
Adolescents And Vaping Injuries In Buffalo, New York

Top Rated Vaping Injury Lawyers In Buffalo, New York

Contact Jed Dietrich, Esq., a Best Lawyer of America and New York Super Lawyer, if You or a Loved One Suffered Injuries Caused from Vaping or E-Cigarettes in Buffalo, New York; Niagara Falls, New York; Rochester, New York or Throughout New York State.

Although the use of traditional cigarettes among teenagers has substantially decreased over the last decade, the introduction of e-cigarettes and vaporizers has led to a rapid increase in smoking.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 20% of high school students have admitted to trying e-cigarettes or vaping at least once. It would be extremely difficult to fail to notice the rapidly increasing public health concerns pertaining to the use of vaping products by teenagers.

Every day Jed Dietrich, Esq. and his top rated team of Buffalo, New York teenage vaping injury attorneys at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. strive to provide the highest level of personal injury service to people who suffered vaping injuries in Western New York.

Since 1999, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has exclusively handled serious personal injury cases. Recently, Jed Dietrich, Esq. has seen the devastating impact that vaping and e-cigarettes can have on a user’s life, ranging from serious lung injuries to burns from exploding e-cigarettes, and even death. In addition to suffering serious bodily injuries or death, an e-cigarette or vaporizer user may lose time from work and face expensive medical bills piling up. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. recognizes the difficulties long-term vaping injuries can cause. We aim to help ease the legal burdens that you will face so that you can spend time recovering.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s team of vaping injury lawyers in Buffalo, New York is highly experienced, aggressive, tenacious and hardworking. We are determined, disciplined and dedicated to obtaining the best possible results for injured vapers in Buffalo, New York; Rochester, New York; Niagara Falls, New York; throughout New York State and beyond. Our Best Law Firm of America will fight to obtain the best result for your serious personal injury. Insurance companies have paid Jed Dietrich, Esq. over $175,000,000.00 in verdicts and settlements to resolve personal injury claims. Contact us today at 716-839-3939 for your free consultation.

Adolescents And Vaping In The United States

In 2007, vaping products first hit the marketplace in the United States and have rapidly gained popularity ever since. Research recently published by John Hopkins Medicine states that over 2 million middle school and high school students have vaped within the past month. Vaping and e-cigarettes were first advertised as a way to quit smoking. However, according to the CDC, 40% of current vape users ages 18 to 24 never smoked traditional cigarettes prior to vaping.

Vaporizers and e-cigarettes come in a variety of styles that make them particularly appealing to young people. Vaporizers are manufactured in an assortment of sizes, designs and colors. Some vape products are even advertised as healthy. Vaping liquids often come in delicious flavors that are associated with nutritious fruits, such as banana, coconut and watermelon. This causes many young vape users to try vaping under the false assumption that vaping is completely harmless. In spite of this, research has demonstrated that most vaping products are just as harmful as traditional cigarettes.

Juul pods are one of the newest and most hazardous vaporizers around. These vaporizers have become extremely popular especially with teen vapers. Research shows that vaporizers, such as Juul pods, contain double the nicotine as traditional cigarettes and Group 1 carcinogens, which have the highest potency of carcinogens. A lot of teenage Juul pod users believe that they are only vaping the flavor and the pods are risk-free. According to the CDC, roughly 33% of teenagers who used e-cigarettes stated that the availability of the flavors is the top reason why they vaped.

A study published in Tobacco Control reported that over 60% of Juul users between the ages of 15 to 24 were not aware that it always contained nicotine. This deception places tens of thousands of teenagers at risk of nicotine addiction and numerous other serious health problems.

The high amounts of nicotine in vaping products are especially likely to cause higher addiction rates in teenage users. The younger a vape user starts consuming products containing nicotine, the harder it is to quit. This could potentially cause more teen vape users to also start smoking traditional cigarettes.

