settlement for a man that was injured by a truck. If you have been the victim of an accident in Buffalo, New York, or the greater New York area that resulted in a personal injury, reach out to the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. today by calling us at (716) 839-3939 or visiting us online to schedule your FREE consultation.

The History of St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day in the United States is an iconic holiday. Famously hailed as the day when anyone can be Irish, it is characterized by its green beer, shamrocks, and eponymous leprechaun hats. While today it is regarded to be an occasion for heavy drinking, the origins of St. Patrick’s Day could not be further from leprechauns and beer. The real St. Patrick lived in the 5th century. After an exciting youth that involved being kidnapped by pirates and a stint as a shepherd, he converted to Catholicism and dedicated the rest of his life to spreading Christianity throughout Ireland. Following his death, St. Patrick was named the patron saint of Ireland, and the Catholic Church designated March 17th a religious feast day in his honor.

While March 17th is still a feast day according to the Catholic calendar, it is more popularly celebrated by engaging in practices that have little connection to St. Patrick. However, there is a proud history of Irish immigrants to America whose bravery and patriotism to both their new and native country has been distilled in St. Patrick’s Day practices. The holiday became an opportunity to show political alliances and camaraderie through the support of the new Irish-Americans.

A personal injury accident can sometimes lead to serious long-term effects. Jed Dietrich, Esq. is recognized as a New York Super Lawyer and is adept at tackling personal injury cases on behalf of his clients. If you, or a loved one, were injured in a St. Patrick’s Day accident in the Buffalo, New York area, contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. now at (716) 839-3939 or contact us online for your free consultation.

Drunk Driving and Alcohol Poisoning

St. Patrick’s Day Party An estimated 30 individuals are killed by drunk drivers every day. On St. Patrick’s Day, when the bars are packed and parties are plentiful, the likelihood of encountering a drunk driver on the road is heightened. Under New York State’s drunk driving laws, it is considered a legal offense to drive a car with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. An individual’s Blood Alcohol Content is the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream at a given time. A Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% is the minimum amount to be considered legally intoxicated. Blood Alcohol Content is determined by physiological factors such as gender and body weight, food and drink consumption, and the use of medications. No one who has been drinking should get behind the wheel of a car.

Hand in hand with drunk driving, alcohol poisoning poses a similar significant risk to individuals on St. Patrick’s Day. Alcohol poisoning can occur when the body consumes alcohol faster than it can process it. An individual experiencing alcohol poisoning will often display symptoms such as confusion, vomiting, slow or irregular breathing, and unconsciousness. They are at an increased risk for choking, dehydration, and even potentially fatal symptoms such as cardiac arrest. If someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning, do not leave them unattended. Immediately seek out emergency medical help and ensure that the individual’s airways remain open.

For over twenty years, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has successfully represented individuals in personal injury cases throughout the Western New York area. Today, he is regarded to be a Best Lawyer of America and is fully capable of representing you in your personal injury case. To receive your free consultation, call us now at (716) 839-3939 or visit us online.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Accidents

A recent news report on a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Rock Hill, New York, tragically announced that a woman died after falling off of a parade float. The parades on St. Patrick’s Day are always well attended, particularly in New York City and Chicago – cities that historically contain a large population of Irish-American descendants. Parades are usually relatively safe; however, as is evidenced by the Rock Hill incident, accidents do happen.

Parade floats can pose a similar threat to individuals as motor vehicle-pedestrian accidents. The vehicles pulling the floats and the floats themselves can potentially crush individuals who fall into their path. If participating in a parade, take care to watch your surroundings for any tripping hazards that might lead you or others to fall. Take care when riding on floats to maintain your balance and avoid behavior that might cause a slip and fall accident.

Another danger facing parade attendees is the potential for a crowd crush. Roughly 380 individuals die each year as a result of crowd crushes. This occurs when too many bodies converge on a narrow path at once, effectively blocking the egress. As more bodies press in from behind, the individuals in the center are slowly crushed. The greatest dangers facing individuals in this situation are asphyxiation and physical injury from being trampled. The Conversation published a helpful list of tips for surviving a crowd crush.



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (716) 839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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