Assignment Of Health Insurance Benefits Form In New York State

Assignment of Health Insurance Benefits Form in New York State

Jed Dietrich, Esq. and His Aggressive, Tenacious, and Hardworking Team of Attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., a Better Business Bureau A+ Rated Law Firm, Fight to Obtain the Best Result for People Injured in Car, SUV, and Truck Accidents in Buffalo, New York.

What Does it Mean to be a “No-Fault” State?

In New York State, there are specific regulations about health insurance coverage. New York State is a “no-fault” insurance state. This means that insureds are reimbursed by their insurance company, rather than the insurance company of whoever was responsible for causing the car accident. Insureds are individuals or organizations covered by insurance. Insureds may be eligible for reimbursement for their lost wages and medical costs associated with the injuries sustained in car accidents.

New York State requires liability insurance for all legally registered vehicles. This liability insurance is required by law to have specific minimum coverage amounts. Before making a claim against the insured at fault for the accident, it is necessary to reach the no-fault threshold. Death, loss of a fetus, dismemberment, and bone fractures are considered serious injuries by New York State Law. A detailed explanation of New York State’s Serious Injury Threshold can be found here.

What are No-Fault Benefits?

No-Fault BenefitsThe insurance company of the vehicle involved in the accident, regardless of which parties are at fault, pays the no-fault benefits. Some benefits that an insurance company pays include:

  1. Medical Expenses: Medical bills for the injuries sustained in a car, SUV, or truck accident are included under the benefits an insurance company covers. Hospital bills for bone breaks, lacerations, and sprains are also included. Insurance coverage often includes dental services and surgical costs.
  2. Lost Wages: No-Fault insurance will pay 80% of an individual’s salary, up to a maximum of $2,000 per month. This reimbursement exhausts after three years. The loss of a job due to injuries is also covered under No-Fault Insurance. A note from a medical provider, noting the extent and cause of your injuries, is vital.
  3. Transportation Costs: The costs associated with going to and from medical providers by car or bus also fall under the No-Fault benefits. If wheelchair-accessible modes of transportation are necessary because of your injuries, the insurance carrier must cover these additional costs. This sometimes requires the renting or purchasing of a wheelchair accessible motor vehicle.
  4. Home Care: According to the New York State Department of Financial Services, No-Fault benefits also extend to household help. You may be entitled to $25.00 per day for household help. This is available for up to 1 year after the car, SUV, or truck accident. Insurance carriers require a letter from a medical professional, noting that you require help in your household. Also, insurance carriers expect a detailed record of the specific dates that care was provided for you. Insurance carriers also require documentation of the costs associated with household care. These costs vary depending on the extent and level of care. Some responsibilities are considered higher or lesser degrees of care. For instance, the administration of medicine is a higher level of care than supervision.

Strict time deadlines apply to applications for such benefits. In New York State, the deadline to file a no-fault claim is within 30 days of the accident. It is essential that you contact our experienced and dedicated team at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. to ensure that all of the deadlines for your case are handled promptly.

What Does The Assignment of Health Insurance Benefits Form Entail?

The New York State Department of Financial Services does not require an insurer “to honor an assignment of benefits request made by an insured, wherein the payment of health services under a health insurance policy would go directly to the provider of the health services.” Instead, New York State common law may place a duty on the insurer to “adhere to the assignment of benefits request.”

If you, or a loved one, were injured by a negligent car, SUV, or truck driver in Buffalo, New York, you deserve the most persistent personal injury lawyer to handle your case. Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his team of fiercely committed attorneys in Buffalo, New York, will fight for you! Our mission is to provide the highest level of personal injury service. We are dedicated to obtaining the best possible results for those suffering personal injuries in Buffalo, New York, and throughout New York State.

Individuals who have suffered personal injuries because of a car crash may be eligible for monetary compensation for their pain and suffering and lost wages. At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., we know you deserve fair compensation for your hospital bills, diminished earning ability, and other expenses. Our client testimonials are available to view here.

You may have a claim! It is best to consult with Jed Dietrich, Esq., and his top rated team of Buffalo “Serious Injury” lawyers. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. will supply you with all of the information you need concerning the payment of your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.



If you, or a loved one, were injured in a car, SUV, or truck accident in Buffalo, New York, contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., recognized as an American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys 10 Best Personal Injury Law Firm, today at 716-839-3939. Contact our team of top rated and diligent Buffalo, New York car accident lawyers for the compensation that you deserve! This may include monetary compensation for your lost time from work and your pain and suffering. We want to fight for you now!

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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