If you, or a loved one, were seriously injured because of vaping, contact the legal team of vaping injury lawyers in Buffalo, New York at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. today so that we can help you. Jed Dietrich, Esq. is a Best Lawyer of America and a New York Super Lawyer, and he is dedicated and determined to get you the best possible result after your personal injury in Buffalo, New York and throughout New York State. Contact the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. team today at 716-839-3939. We are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, and there is never a fee unless we WIN for you!

Steps Parents Can Take To Prevent Their Teens From Vaping

Parents can play a vital role in preventing their teens from vaping. U.S. News published a very useful article that provides steps parents can take if they believe their children might be using vaping products. The following is advice for parents that think their children may be vaping:

  1. Talk to your children about the dangers of vaping: Find out what your children know and assume about vaping. Ask them about the ingredients of vaping liquids and assess their knowledge of the health risks associated with vaping. It is important to be as straightforward and honest as possible with your children in order to build their trust. Beginning a dialogue with your teens about the hazards of vaping and the reasons it is important for them not to start, can do wonders towards prevention. Also, asking your teen's physician to talk with them about the dangers of vaping can be beneficial. Hopefully, after these conversations, your teen realizes that he or she can obtain professional advice on dangerous behaviors. Also, asking a medical professional to have this conversation may encourage your teen to take the warnings more seriously than they would if received from you, their parent.
  2. Have knowledge of common vaping products: Parents have to be well-informed about the various vaping devices, including what vaping products look like and the different ways they are used. By familiarizing yourself with the various kinds of vaping products, you will be able to comprehend the associated risks and communicate them to your children more effectively. There are 5 different e-cigarette companies that have over 97% of the market share of vaping products, which include JUUL, MarkTen, Logic, Vuse and blu e-cigs. Parents should be especially mindful of the vaporizers that are regarded as highly addictive. Here is a useful chart from the Center for Addiction, which will help you learn the basics.
  3. Be vigilant: Recognizing vaping is not always as obvious as most parents believe. A majority of the newer vaping devices only give off a tiny vapor or small smoke cloud when consumed. Furthermore, teens are using smaller vaping devices than ever before. Teens can effortlessly hide vaporizers or disguise them into something completely different, such as a flash drive. Constantly be on the lookout for irregular behavior or new objects.
  4. Help your teen quit: If you find out that your teen is addicted to vaping, get them the help they need to quit. It is especially important for parents to be supportive as opposed to just punishing their teens. The point is to help them stop and never vape again. Proper parental support, as well as the support of peers, can assist teens to stop vaping before they become too addicted. There are also free hotlines teens can call, such as the National Cancer Institute’s 1-877-44U-QUIT. Additionally, numerous websites, such as, offer 24/7 online support and even smartphone apps to help teens quit vaping for good. In severe cases, where teens are vaping several pods per day, they may need nicotine replacement therapy to quit. The main thing is getting your kids to stop vaping, before they do serious and irreversible harm to themselves or move on to traditional cigarettes.
  5. Set a good example: In households where either or both parents smoke or vape, their children are much more likely to try vaping, e-cigarettes or traditional cigarettes. Your children are a lot less likely to follow your advice not to smoke if they see you smoking. So, it is important to always serve as a good role model for your children.

Vaporizers and e-cigarettes are still relatively new to the marketplace, but their true dangers are starting to become visible. With vaping becoming increasingly popular amongst teenagers and younger children, it is important to be proactive and help protect your teenagers from the dangers they pose. If you, or your teenager, suffered a vaping injury in Buffalo, New York, contact our highly experienced, aggressive, tenacious and hardworking team of Buffalo, New York teenage vaping injury attorneys today so that we can help you!



Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 716-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Buffalo, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

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I am a medical doctor and have worked with many of the best lawyers in Buffalo and I can say without question that Jed Dietrich is the only lawyer I would trust with my injury case in Buffalo New York. B.O.
Dogged, Determined, and Dead-set on getting you the Maximum settlement for your injuries! T.F.
No one will work harder, smarter or better; I have retained Jed and he obtained the best result for my case. D.P.
The definition of an "A" type personality-exactly who I would want to represent me in a serious personal injury case. E.S.
Jed is a Master in the courtroom without an equal. S.C.
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